May 2018 |
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Name | : | Visibility, Shopper Characteristics and Navigation: An Integrated Approach in Tenanting Decision Making |
Author | : | Sumanta Deb,Dr. Keya Mitra |
Abstract | : |
The purpose of this paper is to establish a framework for understanding navigation
behaviour in a shopping mall in terms of shopper characteristics and configurational
factor (visibility). Navigation of customers within a shopping mall has been identified
in retail management literature as a significant factor for achieving economic sustenance
relying on the concept of urban spatial structure and explained through bid-rent
analysis. Navigational behaviour, like other spatial behaviours, can be considered
as a function of personal and environmental factors. Studies in the field of architecture
identify the impact of higher visibility in generating higher accessibility for
a particular space in a built environment. Visibility, therefore, has been selected
as the environmental factor responsible for navigation in shopping malls along with
signage as a significant navigational or marketing tool. Shopper characteristics
have been studied in lieu of personal factors and consist of achievement orientation
and shopping activities. Responses on those constructs are taken through a structured
questionnaire employing mall intercept method of surveying. The influence of shopper
characteristics on navigational preferences have been tested for respondents based
on their pre and post signage predilection.
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Name | : | An Empirical Study on the Impact of Corporate Governance on the Corporate Social Responsibilities of the Life Insurance Companies in India |
Author | : | Dr. Nitu Rana,Dr.Kuldip Singh Chhikara |
Abstract | : |
The present paper is an attempt to see the impact of Corporate Governance on the
Corporate Social Responsibilities of the life insurance companies operating in India.
The study is based purely on secondary data which was collected from the annual
reports of the life insurance companies in India and the IRDAI. The data was analysed
with the help of SPSS software by using multiple regression model. The results of
the study established that the active and independent board does not affect the
corporate social responsibility of the life insurance companies, but the p value
in case of total directors and the age of the life insurance companies was found
to be less at 0.05 level of significance and hence, these two variables were observed
to be significant for the purpose of corporate social responsibility. A significant
relationship was also revealed through the study in between CSR and the ownership
structure of the life insurers including the operational experience i.e. age of
the life insurance companies. The study exposed that the ICICI Prudential has the
largest board size and it is also more than fifteen years old and it has also spent
the maximum on the corporate social responsibility activities.
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Name | : | A Test of Herding in Investment Decision : Evidence from Indian Stock Exchange |
Author | : | Santosh kumar, Dr. Roopalie Sharma |
Abstract | : |
Herding is very common in extreme market situation; the article tests the evidence
of herding in both pre- and post-crisis periods on Daily and Monthly investment
patterns. The empirical results do not reveal any strong proof of market-wide herding
during study period. However, some weak evidences of herding were reported during
movements in market. Even the periods of extreme movements do not show any strong
evidence for same, which strengthen the idea of asymmetric nature of herding. In
fact, Investment pattern shows evidences of rationality in investment decision based
on information. This might be a major cause of mild effect of financial crisis 2008
in India.
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Name | : | Financial Deepening and Economic Growth in Hong Kong: An ARDL Approach |
Author | : | Dr. Ashwani , Dr. Ved Pal Sheera |
Abstract | : |
The Hong Kong economy has been able to maintain consistent growth for a longer period
of time under market mechanism. On the financial development front country has performed
well and occupied the financial capital status of Asian region. Even the recent
concept of offshore local currency bond (dim sum bonds) launch of China is mostly
facilitated by Hong Kong due to proven capabilities on financial performance. Theoretically,
the healthy financial system creates the massive scope for economic growth and development
however empirical findings are yet to confirm the argument. In this regard, the
present study tries to identify the impact of financial deepening on economic growth
of Hong Kong. The ARDL bounds-testing approach confirms that there is the short-run
as well as long-run relationship between financial deepening and economic growth
in Hong Kong economy.
