January 2017 |
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Name | : | A Study on the Factors Influencing the Rate of Attrition in IT Sector: Based on Indian Scenario |
Author | : | Archita Banerjee, Rahul Kumar Ghosh, Meghdoot Ghosh |
Abstract | : |
As per Darwin's Law of Survival in this highly cutthroat service
industry, most organizations realize that a 'highly contented' employee
does not inevitably mean a dedicated employee and a high
performer.The study mainly revolves around the present cases of IT
industry which face the maximum employee churn-out every year.
Though IT industry is a key player in generating employment, offering
lucrative salary package thereby strengthening the national economy
as a whole, yet it fails to retain employees for longer service period.
The study tries to explore and establish a relation between various
factors which might be responsible for retention risks.Also the study
tries to bring under notice the change in strategies adopted and
evolving with the concept of employee engagement to lower the risk of
Keywords: - Employee, Attrition, Retention, IT Industry
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Name | : | Consumer Perception towards Organized Retail Store: A Factor Analytical Approach |
Authorhor | : | Sandeep chaudhary, Shruti sharda |
Abstract | : |
Retailing is the one of the oldest business that human civilization has
known. It acts as an interface between producers and consumers
improve the flow of goods and services and raise the efficiency of
distribution in an economy. Therefore customer regarded as king of
retailing sector and there is a need to identify the customer perception
towards organized retail store. The current study analyzed the various
factors that affect the customer perception towards organized retail
stores. The data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire
the sample constituted of 100 respondents from Jalandhar, Amritsar
and Ludhiana. The factor analysis has been applied.. The result
indicated that there are six factors i.e. Easily Accessible, Quality stock,
Comfort Zone, Infrastructure, Quality time, Add on services or
facilities, Variety which affects the customer perception towards
organized retail store.
Keywords: Consumer, Perception, Organized Retail Store.
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Name | : | Exploring Service Innovation through Customer’s Demand and Competitiveness: The Role of Service Marketing Capability for Brand Management |
Author | : | Ms. Sonia Choudhary, Ms. Tisha Singh |
Abstract | : |
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of
customer demand and competitiveness on propensity for innovation in
hospitality sector. Further, study tends to explore the outcomes of
propensity for innovation and the role of service marketing capability
as a moderating variable in competitiveness and propensity for
innovation relationship to promote brand awareness, resulting in
enhanced customer's perception toward brand.
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from 209
managers working in 2-Star, 3-Star and 4-Star hotels of Katra city in
Jammu region (Northern India) on the bases of census sampling.
Statistical techniques like CFA, SEM and hierarchical regression were
used to analyse the data. Further, reliability and validity tests were also
Findings – The study finds that customer demand and competitiveness
has direct and positive impact on propensity for innovation. It is also
verified that service marketing capability act as a moderating variable
in the relationship between competitiveness and propensity for
innovation. Further, the outcomes of propensity for innovation were
also confirmed and it was found that propensity for innovation has
highest impact on exploratory service innovation.
Research limitations/implications – The study is limited to
hospitality sector of Jammu city only. It is one of the limited numbers
of studies that has empirically addressed the service innovation in
hospitality sector. This study will be helpful for managers in
recognising the increasing emphasis on customer-specific elements,
behavioural, customer-focused attitudes and creating an innovation
culture that encourages openness and value co-creation for the service
Keywords - Competitiveness, Propensity for Innovation, service
marketing capability.
Paper type – Empirical paper
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Name | : | Modelling Stock Returns in India: Fama and French Revisited |
Author | : | Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay |
Abstract | : |
Since reforms, Indian security market has gone through significant
changes and as result the efficiency of many models developed earlier
might have been affected. The same may be true with three factors
CAPM. This study aims to test the validity of three factors CAPM
model proposed by Fama and French (1993) in changed Indian
context. For the study, assessment period is 1999-2013 and BSE-500
has been taken as proxy for market. Results show that in Indian market,
no size effect and a weak value effect exists but size or value of stocks
cannot discriminate stocks robustly. Beta is significant and none of the
three factors alone can explain the variations in the expected return but
two or three factors together can explain to some degree. The ability of
three factors CAPM in explaining the expected return increases during
low GDP growth period and falls during high GDP growth period.
