November 2024 |
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Name | : | The Effect of E-Service Quality and Perceived Risk on Customer Loyalty among Bangladeshi Online Banking Consumers |
Author | : | Bashir Uddin,Suharni Maulan,Happy Mitro,Mohammad Abdullah Al Mamun |
Abstract | : |
Purpose: This quantitative study aims to determine the impact of two
variables-online banking service and its perceived threat—on consumer
pleasure and purchaser loyalty in Bangladesh.
Methodology: Of late, a survey was conducted to gather primary data,
and a total of 329 respondents were selected using a convenient
specimen approach from a specific group of public and authority-owned
banks. Although the right devices have been chosen for each construct
by experimental review, the relationship between some of the constructs
has been carefully assessed through the use of structural modeling.
Factor analysis systems have been employed to perceive the underlying
structures and a few of the explored online banking service attributes.
Findings: The results of an exploratory issue evaluation revealed twelve
composite dimensions of first-class electronic service and perceived
threat, which included the availability of convenient electronic banking
operations. The structural modeling method was used to assess the
relationships between some of the constructs, and exploratory analysis
was carefully employed to determine the right items for each construct.
It appears from their examination that there are clear connections
between buyer satisfaction, client loyalty, and perceived hazards.
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Name | : | The Mediating Role of Purchasing Duration in the Effect of Social Media Dependency on Consumer Purchasing Behavior: Comparison of India and Turkey |
Author | : | Yashwant Singh Rawal,Miraç Yücel Baser,Debasish Batabyal,Yakup Durmaz |
Abstract | : |
This study aims to investigate the mediating role of purchase duration in
the effect of social media use on online consumer purchasing behavior.
As social media has been gaining increasing importance worldwide,
becoming, it has also been changing shopping habits in almost all
countries. With so many consumers spending more time online than ever
before, it is important to understand how long it takes them to make a
purchase and which factors are involved in their decision-making
process. More specifically, this study examines the relationship between
social media dependency and consumer purchasing behavior, focusing
on the mediating effect of purchase duration. A study involving 329
individuals from India and 204 from Turkey was conducted, and the data
was analyzed using PLS structural equation modeling. The results
indicated that social media dependency positively influences consumer
purchasing behavior. Also, the study exhibits that purchase duration
mediates the relationship between social media dependency and
consumer purchasing behavior.
Keywords: Consumer Purchasing Behaviour (COPB), Purchase
decision, Social Media Dependency, SEM-PLS, Mediating role
In today's world, understanding consumer intention and behaviour,
maintaining the closest relationships with them, and how they behave on
social media, are gaining more importance than ever before (Akar and
Dalgic, 2018; Kunja and Gvrk, 2020) before buying items or services,
shoppers seek out and gather the right data and then compare the seller
using this data to make the best purchase decision. Search effort is an
indispensable part of search behavior and is more complicated for
service products.
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Name | : | Regulatory Policy for Development of Digital Business in the National Economy |
Author | : | Kostiantyn Shaposhnykov,Svitlana Filyppova,Oleksiy Bilousov,Olena Seleznova,Oleksandr Lozychenko |
Abstract | : |
Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept
of "digital business" have been studied and, on this basis, an author's
approach to its interpretation based on the globalization of economic
relations has been proposed. The statistical indicators of the use of
information and communication technologies at domestic enterprises
were analyzed, and the state of development of digital business in
Ukraine was analyzed. It has been established that the majority of
enterprises have access to the Internet and carry out electronic trade
through it, the number of which is characterized by positive trends.
Export volumes of the IT industry of Ukraine are growing steadily,
mostly to EU countries. A low level of the number of enterprises that
conducted training in the field of ICT was revealed. Indicators of the use
of websites , cloud technologies, calculations based on "big data" and the
frequency of use of 3D printing demand better results. The problems of
functioning of digital business in Ukraine are analyzed. The national
infrastructure of the sphere of regulation of the development of digital
business in Ukraine is presented, with its constituent government
institutions and key normative legal acts of regulatory activity. Ways to
strengthen the regulatory policy in the field of digital business in the
areas of effective state regulation, rational approaches to data
processing, regulation of competition, principles of advertising activity,
protection of the rights of consumers of digital products and services,
reduction of cyber risks and introduction of the "Uniform Digital
Income Tax" according to OECD methods are proposed.