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Name | : | Drivers of Labour Productivity: Evidence from Manufacturing Sector |
Author | : | Dr. Anjali Mehra, Dr. Pardeep Kaur |
Abstract | : |
The relationship between labour productivity and real wages has been an important
area of policy debate during post reform period in India. Though labour productivity
is expected to be significantly affected by wages, several other factors also influence
it. The neoclassicals suggest that labour demand would increase if productivity
per unit of labour would increase at a given wage rate. Literature indicates that
growth in manufacturing is significantly influenced by rising labour productivity
as it acts as the deciding factor in adoption of improved technology and expansion
of capacity, which in turn is directly related to the wages (Das et al , pp: 41-56
2017) . The argument that the wage growth below productivity growth would increase
employment level is particularly important in currently policy debate in the light
of high unemployment rates in many developing countries following the neoliberal
reforms (De, Long, 2002)
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Name | : | An Empirical Study on Product Objectives of LIC of India |
Author | : | Dr. Furquan Uddin |
Abstract | : |
In the present epoch of fierce competition in life insurance market in India the
formulation and effective implementation of product strategy has become indispensable.
In fact, product strategy is formulated as per the set product objectives. LIC of
India being the market leader has its significant product objectives. The present
paper is a humble attempt to investigate the product objectives of LIC of India.
In order to carry out the research, primary data have been collected with the help
of structured questionnaire. A sample size of 107 officials working in Divisional
office, Varanasi of LIC of India has been considered by using judgmental sampling.
Exploratory factor analysis has been used for the purpose of analysis. The findings
of the present study include the product objectives into four factors such as effective
product management, strategic approach, societal marketing perspective and legal
consideration. It may be noticed that the LIC of India has adopted a proactive approach
while setting product objectives. This study provides new theoretical insights pertaining
to product objectives of LIC of India which is a market leader throughout the time.
The product objectives of LIC of India will provide great help to other life insurers
in boosting their market shares and market penetration.
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Author | : | Dr. Kaneez Fatima Sadriwala, Dr. Said EidYounes |
Abstract | : |
Internet users and online trading has flourished in the past few years. Particularly
in Oman the penetration of internet is around 71% as compared to the world population
being 40%. The digi-tal economy has abundant to offer to the consumers. Digitization
has provided easy access, large variety to choose, convenient payment, improved
services and shopping at your convenience any time, due to the rapid growth in internet,
smart phone and other technologies but along the growth path it also brings in challenges
related to consumer protection. In Oman there exists a strong Consumer Protection
Act. With all this, still the challenge today is to build a digital world consumers
can trust. The consumers internationally have some basic rights but the question
is whether they are aware about it? An aware consumer is better protected. The companies
who work for consumer awareness not only build trust of the consumers but also develop
a strong brand equity leading to increased business. This paper will investigate
the awareness among the consumers regarding their rights and duties and suggest
strategies for creating awareness. This paper will be useful not only for the consum-ers
at large but for the policy makers, new entrants in trading business, advertisers,
existing busi-ness and government.
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Author | : | Surjit Kumar Gandhi, Anish Sachdeva ,Ajay Gupta |
Abstract | : |
In recent years, several changes in market place, such as increasing diversity and
competition, have stimulated theory and practice in supply chain management. The
quality of services rendered along the supply chain would help in developing loyal
customers, resulting in enhanced business performance. Research demonstrates that
service quality (SQ) has strong linkages with business performance, cost reduction,
feeling of delight, trust and loyalty among partners and consequently leads to profitability.
However, the service dominance perspective that establishes the importance of intangible
aspects such as service and relationship is still to be widely embraced in the manufacturing
sector. The scholarly attention accorded to service quality in manufacturing is
still in its nascence. Against this preamble, this paper aims to bring out a tailor-made
framework to evaluate service quality at different dyads of the supply chain. This
paper conceptualizes the SQ as a multidimensional construct which operates at interface
of supplier-manufacturer, manufacturer-employee, and manufacturer-distributor.
