Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management

The Transition of Advertisement from Conventional to Interactive: A Systematic Literature Review


Harshmit Kaur Saluja

Research Scholar

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Harcourt Butler Technical University

Kanpur, U.P., India

Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav

Associate Professor

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Harcourt Butler Technical University

Kanpur, U.P., India

Prof. K.M. Mohapatra

Professor and Dean

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Harcourt Butler Technical University

Kanpur, U.P., India

Bhartrihari Pandiya

Research Scholar

Department of Management Studies

IIIT Allahabad


Advertising has seen a drastic change in today’s digital world. Organizations have come up with interactive advertisement in this dynamic scenario to capture the interest of the consumers providing a boost in the sales. It helps in their branding process and to retain their existing customers. An extensive literature review was conducted to study the areas of interactive advertisement. The exploratory work reviews the previous researches undertaken to study the impact of advertising especially after the advent of the Internet and to suggest further research directions. Exhaustive and renowned databases like ScienceDirect, Emerald Insight and Web of Science were considered for the thorough search and Prisma model was further used to select the final research papers. The research articles considered here are published between 2004 and 2018 and classified on the basis of year of publication and focus area of the work. We have done a comprehensive and systematic review to understand the trends in interactive advertisement. After careful investigation and selection, some journal papers were selected for complete and deeper study. The exploration reveals that no such research work comprehensively reviews and consolidates the research work available in this area and thus this paper is an attempt to fill such gap. The review also points out that it is a continuously growing area and needs attention of the marketers as it an essential analytical and predictable tool. The literature highlights some research gaps that show there is a lot of dearth in this area thus providing directions for future research work.

Keywords: Advertising, Interactive Advertisement, Advent of Internet, Systematic Literature Review


The growth and development in I.T. has changed the life of everyone in some or the other aspect. Today, the life that we lead and comparing this prior 1990’s we will find there is huge gap in all the way faring. And when we talk about the advertisement sector, we observe the drastic change. After the advent of internet, main benchmark came with the big explosion of social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, twitter etc. which made customers the main contributors of the advertisement content through their different online activity. It facilitated in giving rise to huge amount of user-generated content that become useful for analytic study of the user behavior (Paniagua and Sapena, 2014). Traditional advertising was one that was concerned for the customer but from the advertiser-end i.e. the advertisement was made seeing the advertiser perspective but now, we discover that the continuous technological changes has led to the scenario that advertisement now are framed from customer point of view i.e., the control of advertisement has changed from the advertiser to customer. So, we observe that Advertising is seeing shifting from being anonymous to gaining identity. In this regard Li and Leckenby (2000) in Paul A.Pavlov (2000) have catalyst interactive advertising as the "paid and unpaid presentation and promotion of products, services and ideas by an identified sponsor through mediated means involving mutual action between consumers and producers of the product or service." The dictionary meaning says ‘influencing each other’ which implies that it is two-way communication between advertiser and consumer. After understanding the mean of Interactive Advertising Lombard and Ditton (2013) further define Interactivity as a characteristic of a medium in which, the user can influence the form and content of the mediated presentation or experience.The internet is considered to be the revolution in the advertising sector, and the advent of mobile became the facilitator in the advertising sector which helped the interaction between advertiser and consumer to be more frequent and fast. That is why we have observed that the major influence came with internet & its application. Cho and Leckenby (1999) measure interactivity according to “the degree to which a person actively engages in advertising processing by interacting with advertising messages and advertisers.” (Karimova, 2011) Since the interactive advertisement has changed the whole view of the advertising industry by its varying means and ways of connecting with customers. And seeing lot of dearth in this area, it became an interesting topic, and we decided to undertake literature in this field. The research objective of this study can be broadly classified as: (a) To study the growth and importance of interactive advertisement. (b) To do a comprehensive and systematic literature review in the field of interactive advertisement. (c) To suggest further research directions in this domain of Interactive Advertisement. The present study is a contribution to the existing body of the literature by providing the insight for the comprehensive review 64 research papers that focus exclusively on Interactive advertisement. Further, effort are also made to highlight the essential finding of those research papers on the interactive advertisements. This paper is than compiled at one place for convenient access to researchers who are interested to work in this area. Such kind of study has not been found till date.


