July 2019 |
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Name | : | An Empirical Investigation of Perceived Retail Human Crowding On Shopping Confusion and Store Loyalty |
Author | : | Arusa Khalid ,Muhammad Abrar ,Rizwan Shabbir ,Mohsin Bashir |
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Retail shopper confusion signifies mental sub states confines within mental state usually taking place in shopping conditions. Although contemporary research concentrated on confusion which is relevant to products, the research investigated shopper confusion evoked by store environment. This study investigated effect of perceived human crowding on store loyalty through the intervening factors of tripartite categorization of mental activities into shopping confusion in terms of cognition (inefficiency), emotion (irritation) and conation (helplessness) within a comprehensive SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model. The data source is a structured survey among customers (n=523) of a retail grocery stores across Pakistan. The results showed that perceived human crowding accelerate shopping confusion which is inclined to lessen store loyalty. The insights offered academics, retailers and grocery store managers a more full-bodied comprehension of the relationships between human crowding, shopping confusion and store loyalty.
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Name | : | Does Knowledge Management Expedite SMEs Performance through Organizational Innovation? An Empirical Evidence from Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) |
Author | : | Ahmad MohmadAlbassami, Waseem Ul Hameed, Dr. Rana Tahir Naveed, Dr. Mahsa Moshfegyan |
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The prime objective of this study is to investigate the role of knowledge management in SMEs performance in Pakistan. Declining in the performance of SMEs caused to decrease in Pakistani ranking to 138th out of 189 countries in the worldwide business index. Now the SMEs industry facing different challenge in constant growth. To address this issue, this study adopted quantitative research technique. Questionnaires were distributed through a mail survey. Structural equation modeling is utilized to analyze the data. Findings of the study found that organization innovations has a positive influence on SMEs performance. Moreover, it is found that knowledge management is one of the vital elements to enhance SMEs performance through organizational innovations. Hence, this study contributed to the body of literature by revealing the mediating role of knowledge management. This study is most beneficial for SMEs to enhance their performance through effective knowledge management system.
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Name | : | Performance Appraisal of Sustainable Responsible & Conventional Indices |
Author | : | Dr. Subrata Roy |
Abstract | : |
Purpose: The study examines and compares the performance characteristics and performance differences of selected SRI (Sustainable Responsible Index) and conventional indices.
Method: The study uses risk-adjusted performance measures of Sharpe and Treynor. Jensen measure is also used to examine the relative risk-adjusted performance. The market-timing performance is measured by applying the Treynor & Mazuy model. The study also used single factor as well as seemingly unrelated regression equations. Spanning test is applied to test the joint hypothesis.
Findings: The risk-adjusted performances of majority of the indices are satisfactory as compared to the benchmark indices. The market-timing performances of the SRI indices are insignificant. The alpha performances of the SRI indices are same like the benchmark indices. But the risk exposures of the SRI indices are higher than their counterparts. Although, the performances between the SRI and the benchmark indices are same based on spanning test. According to the multi-factor measure, the performances of the SRI indices are different in some extent. Similarly, when world index is used as benchmark then the performance of the group of indices differs significantly within the index families.
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Name | : | Assessing Consumers’ Satisfaction through Analyzing Product Review and Rating |
Author | : | Dr Gouranga Patra, Dr. Debojyoti Roy |
Abstract | : |
Day by day, buying patterns of the consumers’ are changing, it is not because of market structure but also invention and application of technology and their usability. The roles of the marketers are not playing the game against the will of the consumers’ but to facilitate them in an extreme way. In this context online marketing play a huge role for fulfilling the need and demands of the present consumers’. Consumers are also getting benefit and they are also giving feedback in terms of review and rating about the products or services through online and which relay helps the marketers for development of strategic decision. The preset paper the researched try to find out the impact of online review on buying behavior / intention of the consumers’ in India. The analysis has been done on secondary database provided by Datafiniti's Product Database. The list has over 71,045 reviews from 1,000 different products. Sentiments analysis indicates that there are some factors like joy, trust and anticipation are most important factors raised from consumers and high level of intensity being observed with some specific products like movies, personal care etc. it is a new dimension of the marketers to assess the consumer trends towards their offering specially in entertainment and personal care product. Study also highlights that when the length of review is longer, then the chance of having a positive recommendation goes down (Predictive Modeling). The correlation diagram indicates when people write lengthy reviews they will definitely not recommend. Present paper will help the marketers to judge the market condition and also analyze the consumer mind. This can help them to design more customized products.
