November 2014 |
Name | : | Editorial |
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Name | : | Risk and Return Analysis of Equities listed in NSE Nifty with reference to Karvy Stock Exchange Limited |
Author | : | Mr. Jnaneshwar Pai Maroor |
Abstract | : |
The risk and return relationship is a fundamental concept in not only financial
analysis, but in every aspect of life. If decisions are to lead to benefit maximization,
it is necessary that individuals/institutions consider the combined influence on
expected (future) return or benefit as well as on risk/cost. The requirement that
expected return/benefit is commensurate with risk/ cost is known as the “risk return
trade-off in finance. A company which has a higher intrinsic worth, is not necessarily
the best stock to buy. It may have no growth prospects or it may be overpriced.
Similarly, a company that performs well during any one year may not be the best
to buy. On the contrary,a company which has been badly for sometime might have turn
the corner and it may be the best to buy, as its shares may be under priced and
it has good prospects of growth, hence an analysis of risk or return guides an investor
in proper profitable investment. Return expressses the amount which an investor
actually earned on an investment during a certain period . Return includes the interest,dividend
and capital gains; while risk represents the uncertainity associated with a particular
task. In financial terms, risk is the chance or probability that a certain investment
may or may not deliver the actual expected return.
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Name | : | Impact of Age on the Perception of School Teachers for Overall HRD Practices |
Author | : | Deepa Katiyal, Dr. Suresh Patidar |
Abstract | : |
Education is a unique and great investment in human capital for the present and
the future. Education is an important factor for the progress and all round development
of a country. It plays a vital role in economic and social development and also
for national integration of a country. The Human Resource Development is concerned
with policies, systems and practices for the employees to improve their capacities
and capabilities, considering the overall goal of the organization and aim of utilizing
the optimum level. Implication of effective HRD Practices in education are: Continuous
professional growth of teachers; Better performance in all activities; Job satisfaction
among teachers and others; Increase in efficiency of all schools personnels in their
duties; Dedication, loyalty and sense of belongingness towards the institution;
Better interpersonal relations. These all motives can only be achieved by strong
co-ordination between HRD practices and mechanisms, that’s why our main area of
research in this paper will be to find out the impact of age of the teachers on
the HRD Mechanisms and Overall HRD Practices. This paper will also describe the
importance of HRD mechanism in education, how we can improve the Overall HRD practices
in schools. The research is done on the schools of Indore in which data was collected
through a questionnaire and Data Analysis was done by using ANOVA and LSD Post Hoc
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Name | : | Sustainable Rural Development through Tourism Practices: A Case Study of Ranakpur, Rajasthan |
Author | : | Prof. Ashok Singh, Ms. Ranjana Tiwari |
Abstract | : |
Tourism has touted as the most lucrative industry emerged in last decade. Therefore,
potential from the growth of tourism opportunities can be very well harnessed for
the rural development. The research paper has worked on two objectives 1) Clarification
of the concept of Rural Tourism, its significance and sustainable tourism development
and 2) Contribution of tourism in rural areas through case study analysis of Ranakpur.
The tourists’ officers, local residents and tourists were interviewed during Ranakpur
festival held in Ranakpur, Pali district, for the primary data and the secondary
data were gathered through related research papers, journals, newspaper articles,
official websites of Government of Tourism, United Nations World Tourism organisation
and other tourism organisation. The paper concluded that the tourism practices when
implemented with proper planning, assessing and due care is given to nature, culture
and society then it becomes sustainable tourism practices. The contribution of tourism
in rural development can be expressed not only in financial terms, but also in terms
of jobs, contributions towards funding conservation, encouragement to the adoption
of new working practices, and the injection of a new vitality into sometimes-weakened
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Name | : | Perception of Women towards Grocery Retailing: A Comparative Study of Traditional and Modern Retail Stores. |
Author | : | Dr. Bikramjit Singh Hundal, Ishleen Kaur Kohli |
Abstract | : |
Retailing is one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Food and Grocery sector
has the largest share in the India’s retailing sector. It is divided into traditional
and modern grocery stores. In this paper we investigate the perception of women,
the largest segment of grocery shoppers. Using empirical research, this paper finds
out the factors that influence the perception of women towards grocery stores and
compare their perception between traditional and modern grocery retail stores. Due
to introduction of FDI in multi brand retailing, foreign players are entering the
Indian grocery retail sector. This study will help the domestic retailers to understand
what women in a metro city expect from a grocery store as women are usually responsible
to buy food & grocery for their family. The sample was collected from 101 women
of Delhi and NCR. Factor analysis and paired t-test techniques were used in the
research. This paper identifies seven factors that influence perception of women
towards a grocery store, namely Attractive and Modern services, Responsiveness,
Customer Convenience, Money saving, Time saving, Product variety, and Quality &
Location. The study also indicates that there is significant difference in the perception
of women between traditional and modern grocery retail stores.The modern grocery
retail stores have better perception than traditional grocery retail stores in terms
of all the factors named above. This study provides specific knowledge to grocery
retailers of the factors that influence women perception while choosing a grocery
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Name | : | Impact of motives on cognitive styles: A comparative study as an opportunity for sustainable development |
Author | : | Dr. Neha Verma |
Abstract | : |
Sustainable development can be attained through knowing the behavior of people at
work. With an aim to enhance understanding about the association of human needs
with their behavior, more than 400 executives of Indian Manufacturing and IT-ITES
(Informational technology enabled service) industries were surveyed. It is observed
that Secondary motives/ psychological needs like need for achievement (nAch), need
for Affiliation (nAff), need for Power (nPow) and need for Security (nSec) impact
the decision making styles (Rational, Intuitive, Dependent, Avoidant and Spontaneous)
differently across industries.Thus, the hypothesis of the study “H1: Motives and
Cognitive styles of executives are significantly associated across industries” has
fetched considerable support. This knowledge about the association of motives with
styles may be channelized well for betterment or business sustainability.