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Name | : | Growth and Expansion of Life Insurance Industry in India: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector |
Author | : | Dr. Chandan |
Abstract | : |
The purpose of reforms in Indian economy especially in Indian Life insurance sector
was to make the economy more market oriented. Due to these reforms the insurance
sector was opened to private players. As a result new private life insurers started
their business in Indian life insurance sector and a big chunk of life insurance
businessgone in the hands of private players and the monopoly of public sector player
(LIC)was finished. In the light of widening of the life insurance market there is
a need to conduct fresh research on growth and expansion of lifeinsurance industry
in India.The present study reveals that the private sector shows more growth as
compared to public sector in terms of total premium during the period of the study.
However, both public and private sector shows negative growth in number of policies
issued. Moreover, the life insurance industry expanded itself mainly in areas other
than metro and urban areas. It is suggested in the study that IRDA should start
mass campaign to educate people regarding the need of life insurance which will
help the life insurance companies to cover untapped market.
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Name | : | Factors Influencing Successful Succession Transition of Small Family Businesses in Pakistan |
Abstract | : |
The purpose of this empirical study is to examine the factors which contribute towards
the sustainability of small family businesses from one generation to subsequent
generation in Pakistan. Family business’s roletowards the economic stability of
any country is undeniable. A purposive sampling technique was used to fill the close-ended
questionnaire by the founders and successors of subsequent generations who were
currently participating in business operations. Pearson correlation and multiple
linear regression modelswere implemented to analyse the primary data. The results
of this study show that governance board,strategic planning and customer focus management
have a significant positive association with the family business succession process.
So, independent governance board, business strategies and customer focus management
can contribute to increasing the survival rate of family business in Pakistan.
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Name | : | Instability in India’s Exports: A Case of Traditional and Non-Traditional Commodities |
Author | : | Dr. Narinder Kaur, Dr. Reetu Kapoor |
Abstract | : |
One of the major factors that have considerably undermined the attempts towards
economic development of many underdeveloped countries is the instability in their
export earnings resulting from price, value and volume fluctuations. Over several
decades there have been debates on the export import performance and export import
instability. The purpose here is to examine the export of traditional and non-traditional
commodities and further indicate the directions in which the instability has moved.
In the present research paper instability indices in terms of volume, value and
per unit value have been computed and an attempt has been made to find out the source
of instability. For the purpose of calculation, Coppock’s instability index has
been used to find out the instability in export earnings in India. This study has
covered the time period of seventeen years in three phases i.e., from 1990-91 to
1999-00, 2000-01 to 2007-08 and the overall period of 1990-91 to 2007-08. The study
concludes that non-traditional commodities have shown higher degree of instability
than traditional commodities during all the three phase of time period.
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Name | : | Capital Market Access to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Evidence from Indian Stock Market |
Author | : | Ibrahim P A |
Abstract | : |
The aim of this research paper is to analyse the growth and development of the SME
Platform in India. Lack of adequate and timely credit to SMEs is a major hurdle
in SME growth trajectory. To resort this perennial issue various measures has introduced,
but they fail to produce the desired result. The idea to provide capital market
access to SME ended with the establishment of a dedicated stock exchange. SME Platform
is the emerging financial source for small business entities after premature death
of OTCEI. An emerging economy, like India must have a platform for a more enhanced
equity market for SMEs. The new initiative of capital financing of SMEs through
capital market has been quite encouraging and would be supplemented to the banking
credit. SEBI’s guidelines and the development progress of SME platform is similar
to the successful international experiment in particular to AIM, MOTHER and NASDAQ.
This paper fortifies the potential growth for SME Platform in India by analyzing
the performance of SME Exchange of BSE and relaxed trade norms of SME Platform.