Traditional means of advertisement was one way communication from advertiser to customer without understanding the various perspective of consumers. But gradually with modern advertising coming its way we found the pace of interaction started getting changed and opened newer avenue for advertisements. And today when we live in a world of interactive advertisement we are into a two-way communication between advertiser and cosumer.The interactive advertisement has become the area of interest among the practitioner and academicians in recent past due to the changing consumer reactions towards advertisement and also because of the current trends that we have seen which has the changed the complete view of advertisement sector. We are seeing that how the advertisement sector is changing at such a high pace and which has moved the advertisement industry from advertiser-centric to consumer-centric. Gauzante (2010) studies has reveal that knowing and understanding consumers needs, desires, lifestyle, etc. has become such an important determinant in deciding the content of the advertisement. As the content is an important ailment for influencing the customer and when the content is presented after analyzing the customers’ preferences and likings. Then the viewance and further acceptance by customers increases. Further, A survey by Koshksaray (2015) explores that consumer e-lifestyle is affecting to a great extent their choice towards the product/service which is being advertised. As an internet era has led us to keep on eye-watch in the e-lifestyle because now the consumer has become habitat of keeping all its activity in e-platform that may be related to the health, work, personal shopping, etc & even the consumer prefer to keep the record of all the activity as it keep the database which help in further activity and also knowing consumers in a better way for their online activity. After the advent of internet, main benchmark came with the big explosion of social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. which made customers the main contributors of the advertisement content through their different online activity. It facilitated in giving rise to huge amount of user generated content that became useful for analytical study of the user behavior. The massive rise of the internet has made the advertisement sector transformed completely. A number of studies have provided such evidence that internet has a significant influence over the advertisement sector. There has been a plenty of work that has been done in theadvertisement sector when we talk about the traditional advertisement. But when we study the interactive advertising, we see that there is still a lot to go. The present is an effort that helps in providing knowledge of the research work that cynosure on the locus of the advertisement and it transverses through the literature that is available. One of the prime objectives of this study is to provide a deep and comprehensive bibliography of the interactive advertisement. Further, the paper also explores all the relevant studies that show that how the advent and ease of internet has completely changed the behavior & expectations of the consumer towards the advertisement sector. The paper also attempts to present a review of the research articles that have explored the area of the interactive advertisement. At the end, the paper also suggests the future anticipation of the research on the interactive advertisement.

Systematic and Comprehensive Literature Review using PRISMA Model

The process of literature review and the methodology adopted have been discussed in this section. A thorough and comprehensive literature review was undertaken in the area of interactive advertisement. The systematic and comprehensive literature review is based on the procedures given by (Dubey et al. 2017) and (Tranfield et al. 2003). The databases searched for literature review in this study are Web of Science, Science Direct and Emerald Insight. These databases are considered to be the best- quality and quantity wise for academic journals and conference proceedings. Keywords such as “Interactive” and “advertising” and “India” were used to fetch results. The search for the keywords was done independently on Web of Science and other databases using ‘or’ operator between the keywords and therefore the outcome of search of the above mentioned areas were combined using an ‘and’ operator in the three reputed databases. The search syntax is shown in Table 1. The first stage search resulted in 292 journal articles when searched with the keywords “interactive advertisement” in Web of Science database on (November 20, 2018) since the inception of the topic. In the Science Direct database, the result obtained was 139 with the same keywords in the same time period. The same search was conducted in the huge database of Emerald Insight which yielded 670 responses. So, a second level search was initiated by adding keyword “India” which finally ended up in 107 potentially eligible studies results. Then, non duplicate citations were screened in “Mendeley” reference manager for all the databases combined. This resulted in 86 non duplicate citations. The next step was to apply inclusion/exclusion criteria as at this point of the evaluation. The initial inclusion criterion was that the articles must be totally written in English language, and the keywords searched must be present in the title, subtitles and abstract of the articles and 8 articles were excluded. The studies must discuss interactive advertisement in their theoretical or empirical studies. This led to the exclusion of meta-analyses, unpublished research comments, dissertations, master’s theses and language publications not in English language along with studies that are not evaluating the factors and components of employer branding in any sector. These articles have been reviewed to understand the work done in these areas. The research papers from other sectors were also studies to understand the dimensions in that industry, be it service or product. Finally 64 articles were selected and studied thoroughly. The results can be copied in their respective databases and cross checked to provide the results, but as these databases are dynamic and actively updated, the results may vary in the number of documents (Gupta, Altay & Lou, 2017). So, these research papers were studied for identification of the antecedents which are capable of alluring the present employees and the prospective ones.