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Name | : | The Role of Digital Technologies in Ensuring Stable Functioning of the Financial Services Market |
Author | : | Maksym Dubyna,Artem Tarasenko,Mykhailo Bilyi,Andrii Shpomer,Oleksandr Podoliak |
Abstract | : |
In the article, the role of digital technologies in ensuring stable
functioning of the financial services market in the conditions of
dissipatedness and uncertainty is examined. Important attention was
paid to the analysis of the impact of modern information and
communication innovations on the activities of financial institutions of
various types. Among the methods that were used to conduct the
research, the following should first be highlighted: content analysis,
abstraction, systematization, comparison, induction and deduction,
visualization methods for presenting statistical information. In the
article, the main consequences of digital transformation are also
identified, which are inherent in certain components of the financial
services market (credit services market, deposit services market,
insurance services market, investment services market). The analysis of
the features of the functioning of the financial services market in the
conditions of instability of the macroeconomic environment was carried
out. Using the experience of Ukraine, which is currently facing nonstandard and unpredictable challenges for the activity of financial
institutions, the trends of the activity of financial institutions in Ukraine
since the beginning of the war were investigated. The experience of
using digital technologies by banking and non-banking financial
institutions in Ukraine to ensure their own stable functioning in
complex, unpredictable conditions is also analyzed. This made it
possible to generalize and single out the main possible areas of positive
impact of digital technologies on ensuring stable operation of financial
institutions and functioning of the financial services market in general.
Keywords: Financial Services Market, Commercial Bank, Non-Bank
Financial Institutions, Insurance Company, Macroeconomic Stability,
Digital Economy, Digitalization
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Name | : | The Impact of the Internet of Things on Business Models and Strategies |
Author | : | Stanislav Petko,Uliana Sytailo,Ihor Nazarkevych,Daria Popovych,Maksym Naumov |
Abstract | : |
The relevance of our study is due to the rapid development of Internet of
Things (IoT) technologies and their significant impact on business
models and strategies of enterprises. In the context of the global digital
transformation, the introduction of IoT is becoming an important factor
that can significantly increase the competitiveness of companies in
various fields. The aim of the study is to look at how IoT is affecting the
business models and strategies of enterprises in industries such as
manufacturing, logistics, healthcare and retail. We also aim to explore
how these technological changes are contributing to process
optimisation and efficiency gains for companies. In our work, we use a
quantitative approach to analyse the adoption of IoT in the above
industries. To do this, we analyse statistical data, analysts' reviews and
conduct a comparative analysis of business models of companies that
have already integrated IoT into their operations. The results showed
that the impact of IoT varies by industry. In manufacturing and logistics,
IoTis helping to automate processes and increase flexibility, in retail it is
helping to customise personalised services, and in healthcare it is
helping to improve the quality of patient care. However, challenges
remain, including high implementation costs, cybersecurity issues, and
infrastructure limitations. The findings of our study confirm that IoT not
only improves operational processes but also changes business models,
opening up new prospects for development. However, the successful
implementation of these technologies requires addressing cybersecurity
and infrastructure constraints, which requires additional investment and
further research.
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Name | : | A Pilot Study on Awareness and Attitude among Farmers towards Organic Farming with reference to Bhal - Bara Region of Gujarat |
Author | : | Dr. Hasan Rana,Dr. Jaimin H. Trivedi,Dr. Mehul J. Mistry |
Abstract | : |
India is an agro based economy and agriculture is the growing sector. It is
also required to consider the methods and techniques of farming to
improve the output of the farming business. Simultaneously with the
growth of output, other factors such as conservation of natural resources
like land, water etc. are also required to be consider as their quality is
deteriorating. Moreover, health of the society is also required to be
considered as the people are going to consume the crop production
directly. The economic conditions are also required to consider. Hence,
this paper covers several aspects of one of the important method of
farming i.e. organic. The attempt is made to examine the awareness and
knowledge of the landholders for the method of agriculture selected
under present study.
Keywords: Organic farming, Bhal-bara region, Rural community.
In layman's language, the Organic farming is the practice carried on by
the farmers to produce crop in a natural way without using chemical
fertilizer. Moreover, it is noted that, such kind of crop production is
having positive impact on the human health and environmental
resources viz. land, water etc. can also be protected. Here, attempt is
made to emphasize on the awareness and attitude of the farmer's
community towards such practices carried on for the organic farming
with reference to the region selected under study. The territory known as
the Bhal region spans the political borders of the districts of Anand,
Ahmedabad, and Bhavnagar. This area's name is most likely derived
from the fact that it is essentially as level as a forehead and that there are
no stones, pebbles, or gravel in nearly the whole soil. In the area, bhalia
wheat is a significant agricultural crop.