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Name | : | The Transition of Advertisement from Conventional to Interactive: A Systematic Literature Review |
Author | : | Harshmit Kaur Saluja,Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav, Prof. K.M. Mohapatra, Bhartrihari Pandiya |
Abstract | : |
Advertising has seen a drastic change in today’s digital world. Organizations have come up with interactive advertisement in this dynamic scenario to capture the interest of the consumers providing a boost in the sales. It helps in their branding process and to retain their existing customers. An extensive literature review was conducted to study the areas of interactive advertisement. The exploratory work reviews the previous researches undertaken to study the impact of advertising especially after the advent of the Internet and to suggest further research directions. Exhaustive and renowned databases like ScienceDirect, Emerald Insight and Web of Science were considered for the thorough search and Prisma model was further used to select the final research papers. The research articles considered here are published between 2004 and 2018 and classified on the basis of year of publication and focus area of the work. We have done a comprehensive and systematic review to understand the trends in interactive advertisement. After careful investigation and selection, some journal papers were selected for complete and deeper study
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Name | : | Effect of Social Media communication on Young Consumers in Pakistan |
Author | : | Samran Zulfiqar, Asif Khurshid, Muhammad Yar Khan, Anam Javeed |
Abstract | : |
Facebook is a widely used Social Network among college/universities and even school students. Despite the popularity we are still not successful to incorporate Facebook for academic purposes and we use it only for the sake of Fun. Basic purpose of this research is to find decision grounds for teachers in Universities of Pakistan to consider the addition of Facebook in academic fields. We conducted this survey over population of 400 young consumers of Pakistan taking major sample from students Bahria University Islamabad Campus and Mobilink employees. Concluding remarks of the research is that Facebook can be used for Educational purpose and adoption of Facebook has significant impact on Educational Use of Facebook.
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Name | : | Perceived Effect of Interpersonal Trust, Intention to Stay and Demographic Variables on Organizational CitizenshipBehavior |
Author | : | Dr. Nasir Ali, Dr. Mohammad Saleh Miralam |
Abstract | : |
The present study was planned to explore the relationships between interpersonal trust, intention to stay and certain demographic factors and organizational citizenship behavior among IT professionals. It aimed at to predict the factors that influence the organizational citizenship behavior. A sample of 320 IT professional consisting of male and female selected to represent the population with an average age of 39 years. Organizational Citizenship Behavior questionnaire, Interpersonal Trust scale and Intent to Stay Scale were used to collect the information. Data were analyzed by means of stepwise multiple regression with the help of SPSS package. The results found positive correlation between age, salary, experience, and organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, communication, openness and managerial support dimensions of interpersonal trust revealed inverse relationship whereas professional support, intention to stay revealed positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior. However, salary and professional support appeared dominant factors that influence OCB and its dimensions. Salary, professional support and intention to stay with organizational citizenship behavior showed significant positive correlation. Moreover salary, experience, professional support, managerial support, communication and intention to stay emerged as the predictors of organizational citizenship behavior and its dimensions. Further significance of results and implications of the study discuss in detail.
