Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management
Shri B.R. Agrawal

Shri Rahul Agrawal

Shri Ashish Agrawal

Editorial Board:-

Principal Editor in Chief:
Prof. B. P. Sharma
Group President
Pacific Group of Universities
Pacific Hills, Airport Road, Udaipur - 313001

Advisory Board
Mr. Sharad Kothari
REGISTRAR,PAHER University, Udaipur
Prof. Hemant Kothari
President, PAHER University, Udaipur

Consultative Editor:
Prof. Dipin Mathur
Officiating Dean
Faculty Of Mangement
PAHER University
Pacific Hills, Airport Road, Udaipur - 313001
Editor in Chief:
Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
Associate Professor
Pacific Institute Of Mangement
PAHER University
Pacific Hills, Airport Road, Udaipur - 313001

Bureau of Economic and Business updates:

Prof. N. K. Dashora
Former Director
Vision School of Management
Dr. Pallavi Mehta
Associate Professor
Pacific Institute of Management
PAHER University
Pacific Hills, Airport Road, Udaipur - 313001

Circulation Manager:
Ms. Asha Galundia

Honorary Consultative Editor(s):

Prof. Shyam S. Lodha
Department of Marketing
School of Business,
Southern Connecticut State
New Haven, USA
Prof. Udai Lal Paliwal
Institute of Commerce
Nirma University
Dr. Karim Omido
Post Graduate Coordinator
Taita Taveta University
Mombasa – KENYA
John Walsh
Director, SIU Research Centre
School of Management
Shinawatra University, 197,
Viphawadi-Rangsit Road,
Bangkok-10400, Thailand
Prof Johan de Jager
Research and Innovation Professor
Department Marketing
Logistics and Sport Management
Faculty of Management Sciences
Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa
Dr. A.K.M. Ahasanul Haque
Professor of Marketing
Department of Business
Faculty of Economics and
Management Sciences
International Islamic University
The pacific business review (PBR) is an International Refereed Monthly Journal of the pacific institute of management, Udaipur. It is available online as well as in hard print to be published thereafter. The journal would carry empirical research based studies as well as popular articles on management, business and economic scenario. It proposes to cover diverse areas of management viz. marketing, production, finance, human resource management, operations research, materials management, management of change organization culture, organization development, knowledge management, time management, stress management and so on. It also proposes to cover business and economic affairs, pertaining to industry, commerce, international trade, services, foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment, business processes outsourcing, world trade organization (WTO), GATT, GATS, TRIPS, TRIMS, WIPO & Regional Trade Agreements etc.

The PBR also proposes to cover major economic & corporate events, along with important statistical data about the economy and industry. It is hoped that, it would emerge as an indispensable source of information for business executives and the academy.

The pacific institute of management is a constituent of the pacific academy of higher education and research (PAHER) and has a distinctive image in the region. PAHER is a premier institution of higher learning imparting education in the faculties of management, commerce, pharmacy, education and dental care.