Keywords: Fama and French Model, CAPM, Value Effect, Size Effect
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Name | : | A Contingency Study of Higher Education to Make Educational Research More Relevant |
Author | : | Manjeet Kaur , Parampal Singh |
Abstract | : |
Educational research has broadly been defined as any systematic study
designed to promote the development of education. It includes any
activity that leads to a better understanding of educational problems
and findings relevant to policy formulations and planning. The
growing problems relating to education at all its stages demand more
of research the problems of universalisation of elementary education
vocationalisation of education, delinking degrees from of jobs,
autonomy of educational institutions, and Open University system, etc
pose a big challenge to educational research. Some factors are
responsible for this which research is decreasing day by day: lack of
research grants, proper lab facility, guidance, accuracy and relevancy
of research. The study attempts the student's perception towards
educational research and to give the suggestion to the university and
education institution to provide better research facility and proper
environment for relevant research. The sample size of the study is 150
research scholars of Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. The
students are boys and girl belonging to the age group of 25 to 35 years.
In the present study, convenience as well as simple random sampling
method is used. For the purpose of data collection, a well structured
questionnaire is used. Mean and Standard deviation are used as
statistical tools for analyzing the data.
Keywords: Research, Education, Relevance, Mean and Standard
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Name | : | An Analytical Study on Consumer's Preferences for Eggs Attributes through Conjoint Survey |
Author | : | Jitender Kumar, Prof. Rajkumar |
Abstract | : |
Today, all over the world eggs are considered as an important part of
daily meals. In India, consumption of milk, meat and eggs are rising
than that of cereals. The Economic Survey of 2015-16 presented that
the agriculture of India is a system of mixed crop-livestock. This
survey explained that rank of India is first in production of milk i.e.
18.5% of all over the world production with an output of 146.3 million
tons annually. This study focuses on preferences of egg purchaser and
uses conjoint analysis to identify consumer preferences in the market.
By applying technique the trade off that consumers make between size,
color, price , packaging, functional, feed given to chicken in the
purchasing of egg for 95 respondents was established. Data is collected
from primary sources through a well structured questionnaire. For the
collection of data convenience sampling is used. Sample respondents
are teachers and students of various departments of M.D.University,
Rohtak. The result found that 63.2% of respondents are eggetarian and
remaining 36.8% are non-eggetarian. Results also analyzed which
level of attributes is preferred by respondents.
Keywords: Consumer's Preferences, Eggs, Attributes, Conjoint
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Name | : | Reporting of HR issues in Corporate Social Reporting of Maharatna Mining Companies: A Content Analysis of SAIL & CIL |
Author | : | Dr. Pradip Ram |
Abstract | : |
IThe corporate social reporting is the process of communicating the
social and environmental effects of organization economic action to
particular interest group within the society and society at large. In the
corporate, human resource play an important role for the effective
functioning of the organisation. Human resources are the dynamic
factor that make all the factor of production active and get the things
done. This paper is an attempt to find out the percentage of content
reported in the annual report of the mining during ten years. In order to
convert the theoretical social reporting into the numerical figure, the
technique of content analysis has been used in which word has been
selected as the unit of measurement. This study has selected two
Maharatna companies one is Coal India Limited (CIL) and second one
is the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). This paper has found
that the training and development is the major area in which companies
have reported highest content in its annual report.
Key Words: Corporate Social Reporting, Mining Companies,
Maharatna Company, Content Analysis
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Name | : | Empirical Analysis on Savings and Investment Behaviour of College Faculty Members in Puducherry Region |
Author | : | Dr. N. S. Pandey, P. Kathavarayan |
Abstract | : |
This paper is to examine the savings and investment behaviour of
college faculty members in Puducherry region. This study deals with
investors' preference of Shares, Debentures, Mutual fund, Bank
deposits and Life insurance etc. The investigation is conducted through
primary data with a sample of 113 respondents from Puducherry
region. The convenience sampling technique has been used for the
study. The core objective of this study is to find out saving preference
of investors about different investment avenues. The perception of
investment and investors' awareness of investment avenues have been
analysed and interpreted. The data has been collected through
structured interview schedule from the selected respondents. Chisquare,
MANOVA (Multivariate analysis of variance), Correlation and
percentage analysis have been used for analysis. The results of the
study show that MANOVA age, gender, education, marital status and
income shows highly significant towards investment preferences and
correlation inferences awareness towards investment avenues and
education is significant, Chi square find the satisfaction level towards
investment has association between age, gender, monthly income,
marital status; education.