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Name | : | Perceptual Mapping of SED and Brand Choice to Purchase Car |
Author | : | Madhusmita Choudhury, Prof Dr Bidhu Bhusan Mishra, Dr P. K. Mohanty |
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India is one among the world’s quickest growing automobile markets and is poised to become the third largest passenger’s automobile market by 2020 (Philip, L. 2016, Economic Times). The recorded sales growth of four wheelers like car & utility vehicle has additionally up up-to 7.87 % and 6.25% severally throughout April-March 2016 (SIAM, 2015-16). however what makes an automobile maker like Japan’s Maruti Suzuki and Korea’s Hyundai enjoys quite 67% of market share whereas others like United States of America automobile manufacturers Ford Republic of India and General Motors combined market share is simply 4-5%(Philip,L.2016,The Economic Times). Sales within the North & East region have proven solely 5%of changes within the FY16 that is relatively under the west & south region (Khan,A.N,2016, The Economic Times). The Japanese automobile makers(Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu Motors, Nisan &Toyota) achieved a median of forty eight.01% of growth until Gregorian calendar month 2016 having an improved stand from the Indian automobile manufacturers (Hindustan Motors, M&M,M&S, Tata & Force motors) i.e. 6.74% (Autocar professional News table, July 2016). During this study the investigator explored the SED factors and its effect on Brand choice of prospective automobile patrons and existing automobile users at dealer purpose and facilitate dealer to form an excellent “moment of truth” (Pioneered by JanCarlzon) once a client encounter with company.(Madge, Davidson & Beaujean, 2006)
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Name | : | A Brief Overview of Forensic Accounting and Its Present Position in a Middle East Country |
Author | : | Dr. Nabil Ahmed Mareai Senan, M. M. Swalih |
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The world over economic crimes has increased in scale and size. The average annual cost of financial fraud is estimated to be around five per cent of the revenue of any company, with the overall figure amounting to trillions. This pervasiveness of economic crimes has highlighted the need for Forensic Accounting. Though this discipline in the present form is of recent origin, it has a long history that dates back to several centuries BC. Forensic Accounting involves the in-depth application of certain special skills in areas like accounting, auditing, finance, quantitative methods, research, law, etc. In addition to these a Forensic Accountant has to collect required evidences in the event of any criminal proceedings. Now Forensic Accounting is listed as one of the top 20 careers of the future. The present article discusses about the utility and prospects of Forensic Accountings as a profession and its present position in Saudi Arabia. Lots more need to be done in Saudi Arabia towards elevating the position of this profession.
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Name | : | Impact of Current Higher Education System on Human Resource Development in the State of Uttarakhand |
Author | : | Pankhuri |
Abstract | : |
Higher education provides people an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, and attributes, thus equipping them with employability skills. It helps in gaining employer desirable skillsets that are essential for any human resource asset of an organization. Employability, is undoubtedly, relies on subjectknowledge but skills and attributes play an equally important role. They help an individual in surviving and sustaining any kind of employment.
Employability skills make an individual ‘employable’. Employers seek a specific skill-set in an employee that is a ‘must have’. These transferable skills supplement technical understanding and academic knowledge that enhance the productivity of the employees as well as the organization as a whole. Some of these common skills are team work, problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, time & stress management, domain knowledge, basic computerskills, communication skills, and others.
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Author | : | Dr Radha Yadav, Ashu Khanna, Ms. Priyanka Panday |
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This Paper deals with a systematic review of the quality of work life (QWL) with organizational commitment (OC) and organizational performance (OP) of the Multinational firms in relation to sustainability. The objective of the paper is to present a theoretical model using the factors identified related to work life balance, commitment, and performance. Various databases such as Emerald, Scopus, Springer, and WOS are used to review the literature; 100 research papers out of 150 are thoroughly discussed in the paper to assess the contemporary connotation and relation of QWL, commitment and performance in multinational firms in order to become a sustainable organization. Inclusion criteria of literature are the papers showing the relationship of at least two variables; rest all were excluded from the literature. The finding of the paper clearly identifies the strong positive relationship between these variables in relation to QWL and direct relation to sustainability. This paper shall be helpful in finding out the future scope of quality of work life from the perspective of today’s employee for the betterment of the performance of Multinational firm in order to create a sustainable environment for development of Human resource. The results of this research provide a meaningful insight the information in the area of improving Quality of work life at the workplace that increases the commitment in the employees and improves the organizational performance.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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Name | : | Editorial |
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