Figure 1: Prisma Flow-Diagram of Literature included in the Study

Table 1: Search syntaxes on various digital database sources


Data Source


                  Search Syntaxes

Number of results obtained

Web of Science

Title Search=”Interactive advertisement”



Science Direct

Title Search=”Interactive advertisement”



Emerald Insight

Title Search=”Interactive advertisement” AND “India”




The basic principle of the traditional advertisement was to sell the product/service to its customers without knowing about the customer's outlook. And, while studying about interactive advertising, we see that it is concerned with starting from knowing the needs, desires, etc. of the customer, to observing their online behavior to satisfying them. The essential thing is the customization of the advertiser content. In this attempt, we also follow that the trends in advertising sector have changed at a high pace after the advent of the internet as compared to prior it and this revaluation has changed the advertising sector from advertiser control to customer control. The current study is an attempt by bringing all the research work related to interactive advertising in one place.


In one way the represented over here is an outline of the advertisement presented over years. The primary target of this study is to organize & analyze the present status of interactive advertising by reviewing the prior research work in the advertisement sector from traditional era to modern era. This paper consists of the review of these research papers on interactive advertisement. This includes the work of researchers from the 2004 to 2018. The research paper involved here are sourced from referred journals various websites, workshops, seminars, conference at numerous national as well as international levels. The literature was explored mainly by using the keywords from “interactive advertisement,” “interactive advertisement in India,” “modern advertisement,” etc. the rest paper was searched for keywords in title, abstracts, keywords, etc. This search has produced hundreds of articles related to it, but the papers that were relevant are only considered in our study. The various online platforms were used like Science Direct, Google Scholar and Web of Science, etc. In this paper we have studied the articles based on Prisma model, also we have studied the interactive advertisement year-wise and also after the above two analysis major 24 research papers who have contributed to interactive advertisement are presented over here in tabular way. Then the available body of the research work is carefully studied to know the right way of classifying the research work for achieving the essential objectives of the paper


The published research papers on interactive advertisement were analyzed and categorized on the basis of a year of publications in different categories: Advertisement sector always have played a pivotal role in the life of the consumer. But, this role has changed over the years. Prior the main aim was just to sell the product. But slowly this changed to selling & satisfying the consumer. In 1990, the role of interactive advertisement was negligible. At that time advertisement sector was not study during this time period in that area. But a little later the studies started in the role of internet in advertisement sector.

a) Past 12 months (from 10-12-1017 to 10-12-2018)

The below is the figure depicting the distribution of the research work over the past one year in Interactive Advertisement. From the given figure it can be inferred that this area is growing continuously and it reached to 100 numbers of studies in March 2018 which is highest, and it ended at 89 numbers of studies in December 2018. The figure explains the increased attention of all the researchers in the area, and than at the end, the dotted line indicates that there is still a lot to be studied and it further has exponential growth as the advent of technology is continuously upgrading, and customers now like to have a customized approach from the advertisers.

b) Period ranging from (11-11-2012 to 03-12-2017)

The below is the figure depicting the distribution of the research work in the five years ranging from 2012 to 2017 in the Interactive Advertisement. The figure shows the substantial growth in this sector. In this figure, it also shows that it touched 100 numbers of studies in June 2014. The figure shows the continuous fluctuation in this area of research. Prior to this in the previous years, there was not that growth which shows that it is growing.


