Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management
February 2021

Name : Index
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Name : Gen Y B-School Students and Placement Choices: A Study of the Influencing Factors
Author : Dr. Swati Soni, Sohini Patel
Abstract :
In today’s competitive environment, organizations are struggling to attract and retain talent. Major pool of talent available to organizations are fresh graduates. These fresh graduates belong to Gen Y, also referred as millennials. The shift from class room to board room is a major milestone for Gen Y B- School students for it is during this time that they experience multiple moments of truth with a number of agencies like the economy; meeting expectations of a highly ambitious market; and pressures of work coming from peers and bosses alike.
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Name : Cause Related Marketing (CRM) Campaigns – A Demographic Evaluation of Brand Recall and Brand Recognition among Young Consumers
Author : Simranjit Kaur Bedi, Dr. Amardeep Kaur Ahluwalia
Abstract :
The consumer market in India is witness1ing many brands engaging themselves in Cause Related Marketing (CRM). In addition to the fulfillment of their social responsibilities, the marketers are implementing CRM practices with profit-making motives. A bunch of community based campaigns have become more visible in the Indian corporate sector. It is based on “profit motivated giving”. Customer awareness is one of the most common measure of research in consumer based studies. The objective of this paper is to study the level of knowledge and awareness of youth regarding CRM campaigns and to find out the differences in awareness level, if any, based on their demographic profile.
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Name : Impact of CSR on Service Innovation Performance in Hospitality Industry: The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management
Author : Abdul Latif, Dr. Noor-Ul-Hadi, Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Malik
Abstract :
The literature to date on the topic is inconsistent and lacks maturity. Thus, to promote the discipline by establishing mechanisms, the current study shed light on how employer can attract and retain employees through CSR by affecting their affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, which to our understanding leads to hotel service innovation performance. Drawing on Resource-based view and Social Exchange Theory this study analyzed 155 hotel managers’ valid responses via PROCESS macro. Findings of the study revealed that CSR do affect service innovation performance. However, this complex relationship is parallel mediated by Strategic Human Resources, as Human Resources in its true sense are rare, valuable, inimitable and non-substitutable.
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Name : Antecedents and Consequences of Indigenous Innovation: Evidence from Mobile Phone Producers in Turkey
Author : Arif Selim EREN, Oğuz Emre BALKAR
Abstract :
Knowledge intensive processes are being deployed as the conditions of the market evolve according to the needs of the customers. Firms need to adopt their production systems to catch up the latest technology and this challenge involves intensive use of innovation. However, innovation is accepted to be a risky and costly process as it includes the use of venture capital not for being more profitable in the short term. Thus, the economic outcomes of innovation is more important for firms as the position of the firm mostly depends on it.
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Name : Transformation in Higher Education through E- Learning: A Shifting Paradigm
Author : Dr. Meenu Maheshwari, Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta, Dr. Shobhna Goyal
Abstract :
World is witnessing the 4th industrial and educational revolution which is a time of complete transformation from the earlier practices. Everyone was going with the flow until COVID 19 knocked at the door bringing everything to a standstill. However, education sector made the most out of it by enforcing the E- teaching platform in place of traditional brick and mortar classrooms. There are many challenges including lack of infrastructure and training at both the ends teachers as well as learners, mass education system that seems to fail in leveraging the socio cultural diversity and recognition by the industry to adapt a pool of learners which might be more independent and demanding more autonomy in operations.
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Name : Theoretical Approach towards Internal Marketing and Customer-Oriented Behavior: A Developing World Perspective
Author : Zia Khalid, Dr. Noor-ul-Hadi
Abstract :
Capitalizing on the evolutionary and multi-dimensional character of internal marketing (IM), this study adds two new factors: informational justice and developmental opportunities, to IM literature. Justification for their inclusion comes from the researchers elaborating IM from time to time and also partly from the theory of Social Exchange. Based on this background, this research attempted to develop a conceptual model seeking support of Social exchange theory and partial support of Equity theory and social identity theory. The model is drawn by looking at the peculiarities of higher education industry on how to bring customer-oriented performance or Customer-Oriented Behavior among faculty members
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Name : Predicting Factors influencing Consumer's purchase intention: A Study of Consumers redirected through Affiliate Marketing Program
Author : Dr. Indrajit Ghosal, Bikram Prasad, Dr. Pragya Singh
Abstract :
Companies are now specifically approaching global consumers and harnessing the advantages that the online channel provides to achieve competitive advantage due to a subsequently strong increase in digital technology penetration. In these situations, affiliate marketing has emerged as effective strategies for e-commerce to boost revenue by overcompensation. The paper aims to examine the major effect of latent factors on online buyers who are redirected through Affiliate Marketing Links. The purchase intention of such consumers has been evaluated with their demographic categorization too. The implicit results analyzed the advantages of the affiliate marketing approach empirically and are correlated with latent variables such as Product Value, Risk Factor, Discounted product, Brand knowledge, and last Expert Feedback.