Keywords: Investors, Avenues, Perception, Investment, Savings.
JEL Classification: G81, G11, G1
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Name | : | Capital Structure and Altman's Z score of Indian Capital goods Industry- Empirical Analysis |
Author | : | V.L. Govindarajan, S.Poominathan |
Abstract | : |
The present paper is to investigate the effect of capital structure on
Altman's Z score of Capital goods industry in India. This study is based
on the secondary data, collected from annual reports of the BSE 200
listed companies and applied content analysis. Mean, Standard
Deviation, Correlation coefficients and linear regression analysis have
been used. Edward Altman's Z score was calculated and applied as
modern solvency variable with Debt equity, EPS and Book Value per
share. This study found that the capital structure has no any impact on
Altman Z score, but Z score is determined to the extent of 63.7% by
debt equity at 1% levels and Earnings per share at 10% levels of
selected Capital goods industry in India.
Keywords: Capital structure, Debt equity, current ratio, book value
per share, Altman's Z score and Capital goods industry.
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Name | : | A Study on Patient Satisfaction at PT. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India |
Author | : | Dr. Pankaj Kumar,Dr. Karuna |
Abstract | : |
As the result of growing consumerism, patient satisfaction has become
a significant task for healthcare service providers. Measurement of
patient satisfaction increasingly being used as a key of evaluates the
performance of healthcare system in a hospital. A cross sectional study
was conducted todetermine the professional and behaviour care
provided by doctors, the behaviour care and cooperation provided by
paramedical staff and satisfaction towards available amenities in
hospital premises. A pre-designed and pre-tested structured
questionnaire was given to the respondents i.e. patients or his/her
attendants, as exit interview after the patient has experienced the
consultation with the doctor during Outpatient Department (OPD)
hours. As finding of the study majority of respondents are not satisfied
with waiting time at main reception and regarding acceptable waiting
time at respective OPD. Furthermore sound numbers of respondents
are satisfied with the doctor's professional & behavioural
communication and certain improvements are also required in
infrastructure viz. parking space, drinking water, toilets, general
cleanness, waiting time for report collection and etc.
Keywords: Patients, Healthcare, Outpatients, Behaviour,
Questionnaire, India
Paper Type: Research paper
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Name | : | The Impact of Dividend Policy on Shareholders' Wealth: Evidence from Consumer Cyclical Sector in India |
Author | : | Sandanam Gejalakshmi, Dr. Ramachandran Azhagaiah |
Abstract | : |
Dividend policy (DP) is the most important to shareholders because it
can affect the share price and shareholders’ wealth (SW) as well.
Generally, higher dividends increase the market price of the share and
vice versa. Besides higher future dividends may also increase the
market price of share and thereby end up with wealth maximization of
the shareholders. Hence, the objective of the paper is to analyze the
impact of DP on SW of Consumer Cyclical Sector in India. Out of
13firms listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), 10 firms that have
been paying dividend consecutively for the recent past ten years are
considered for analysis. Besides descriptive statistics, Augmented
Dickey Fuller Test (ADF), Levin, Lin & Chu (LLC) t test, Philip Perron
(PP) Fisher x2 test, Im- Pesaran-Shin W (IPS-W) and Breitung test are
used. To test whether the data are stationary and to satisfy one precondition
for co-integration, Johansen Co-integration test is used.
Regression and Chow test are also applied to differentiate the impact
between pre and post financial meltdown periods. The results of the cointegration
test proves that there exists a stationary, long-run cointegration
between DP and SW. Regression result proves that DP has
significant impact on SW and the Chow test result proves that the
impact of DP on SW of Consumer Cyclical Sector has been
significantly affected by the event viz., the financial meltdown in
respect of variable dividend yield (DY) and not for the other selected
variables viz., dividend per share (DPS) and dividend payout (DPO).