The present study is a contribution to the existing body of literature by providing comprehensive review 64 research papers that focus on Interactive Advertisement. Further, effect is made to highlight the main finding of the important research papers on the Interactive advertisement. This paper then highlights it at one place for easy access to researchers who are interested to work in this area. The uniqueness of the research work is that no such kind of study has been found till date. The table below summarizes selected papers on Advertisement that focuses on Interactive Advertisement. The summary below is not exhaustive of all papers present in the literature. Selected findings in the main finding are paraphrased in the source paper without the use of quotations.

Table.2: Overview of key studies on selected papers of Interactive Advertisement



Research Methodology


Main Findings


Belanche et al. (2016)

Online Survey

(Users click data retrieval)

190 Graduate and Undergraduate students

In Interactive Advertising online video advertisement has become a demanding marketing tool. The study has evolved that high-arousal ads are the one which is preferred by the consumer as they are being watched for a long time and are more effective.


Rodgers (2013)

Online Survey

(Users click data retrieval)

Two samples were taken.


1.N=106 (College Students)


2.N=38 (Non-student adults)

The role of the Internet was being examined among the consumer. The study evolved that the Internet created four levels among consumers. They were communicating, research, shop and surf. It further also reveals that consumer motives are one of the influencing factors for advertisement.


Sunder and Kim (2005)

Fully crossed factorial with-in participants experiment

48 undergraduate students

Interactivity has become the strong eve for persuading the consumer psychologically. Another finding also reveals that animation positively influences the attitude of consumers towards the ad, but it also has an adverse effect on product involvement (including product knowledge and purchase intention).


Liu and Shrum (2002)



Interactive advertisement is multi-dimensional. It further draws a conclusion that is cognitive, social and personality characteristic and also both the person and situation that influence the interactively on advertisement effectiveness.


Keyzer et al. (2015)



Students who were heavy users of Facebook from age 17 to 29 years old

The role of response has increased after the advertisement has been interactive and personalized. Social network sites example Facebook has observed as the one having a positive effect on advertising by seeing the intention of the consumer.


Lombard and Duch (2013)



The new communication technologies were also creating some problems for the advertising industry and thus giving the challenge to make advertising more and more interactive and consumer-focused. It further exhibits that the features spatial presence, perceptual reaction, social realism engagement, social presence are a key factor which makes advertisement consumer-centered by knowing their characteristics and thus making it interactive


Ham (2016)


544 (College Students)

The study reveals that the digital knowledge of consumer is essential for their purchase intention and they also say that behavioral analysis of consumer is the dominant factor for studying the consumer online activity. It means that the importance of digital consumer rights and public policy is important for having consumer digital knowledge.


Siddiqui (2008)



The diversity of online advertisers reflects high Internet penetration in the market. It has been defined that combining the user‘s profile with the situation is also the way through which advertisers can provide the target customer with the information they want.


Campbell (2011)


690 Pre-roll ads to 15 different product categories

Everyday consumers are exposed to lots of advertising media, and therefore they have developed a sensitive understanding of the advertisement, and that is the form of being interactive


Grewal et al. (2016)



It has explained that various environmental and technological factors, consumer’s demographic profile,etc. help the advertisers to make an advertisement more useful by also considering the various market factors.


Anusha (2016)



Video advertisements are preferred and liked most by the consumers among various interactive advertisement platform.


Huang et al. (2012)

Experiment (online video)

N=602 (undergraduate students as they are most active among video shares)

In the context of interactive advertising, Viral Video (VV) advertising is a most interactive platform as it involves video-based messages which theyare released through the proper channel.


Balasubramanian et al. (2002)



The advent of mobile phones has ensured a new and innovative way of providing feedback on anytime and anywhere basis.


Pramataris (2001)



In this study, it points out feedback as one of the crucial dimensions of interactivity


Cheung and To (2017)

Structural Equation Modeling

480 Young Mobile users

The in-app advertisement is the most growing feature of interactive advertising and is considered to be better than online advertising as it provides the options like swipe, sensor,and GPS which helps to make message small, engaged and uninterrupted.