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Name | : | Occupational Health in the GIG Economy: A Comparative Study of Workforce Well-Being |
Author | : | Dr. B. Menaka,Dr. Shilpa Sharma,Dr. Sapna Bansal,Sathish Kumar Velayuthan,Dr. Vaishali Singh |
Abstract | : |
The gig economy's ascent and the changing nature of the modern
workforce demand a thorough examination of occupational health
within this dynamic framework. This study compares workforce wellbeing in the gig economy to define the subtle health consequences that
gig workers encounter in various industries and locations. This study
used an interdisciplinary approach, combining concepts from
economics, sociology, public health, and occupational health. Data from
gig workers, who operate in a variety of non-traditional jobs, including
platform-based tasks, on-call labor, and freelancing, will be gathered
and analyzed for the project. Key dimensions under scrutiny include the
physical-occupational health status and physical and psychological
health of Ola and Uber drivers. The comparative aspect of the study aims
to compare the occupational health and well-being of Ola and Uber
drivers.495 drivers were chosen for the research using the purposive
sample approach. Evidence-based policies and treatments designed to
improve the occupational health of gig workers will be informed by the
insights gained from this research. T
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Name | : | Impact of Merger on Financial Performance of PSBs in India |
Author | : | Dr. Disha Pathak,Sumedha Mallepaddi,Snehlata Kumari,N. Amulya |
Abstract | : |
Purpose:The banking sector is amongflourishingsector in India. It forms
the backbone of contemporary business and commands a sizable portion
of the money supply. Finance Minister of India has announced the
merging of India's 10 banks from public sector into four separate entities
in response to the country's economic downturn. The government's goal
was to increase liquidity, address the problem of nonperforming assets,
and diversify risk to boost the economy. In that line, present study
attempts to assess the impact of the mega mergers specifically of Punjab
National Bank, Union Bank, Canara Bank and Indian Bank on
theirfinancial performance during the period from 2018 to 2023.
Methodology: To compare financial performance of pre and postperiod
ofbank mergers by means ofdifferent financial ratios. Paired t-test was
applied to check improvement in post-merger financial performance.
Findings: Post-merger analysis showsthe diverse outcomes. Punjab
National Bank excels in key metrics; Union Bank of India faces liquidity
and return on assets challenges; Canara Bank improves profitability and
reduces debt; and Indian Bank experiencedincrease inprofitability but
required to enhance liquidity and leverage. T-test results indicate no
significant changes in majority of financial ratios post-merger.
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Performance, Liquidity
Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Leverage Ratios.
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Name | : | Occupational Health and Work-Life Balance: Implications for Employee Well-Being |
Author | : | Dr. Istkar Ahmed,Dr. Mazharunnisa,Dr. Sapna Bansal,Dr. Nik Alif Amri Nik Hashim,Dr. Ashu |
Abstract | : |
A healthy balance between work-life and occupational health has farreaching ramifications that go beyond personal fulfilment to include
organizational productivity, employee retention, and the general wellbeing of society. The study explored the many facets of occupational
health, including physical, mental, and social well-being in the
workplace, by looking at actual data, theoretical frameworks, and useful
insights from a variety of literature, to understand the complex
interrelationship between work-life balance (WLB) and occupational
health (OH) and the significant effects these relationships have on
workers' well-being in modern workplaces. To serve the objectives of
the study the data was collected with the help of a questionnaire from IT
employees of Chennai. The same was analysed by using mean, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation and chi-square test. Results show that
improved employee well-being and a harmonious work-life balance are
correlated in a positive direction. This research highlighted the
significance of an equilibrium between occupational and personal
obligations to lower work-family conflict, improve health outcomes,
and increase employee job satisfaction. Additionally ,the study reflected
on the important organizational elements in determining WLB and, in
turn, employee welfare. These elements are supportive organizational
cultures, effective policies, and leadership behaviours. As a result of
clarifying the broad implications of occupational health and work-life
balance for worker well-being, this study contributes to the growing
domain on these topics. It promotes all-encompassing strategies that
combine leadership commitment, strategic interventions, and
organizational support to create work environments that promote
holistic employee well-being in a range of professional contexts.