Keywords: Dividend policy, Shareholders’ wealth, Financial
JEL Classification: G 35, L 25, L 62
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Name | : | Growth of India's Equity Derivatives Market: An Analytical Study (2000-2015) |
Author | : | Gangineni Dhanaiah, Dr. R. Sivaram Prasad |
Abstract | : |
This paper explores the exponential growth of equity derivatives
market in India. Equity F&O segment on the nation's stock exchanges
recorded a turnover 15 times of the cash market in 2014-15.The total
turnover in equity derivatives market rose by 59.7 % when compared
to 2013-14. This paper traces the growth and present status of India's
equity derivatives market. It further attempts to infer reasons for this
phenomenal growth from extant literature and secondary data sources.
Keywords: Equity Derivatives, Cash market, Stock Exchanges,
JEL Classification: G 15, G19, G20
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Name | : | Impact of REPO Rate Announcement on Index Price Movement of NSE and BSE |
Author | : | Dr. S. Rajamohan, C.Vijayakumar |
Abstract | : |
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) credit policy announcement is the
most considerable event in the stock market practices. Whenever the
RBI announces information oncredit policy,the market has
becomevibrant and there is some impact on the market index. Repo
rate plays the most important key factorfor lending of the economy of
the country hence the market tendency has been analysed at the time of
repo rate announcement. The study has been made at what extent the
market has reacted when changes occurred on the repo rate. The study
undertakes to know the volatility, range of risk and return and
investors' reactions on the basis of descriptive and analytical nature.
The researcher has used the statistical tools like, Wilcoxon signed rank
test and paired sample t test to find out the before and after effect of the
repo rate announcement on the stock market index price.
Keywords: Repo rate announcement,Index Price movement, Stock
market Volatility,
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Name | : | Is the Capital Asset Pricing Model valid in the Indian context ? |
Author | : | Sartaj Hussain, Khalid UI Islam |
Abstract | : |
CAPM has been a great milestone in asset pricing theory, explaining
the risk-return characteristic of financial assets. However, over a few
decades the validity of CAPM has been put to test by a large number of
researchers. In this study, we test the validity of CAPM in India on the
stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange by using Fama and
McBeth (1973) two step procedure. Our results show absence of any
significant relationship between betas and risk premiums and therefore
we conclude that CAPM is not a valid test in explaining the risk-return
characteristics of assets listed on the National Stock Exchange over the
sample period.
Keywords: CAPM, beta, NSE, premium, two step procedure.
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Name | : | Explanation of the “Strategic Marketing Management” Model and verification of its impacts on “Increasing the Organizational Profitability” (Case Study: Iranian Textile Industry) |
Author | : | Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand, Amir Houshang Samaeizadeh |
Abstract | : |
With the advent of strategic management, the macro levels of many
economic and industrial sectors, as well as the micro level of many
business units, are affected by this modern science. Strategic
management is essential in the textile industry as much more than any
other industries. Today, the use of the strategic management is more
necessary than an advantage in the textile industry.The productive
sectors should supply their products accurately to survive, to reduce
costs and to increase revenues. On the other hand, the Iranian textiles
should have been welcomed by the public, therefore the present study
with a practical purpose was conducted to explain the conceptual
model of strategic marketing management and to verify its impacts on
increasing the organizational profitability. The study was explained by
using a multivariate decision-making method (MADM)consist of
GAHP and ELECTRE along with collecting the experts' opinions from
three full-time faculty members in the Iranian universities who are the
specialists dominating the strategic and business managements. To
verify the explained model, all the hypotheses were investigated by
using a survey on a sample comprising 384 subjects for man unlimited
statistical population including managers and employees of the
companies. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the
Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) were applied in the Iranian
Textile Industry as the case study by LISREL software. The findings
showed that the growth and productivity strategies positively affect
marketing management. Furthermore, the balanced synergy between
“the growth, the productivity strategies and the marketing
management” (Strategic Marketing Management) positively impacts
on the organizational profitability, especially in the Iranian Textile
Industry. With regard to this point and by studying the practical factors
on marketing management as a variable which strategically impacts on
profitability, especially in the textile industry, the growth and
productivity strategies could have the significant impacts on the
strategic marketing management and consequently the synergized
impact on increasing the organizational profitability. In fact, the
synergy between these two strategic factors and marketing
management creates the strategic marketing management in which
“marketing management” is an intervening variable that plays a vital
role in increasing the profitability of the textile industry.