Busen and Mustaffa (2014)



Consumer-based model

Brand equity is a more important factor other than increasing sales revenue in the long runfor understanding the role of interactive advertisements in the consumer.


Calder et al. (2009)


Experiment using measurement scales


The research was to see the engagement in the context of advertising effectiveness and for this two types of engagement were advanced. They are personal and social-interactive engagement.And it was observed that social-interactive engagement offers the more appealing feature.


Schumann et al. (2001)

Trend analysis


This paper focused on considering the future of interactive advertisement through IMC lens which evolved that it will develop and expand with a critical characteristic of successful advertising and product/service interaction.


Roberts and Ko (2013)



Global IA is a concept which requires cross-cultural making techniques which actively engage people in advertisement through communication and advertisement technique. It, on one hand, enables advertising by making localized relation with international customers and on other hand developing benchmark high and making advertisement in all languages.



Goldsmith et al (2013)

Path analysis

152 adult consumers

The study try to address the impact of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility on consumer reaction to advertising and branch and it was analyzed that endorsed credibility strongly impacts on advertising on ad whereas corporate celebrity strongly impacts advertisement on the brand. It further  
says that credibility has an important role one consumer’s reaction towards the advertising and brand lead to purchase intention. As compared to endorser credibility which only affects ad and leads to purchase intention.



Rodgers & Thorson (2013)



This model reveal that as the control has switched from advertisers to consumers so the need of interactive advertisement has grown and for it, two most important factor functions and structures need to be considered. That is the reason that function and structure should be such that which are able to engage consumer attention, frame in their memory and make their attitude inclined towards advertisement in such a way that consumer does not forget the advertisement but they should attend the advertisement form attitude towards ad, able to take decision on ad, explore the ad, e-mail advertiser, purchase the product, etc.


Antonova (2015)


109 participants age 17 to 49

Interactivity adv are more effective than non-interactive and it gives more freedom to involve in advertising characters and environment.


Mollen & Wilson (2009)



It basically shows that interactivity, flow and involvement are the distinct constraints of advertisement.


The present paper has identified the research papers that explore the area of interactive advertisement which is continuously growing. This paper tries to present an overview of the literature in this area. And then we have find that this area is substantially gaining importance and popularity. Therefore, it shows that there are considerable challenges that are required to be covered in future for the comprehensive understanding and better application of it as a predictive and analytical tool. After, reviewing the papers, we observed that interactive advertising is continuously growing after the advent of the Internet and is still at its growing pace and there is lot more to explore in this area. The Internet users are continuously growing so it can be inferred that making advertisement interactive became the primary need of advertisement sector. It aroused with the changing need, attitude, desires, behavioral aspects, and continuously changing e-lifestyle of consumers, etc. because the literature shows that the main drift came after the advent of the internet and since then there are continuous changes among consumers for the advertisement that they see. The literature shows that there is not much work done in the interactive advertising field that is why there is a lot of information relating to interactive advertising that is unexplored. It is one of the significant observations that show there was a dearth and lack of study and research in this field. This paper is, therefore, an attempt to present an overview of the related literature in the area of interactive advertising by using Prisma model and trend analysis. The findings have been systematically summarized later on.


The current paper is an attempt to provide the overview of the academic literature of Interactive advertisement. It helps in consolidating the available literature on the concerned area as to provide the insight for the relevant field for future research work in this area. The review shows that there is a shortage in this area and hence, there is a lot of opportunity on this. Further research also reveals that the topic interactive advertisement has seen as fast-growing after the advent of the internet over the years 1990 to 2018 and the study shows it will continue to grow in the future. It has become an essential analytical and predictable tool for the advertisers and marketing practitioners for advertising their product/ service in such a way as consumers get triggered towards it. However, the study has some limitation. The study focuses only on the advent of internet that made advertisement sector transformed from traditional forms of advertising to modern forms of advertising and further being interactive. But there may be some other factors like generation gap, changing lifestyles etc. that would also have contributed to some extent in the advertising sector which may be further studied. Further, this study can also be checked through empirical study.


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