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Name | : | Fostering Functional Life Skills Strategies for Enhanced Management Practices |
Author | : | Karishma Rohera,Dr. Mahima Birla |
Abstract | : |
In today's rapidly evolving society, the importance of functional life
skills for independent living cannot be overstated. This research paper
explores the strategies for imparting functional life skills in India,
focusing on their significance, implementation, and impact. The primary
data was collected from 200 educators and parents in an around Mumbai
region, and by examining various educational and community-based
programs, the study aims to highlight effective practices that empower
individuals, to lead independent and fulfilling lives. The paper
incorporates data from recent studies, articles, websites and surveys in
India, offering insights into the current state and future directions of
functional life skills education.
Keywords: Life Skills, Independent Living, Functional Life Skills
Functional life skills are essential abilities that enable individuals to
manage daily tasks and challenges independently. These skills
encompass a wide range of activities, including personal care, financial
management, social interaction, and vocational skills. In India, there is a
growing recognition of the need to equip individuals, especially those
with disabilities, with these skills to enhance their autonomy and quality
of life. This paper aims to explore the strategies for teaching functional
life skills in India, analyse their effectiveness, and provide
recommendations for improving these programs.
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Name | : | Covid-19 Jugaads: Cases, a Review of Relatedness to the Jugaad Principles and Its Contribution to the Existing Literature |
Author | : | Dr. Shweta Lalwani |
Abstract | : |
In India 'Jugaad' is one type of innovation which entails use of ideas and
techniques to make value addition to a product or service. The term
'Jugaad' refers to a flexible solution produced by ingenuity and wit. It's a
cost-effective and adaptable method to innovation.(Ahuja, Radjou, &
Prabhu, 2017). During the pandemic, Covid-19 to keep themselves pro
tected from the virus infection during the lockdown various 'social
distancing' and 'disinfecting' Jugaads were made in India. The paper
studies the alignment of these Covid-19 Jugaads with the Jugaad
principles mentioned in the literature and contributes to the existing
literature pertaining to the study of Jugaads which believes that such
Jugaads provides various social benefits. The Covid-19 Jugaad
perspective also opens many research avenues for future studies to be
made in this area.
Keywords: Covid-19, Jugaads, Frugal Innovation, Entrepreneurship
As per the report on the Global Innovation Index 2021: Tracking
Innovation through the COVID-19 Crisis by WIPO(World Intellectual
property Organization) in the category of lower-middle income
economies India is amongst the top three innovation economies. India
has moved from 48th position in 2020 to 46th position in 2021 i.e., ahead
by two spots and thus making it into the top 50. It earned second place in
the lower middle-income group.(WIPO, 2021). Innovation may be
defined as application of knowledge to create additional value and
wealth and successful innovation includes the use of any knowledge not
necessarily technological with a result of addition in value and
wealth.(Singh, Sharma, & Mahendru, 2011). In India 'Jugaad' is one type
of innovation which entails use of ideas and techniques to make value
addition to a product or service. The term 'Jugaad' refers to a flexible
solution produced by ingenuity and wit. It's a cost-effective and
adaptable method to innovation.(Ahuja, Radjou, & Prabhu, 2017) It's a
term used in India to describe the kind of resourcefulness that allows
Indians to deal with both big and small problems in their daily lives.
Jugaad is all about improvising and cobbling together a solution quickly
and cheaply with whatever materials you have on hand. (Hesseldahl,
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Name | : | Investment in Humanizing India's Intellectual Capital in the Edification Segment of the Indian Economy |
Author | : | Dr. Manita D Shah,Dr. Mansi Kukreja,Dr. Umesh Chandra |
Abstract | : |
India's economy is among the fastest-growing in the world, and one of
the main industries fostering this growth is education. A lack of funding
for humanizing intellectual capital in the field of education, however, is
preventing the nation from reaching its full potential despite having a
sizable population that includes young and educated workers. The
country's intellectual capital has not yet been fully humanized; as a
result, there is an increasing demand for investment in educational
institutions to strengthen the diversified pool of human resources. This
indicates that India is still having difficulty utilizing its intellectual
capacity in the economy's education sector, which may result in missed
chances and sluggish progress in important sectors like research,
development, and innovation.
India's intellectual capital needs to be humanized, especially in the area
of education, in order to overcome this challenge. By making this
investment, we can raise educational standards, give workers better
possibilities for training and development, and strengthen our capacity
for research and development. Improvement of education at all levels,
from primary to university education, through the provision of better
facilities, resources, and teaching methods are some of the efforts that
can be supported by such investment. Promoting research and
development, especially in fields important to India's development, such
as technology, medicine, and agriculture. Giving the workers
opportunities for training and development will enable them to gain new
knowledge and skills and contribute to the economy more effectively.
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