Keywords: Growth, Productivity, Marketing Management, Strategic
Marketing Management, Profitability
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Name | : | Explanation of the“Strategic Assessment Model” and verification of its impacts on the “Managerial Research Scientific Process” (Case Study: Iranian Research Institutions) |
Author | : | Mohammad Mahmoudi Maymand, Amir Houshang Samaeizadeh |
Abstract | : |
The variable “Research Scientific Process” (RSP) includes three levels
such as Hypothesizing, Modeling, and Theorizing. These levels are
affected by some stages such as the initial question, exploratory
studying, hypothesizing, modeling, observing, analyzing, and
concluding as it seems that the assessment of researchlevels and its
stages, strategically improve, facilitate and accelerate the implications
which are resulted by researchers at the Scientific Research Institutes.
In the present study, the “explanation” of a “Strategic Assessment
Model” (SAM)is the primary objective to “explain” the role of
strategic components in evaluating the “Managerial Research
Scientific Process” levels, in which the SAM's components include
Compatibility, Coordination, Competitive advantage and
Conceivability (strategic mixed as 4Cs),while the “verification” of the
SAM's impacts on the “Managerial Scientific Research Process” is the
secondary objective. In these reasons, the hypotheses and the model of
the study have been explained by using the method of multivariate
decision making called MADM and through the decision making
models called G-AHP and ELECTRE to collect and combine the
opinions of the experts, including three full-time faculty members of
the universities and the higher education institutions of the country
who are the reputed Iranian specialists in the field of strategic
management. Also, to verify the impacts of this explained model on the
research scientific process levels, the number of 384 people was
randomly sampled by an unlimited community sampling formula. The
explained model introduced as the conceptual model of the study and it
was examined by the descriptive-correlative method, which uses the
standard questionnaire in the form of statistical test of Chi-square,
factor analysis, Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Structural Equation Model
(SEM) and Bartlett's Sphericity. Finally, the verification of the study
examined the impacts of the Strategic Assessment components on the
Managerial Scientific Research Process levels, in which some
structures verified according to the conceptual model of the study.
Keywords: Compatibility, Coordination, Competitive advantage,
Conceivability, Hypothesizing Modelling, Theorizing.
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Name | : | E-Filing of Income Tax Returns: Satisfaction level of Individual Tax Payers in Udaipur District, Rajasthan |
Author | : | Ruchika Jain, Dr C.M. Jain |
Abstract | : |
New technologies are emerging day by day with improved and fast
speed in all the fields. Internet has changed the present scenario of
working by reducing the work load from manual to sitting on chair.
Even the Income Tax Department is not an exception to this new
technology. E-filing of income tax is understood as successful filing of
income tax return through the internet.The purpose of the current study
is to analyse the satisfaction level of individual tax payers towards efiling
features. A structured likert based questionnaire was prepared
and was filled by the individual tax payers of Udaipur district,
Rajasthan. Microsoft Excel has been used to analyze and interpret the
data and the z test was applied to study the satisfaction level of
individual tax payers. The study shows that the individual tax payers
are positively satisfied with the features of e-filing of Income Tax
Keywords: E-filing, Features of E-filing, Satisfaction level.
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Name | : | An Analysis of the Solvency and Future of the US Social Security System |
Author | : | Kirby R. Cundiff |
Abstract | : |
In this article I discuss the financial history of the United States' Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program
(OASDI), also known as Social Security; I discuss changes in the benefits formula, the payroll tax, and other related
issues. I show that over the last few decades participation in the social security system has become far less appealing, and
that currently most social security participants will receive a negative return on their payments.
Keywords: Social Security, Government Debt, Economics,
JEL classification codes: H10, H23, H53, H55
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Name | : | Key Factors of TQM Implementation and Impact in Industries of Nepal: A Conceptual Model |
Author | : | Prof. (Dr.) Hemant Kothari, Dr. Sapna Shrimali, Bijay Lal Pradhan |
Abstract | : |
The implementation of TQM in manufacturing industries is linked with its key factors which are responsible for
achieving effective results. The purpose of this study is to identify key factors of TQM implementation and impacts. This
study identifies nine key factors of TQM implementation and four factors of TQM impact from the extent literature
which can help industry to achieve business excellence. The nine TQM implementation key factors are Top management
commitment & involvement, Policy deployment, process control and improvement, Research and development, training
and education, maintaining suppliers' empowerment and relationship, customer relationship, employee empowerment
and involvement, evaluation and assessment whereas key TQM impact factors were excellence and performance in
Customer satisfaction, Employee satisfaction, Product quality and Product performance.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Quality Awards, Business Performance, Customer Satisfaction, Employee
Management, Top Management Commitment and Involvement, Policy Deployment, Training and Education, Employee
Empowerment and Involvement, Product Quality
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Name | : | Factors Affecting Work Life Balance - A Review |
Author | : | Ayushi Vyas, Dr. Deepak Shrivastava |
Abstract | : |
Organizations are under tremendous pressure to improve their performance and success in the competitive business world.