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Name | : | Analysis of factors affecting short term performance IPOs in India |
Author | : | Dr. Pritpal Singh Bhullar,Dr. Dyal Bhatnagar |
Abstract | : |
Initial Public Offer (IPO) plays a role of new blood in the nerves of firms as the
firms try to raise funds for their forthcoming ventures through IPOs. This paper
examines the one year and six month performance of IPOs launched by companies of
various sectors during year 2007 to year 2012. The study comprises of comparative
analysis of the performance of the IPOs in terms of average return to that of Sensex
pertaining to all companies of various sectors of Indian economy. Multiple regression
has been used to analyze the impact of various independent variables on the IPO
return for 6 months as well as 1 year. The study has been done to analyse the factors
affecting the performance of IPOs. Independent variables like Oversubscription of
IPOs, time delay in IPO listed, IPO offer Price, Market return in terms of Sensex
return for the same time period have been considered to gauge their impact on IPO
performance. Attempt has been made to weigh the macro as well as micro economic
factors and also market trend during the specified period. The analysis highlights
the impact of various factors on IPO performance on short term basis.
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Name | : | To Determine Consumer Purchasing Behavior: Internet Shopping Orientation in India |
Author | : | Mr. L. K. Patwa, Mr. Kush Kumar Patwa, Dr. Ajay Verma |
Abstract | : |
Customer acceptance of innovations necessitates behavioral research aimed at examining
and predicting behavior and behavioral intentions. Due to low penetration of internet
in India (around 4% according to Business Today, 5.2% according to Nasscom s projection
for 2005 and 7.1% in November 2008 according to internet World Stats usage and populations
statistics) as compared to other countries (China 22.4%, Taiwan 66.1%), internet
shopping can be considered as an innovation for the Indian customer. Customer demand
for the internet is a key factor that may ultimately drive widespread acceptance
of the internet by retailers. Whether the customer has access and how they use or
perceive internet shopping in a way will affect its ultimate acceptance. Therefore,
this study examines internet shopping acceptance in developing countries; in this
case India. The exponential growth of internet penetration in India and increased
e-commerce activity both on consumer side as well as corporate side during last
few years provides the impetus to investigate this phenomenon among potential online
shoppers. The study tests a comprehensive Technology Acceptance Model incorporating
shopping profiles and security and privacy concerns exploring their effects on successful
adoption of internet shopping in India.
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Name | : | Demand Side Issues of Financial Inclusion: An Interpretive Structural Modelling Technique |
Author | : | Barun Kumar Jha |
Abstract | : |
Financial Inclusion or Inclusive Finance refers to the delivery of financial services
at an affordable cost to the vast sections of the disadvantaged and low profile
groups of the society. Financial Inclusion helps vulnerable groups such as low income
groups, weaker sections, etc., to increase incomes, acquire capital, manage risk
and work their way out of poverty through secure savings, appropriately priced credit
and insurance products, and payment services. Financial Inclusion should not be
seen as a social responsibility of the Governments and the banking system, but it
is a potentially viable business proposition today which provides the poor with
opportunities to build savings make investments and get credit. This paper analyse
the demand side factors which are responsible for financial exclusion.
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Name | : | Consumers’ Approach towards High Involvement Products and Low Involvement Products: A Study of Buying Behaviour in Vadodara |
Author | : | Dr. Ashutosh A. Sandhe |
Abstract | : |
A research was conducted in Vadodara, Gujarat, India to study the psychology of
people while purchasing cheap products as compared to costly products. As a result,
two representative products were selected and buying behavior of respondents was
studied towards these two products. It was found that the mental process for both
the products is quite different.