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Name | : | Test of Co-integration and Equilibrium Relationship among the Selected Sectoral Indices: Empirical Evidence from NSE India. |
Author | : | Dr. Padma Kurisetti, Swapna Yeldandi, Swamy Perumandla |
Abstract | : |
The main purpose of this paper is to provide insights to the investors and portfolio
managers in terms of reducing portfolio risk and enhancing their returns using co
integration, Vector Error Correction Model (long and short run relationships) among
the selected sectoral indices. It also demonstrates the importance of usage of sector
indices which provides insight for sectoral specific investment opportunities and
direction for suitable investment decision for the Indian market. The present paper
is based on secondary data on the closing prices of the selected sectoral indices
from NSE; the span of data is from1stJanuary 2010 to 1st April 2016. The sectoral
based on market capitalization. We employed the unit root test ADF (Augmented Dickey
Fuller Test)and Co- Integration test developed by Engle and Granger (1987),allowing
for an unknown number of breaks. The Error Correction Model (ECM) has been used
to analyze the long-run and short-run equilibrium relationship among the selected
sectoral indices. Our results indicate that there is long run and short run relationship
among the sectoral indices.
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Name | : | A Study on the Factors Affecting the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh |
Author | : | Parul Akhter |
Abstract | : |
The microfinance institutions (MFIs) have provided financial services to the poor
citizens and young entrepreneurs to achieve economic solvency. Microfinance institutions
have faced competition and various obstacles for attaining sustainable profitability.
This study concerns about key factors that are concerning the performance of microfinance
institutions in Bangladesh. Self administer questionnaire (structured and Unstructured
questionnaire) has been used based on a five point likert scale. It has selected
top five microfinance institutions (Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, BURO Bangladesh and
TMSS) as a sample. It has surveyed 170 employees who are working in these microfinance
institutions in Dhaka city to collect the primary data. It has applied both descriptive
statistics and inferential statistical methods to identify the key patterns that
are shaping the performance of microfinance institutions. In this study, several
hypotheses and conceptual framework have been developed on the base of background
literature. It has applied reliability statistics, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression
Analysis to test hypotheses. The study finds that loan lending system, motivation
of employee, proper management system, effective risk management technique and government
regulatory framework have a significant relationship with microfinance institutions’
(MFIs) performance. It also represents that innovation and information technology
(IT) has an insignificant relationship with the performance of microfinance institutions
in Bangladesh. It shows that loan lending system, motivation of employee, proper
management system, and government regulatory framework have a positive relationship
of MFIs’ performance and effective risk management has a negative relationship with
the performance of MFIs. It also found that the loan lending system is the most
important issue to the performance of MFIs.
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Name | : | Determinants of Firm Performance: A Conceptual Analysis |
Author | : | Ranjita Kumari, Dr. Nishant Kumar |
Abstract | : |
What could be the sources of variation in firm performance have led a number of
empirical studies in economics, strategy and corporate finance which investigate
the impact of various factors on different measures of firm performance. The objective
of this study is to review the factors which are considered as determinants of firm
performance in empirical researches of these streams. In addition performances measures
are also discussed. This issue is of immense value because resources are limited
in supply and stakeholders interests used to be at risk. Optimum utilization of
resources and appropriate strategy can make a company outperformer and a country
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Name | : | Book Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People |
Author | : | Ms. Sweety Gupta, Ms. Shivangi Bindal |
Abstract | : |
How to win friends and influence people’ is a pioneer self-help book in its genre.
The author of the book is Dale Carnegie and it was first published in 1936. Since
its first publication eighty years ago, it has sold over 30 million copiesworldwide
and has been edited and re-printed numerous times. This book was on the Time magazine’s
100 most influential books list in the year 2011. This book helps the readers in
changing how the world views and treats them by focusing on changing self-behavior.
This book is truly among one of the most influential business and communication
skills guide. The author provides easy analogies and examples to which one can relate
to, and teaches you skills to make people like you and your company, perceive things
the way you want them to perceive them, and feel wonderful about it.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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Name | : | Corporate Snapshot |
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Name | : | Editorial |
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