Psychological empowerment increases employees' sense of personal control and motivates them to engage in work, which in
turn results in positive managerial and organizational outcomes (Quinn &Spreitzer, 1997). Work-life balance has always
been a concern for quality of working life and its relation to quality of life.Individuals experiencing interference between
work and personal lives are also significantly morelikely to suffer from reduced psychological well-being and physical
health. (Grant-Vallone&Ensher, 1998).
The literature review on Work-life Balance has been framed up in view of its gained popularity with the major aim to have
prosperity of society and the realization of fulfilling lives for its employees by supporting the growth of every employee and
the further development of the companies. The literature identifies various factors affecting quality life conditions i.e. Job
Satisfaction, Work Stress, Career Growth, Turnover, Absenteeism, Appreciation and competitive environment in context
with Work-life Balance and its practices/policies. In this paper, an endeavor has been made to provide an overview on various
factors of Work-Life Balance through the review of existing literature. The sources referred include various journals, books,
doctoral thesis, working papers, reports, magazines, internet sites, newspapers etc and has been reflected as references at the
Keywords - Work-life Balance, Family-life, Work-life, Job Satisfaction, Work Stress, Career Growth, Work-life Balance and
its practices/policies and Factors.
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Name | : | Make in India: Strengthening the Supply side of Indian Economy |
Author | : | Dr. Renu Sharma |
Abstract | : |
Manufacturing sector has always been considered to be an engine for economic growth of any nation. One of the main
reasons for slow economic growth in India is the structural imbalances in the economy. Indian economy has been
traditionally an agriculture based economy. In Indian economy, majority of the population i.e. around 54% is engaged in
agriculture sector, but the share of this sector in GDP is around 15%, a clear indicator of very low productivity. The share
of manufacturing sector in GDP is below 18% whereas total employment engaged in manufacturing activities is around
20% of the total employment. It is also observed that Indian manufacturing sector could not grow as expected due to
higher input costs e.g. effect of indirect taxes on selling price, high cost of power, water, transportation & finance, poor
quality of product and lack of competitiveness of its exports. To boost up the growth of our manufacturing sector,
Government of India has initiated "Make in India" programme with an objective to encourage domestic and foreign
companies to manufacture their products in India. This theoretical research paper is an attempt to study the salient
features of "Make in India" programme and to analyze the issues and challenges in its implementation. For the purpose
of this study, only secondary data has been collected.
Keywords: Make in India, Manufacturing, Government of India.
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Name | : | Case Study From Riches to Rags: The Story of Vijay Mallya |
Author | : | Ms. Sweety Gupta, Mr. Shiv Gupta |
Abstract | : |
Vijay Mallya is an Indian business baron, multibillionaire, Chairman of the Conglomerate- United Breweries Holdings (UB). He wasone of the most talked about and prominent business personalities of India. After the death of his father, Mallya became the Chairman of United Breweries Group in 1983 at the age of 28. Afterwards, the group has grown into a multi-national conglomerate of over 60 companies. Once upon a time, the United Breweries Holdings (UB) Group was a sprawling conglomerate with interests in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, paints, petrochemicals and plastics, batteries, food and carbonated beverages.
Mallya is also a member of the RajyaSabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. Popularly known for having launched Kingfisher Airlines, a new airline established as a major business venture in the year 2005.Vijay mallya is known for his extravagant lifestyle and is popularly termed as called the "King ofGoodTimes" and "the playboy of the East”.
Vijay Mallya owned India’s biggest liquor company, a private jet, an Airbus and many other riches such as a fleet of luxury cars and a private yacht.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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