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Name | : | Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Returns in India: A Multiple Regression Approach |
Author | : | J. Kirubakaran , M. Dharmalingam |
Abstract | : |
This study made an attempt to examine the impact of macroeconomic factors on Bombay
Stock Exchange (BSE) SENSEX. The study include crude oil prices, Gold price, Food
price inflation, Call money rate, Rupee Vs Dollar exchange rate, Foreign Portfolio
Investment and Foreign Exchange Reserve (Forex). The study used statistical tools
like correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to found the impact of
macroeconomic factors on Sensex. The study finds 25% of variance of Sensex explained
by the variables during the study period. The result was useful for all the stock
market participants in India.
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Name | : | Leadership Effectiveness and Workplace Spirituality – Employees Perspective |
Author | : | Sukanya M, Dr. Riasudeen |
Abstract | : |
The paper aims to explore the concept of leadership effectiveness and workplace
spirituality from the employee’s perspective. A review based on the constructs of
the study – workplace spirituality and leadership effectiveness is concentrated
and discussed. Secondary data is used. Review of past relevant literature has been
analysed for the study. The emergence of workplace spirituality as a major management
concept in the past decade is emphasised. Workplace spirituality researches have
contributed towards spirituality, relationship of spirituality with religion and
spirituality as an independent construct without any orientation towards religion.
Leadership effectiveness has a strong literature base analysed with various management
concepts. Yet the study pertaining to workplace spirituality and leadership effectiveness
are minimal. Spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality and other management
dimension have been analysed in western countries. This context has received less
attention in India. However the leadership effectiveness assessed from the employees
who are spiritual is a new entry into the area of workplace spirituality. The assessment
concentrates on bringing out the effect of workplace spirituality on leadership
effectiveness through the employees perspective. Conclusively the paper aims to
show that a study on leadership effectiveness based on workplace spirituality is
congruent and has a positive impact on work outcomes of the employees.
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Name | : | Customer Retention as A Biggest Market Challenge: A Conceptual Study |
Author | : | Sangeeta Arora, Harpreet Kaur |
Abstract | : |
In this paper, the researchers have projected a conceptual framework to investigate
the significance of customer retention as a challenge in financial services. In
order to drive sustainable competitive advantage, customer retention must be on
top of the all marketing strategies. As the cost of getting hold of new customers
and fierce competition increases, the main focus of service industry’s marketing
strategic efforts is on customer retention. This study is an attempt to examine
the drivers inducing customer retention in the banking sector. In order to smooth
the progress of managerial action, we discuss what are those drivers and how are
these connected to the customer retention by reviewing the literature. It has been
found that drivers like service quality, customer satisfaction , switching cost,
Customer loyalty etc. to be considered. Our approach and findings have meaningful
inferences for managing customer retention in the financial services industry.
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Name | : | An Analytical Study of the provisions relating to Dishonour of Cheques under Chapter XVII of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 |
Author | : | Anjana Dave, Dr R V Mehta |
Abstract | : |
Before 1988 there being no effective legal provision to restrain people from issuing
cheques without having sufficient funds in their account or any stringent provision
to punish them in the vent of such cheque not being honoured by their bankers and
returned unpaid. Of course on dishonour of cheques there is a civil liability accrued.
This paper attempts to elucidate the penal provision in the light of the amendments
and the judicial interpretations. Many issues arise under this section such as what
happens in case of default, who will be liable to the holder of the cheque, what
are the procedures involved to make the case adept in the eyes of the magistrate,
etc. in this paper the researcher has attempted to look at all these issues comprehensively
and analyse them with sufficient illustrations. The Negotiable Instruments Act,
1881 was amended in the year 1988 to add – Chapter XVII which pertains to “penalties
in case of dishonour of certain cheques for insufficiency of funds in the accounts”
and contains sections 138 to 147. The loop holes available to the defaulter of the
cheque are ratified by the amendment of the year 2002 in Chapter XVII and the penalty
provisions are made clear by various judicial pronouncements. But the recent judgment
of the Supreme Court stating that in case of dishonour of cheque, a criminal complaint
has to be filed where the drawer of the cheque is residing appears to be a huge
set back to the interest of innocent creditors and also frustrates the very idea
of the legislation. And hence the same in the opinion of the researcher requires
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Author | : | Land Acquisition for Infrastructure and Industry in India |
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Name | : | Is it a Water War Between India and China? |
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Name | : | Brand building through green supplychain-anIndian perspective |
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Name | : | Corporate Snapshot:National |
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Name | : | Economic Update (Global & Indian) |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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