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Name : Perception of Employees about Select HR Dimensions Pre and Post Major Change Interventions and Its Impact on Employee Productivity: Study of A PSU in India
Author : Prof. Anu Singh Lather, Dr. Shilpa Jain, Yogesh Chandra Verma
Abstract :
HR practices are the backbone of success of any organization because it is simply meant to take care of the most important resource of the organization - its people. HR managers keep on identifying new ways to keep employees in the organization motivated, engaged, performing and productive. Not all the efforts made by HR managers result in higher performance and productivity of employees. This study provides empirical evidence that though there may be significant improvement in the perception of employees towards various HR practices as a result of pre- and post-change interventions, only scope of advancement for future individual growth emerged as significant predictor of employee productivity when all the practices were regressed together.
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Name : A Study on Challenges faced by Working Women in maintaining Work –Life Balance at Personal, Family and Organisational level
Author : Prof. Parveen Kaur, Garima Garg
Abstract :
In the past years the labour market has seen drastic changes. The ratio of female workers has increased manifold. The stereotypical roles that of males being the “bread winner” and females looking after household chores and children has changed. Women are no more constrained to kitchen. Due to social and economic pressures they were forced to move out of their households and earn a living. With more and more women getting educated, it did not remain a mere pressure to earn a living, it also gave them an opportunity to prove their mettle and work towards building their long lost self-esteem. Though women changed, our society remained where it was, In order to prove themselves, they had to take up additional pressure and manage their time meticulously to balance both their work as well as their personal lives. This ever increasing pressure is taking a toll on the working women and has left them in doldrums, leaving no choice but to be burned out.
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Name : An Examination on Celebrity Endorsements in India: A Content Analysis of TV Advertisements
Author : Dr. Jyoti Vohra, Dr. Mandeep Kaur Ghuman, Yadvinder Parmar
Abstract :
Celebrity endorsements are largely prevalent in the marketing world across the globe. The present research explores how marketers and celebrities are making their endorsement decisions in the actual practice. The study investigates the extent of TV advertisements that feature celebrities as endorsers in comparison to the advertisements that do not, compare the celebrity endorsements across different product categories, analyze the matching of celebrities with different product categories, and find the extent of multiple brand endorsements by one celebrity and multiple endorsers for one brand. For this purpose, a content analysis of 394 TV advertisements relayed on six TV channels is conducted.
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Name : Determinance of Teleshopping Behaviour: An integrated study of Consumer Preference and Perception
Author : Dr. Ashwinkumar A. Santoki, Dr. Ritesh Patel, Dr.NidhiNalwaya
Abstract :
Researchers and Marketers have been keenly interested to have an understanding of the Teleshopping mode of buying for the last few years. The Global research firm Tech Sci Research has predicted that expanding television viewers base, increasing penetration, coupled with growing inclination of the people towards more convenient ways of shopping and rising purchasing power are trends that are going to give a leg-up to the teleshopping segment in India. It has predicted a CAGR growth rate of 16.20 percent between years 2019-2022. The purpose of the present paper is to provide a detailed interpretation of teleshopping buying behaviour by analysing the buying and consumption pattern & other teleshopping buying behaviour aspects.
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Name : A Comparative Study of Default Prediction Models
Author : Deepika Verma, Prof. Dr M S Senam Raju
Abstract :
This study developed two credit risk models using MDA and Logistic regression to predict the default of 600 BSE Listed Indian companies (300 defaulting and 300 non-defaulting) for the period of 15 years from April 1, 2004 to March 31st, 2019. Paper further, examined the robustness of both the models by analysing various statistical measures. The developed models were examined and compared for both in-sample and out-sample firms year cases with regard to accuracy rate, type I and type II error to the Altman’s (1968) model, calibrated Altman model and to each other. Paper draw a conclusion that in respect of classification perfection rate and robustness the logistic model exhibited more proficiency than the discriminant model followed by Altman’s calibrated model.
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Name : Role of Start-up in reviving Indian Economy from Normal to New Normal during Post COVID-19
Author : Dr. Poonam Mahajan, Ravleen Kaur
Abstract :
Worsening pandemic situation has led to disbalance in economy. Originated in Wuhan (China) Coronavirus also known as Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 has taken every economy in its web. Every country had recorded enormous cases and so is with India. Dropping GDP & devastation in every sector has proven how dangerous the situation is. This Covid-19 has been a blessing in disguise for Indian economy. Government Atma Nirbhar package has been a relief package to maintain positives corona can give India. With rise in these benefits, the sector that can bloom is the “start-ups”.
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Name : Dimensions Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention towards Organic Personal Care Products
Author : Minakshi Sharma, Dr Manisha Goel, Dr Rajiv Sindwani
Abstract :
The demand of organic personal care products (OPCP) is rising as consumers are becoming more health conscious. This study aims to propose various factors that influence the consumer purchase intention towards organic personal care products. The current study employs a systematic review of papers published on consumer behaviour for organic products. To identify the relevant studies, research databases were searched using different keywords. The findings suggest that most of the consumer behaviour studies carried by researchers around the globe in the area of organic products have been on organic food and organic personal care commodities remained an under-researched area. It was also found that most of the studies related to organic products have been conducted mostly in developed nations.
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Name : Editorial
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