Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management

A Behavioral Study of Consumer Purchase Intention with the Application of Model of Extended Theory

Anupam Pareek

Research Scholar

Faculty of Management and Commerce

Poornima University

Jaipur, Rajasthan


Dr. Urvashi Bhamboo

Associate Professor

Faculty of Management and Commerce

Poornima University

Jaipur, Rajasthan



Dr. Indrajit Ghosal

Associate Professor

Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering

Poornima University

Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)




“Health is wealth” someone said so well, using health and safe products is one of the very important rights of every mankind and awareness of the items they use is mostly motivated by health and environmental concerns. Several factors, such as pollution, have an impact on the environment. It has been the most successful. As a result, the evolution of a green environment and green product has become a source of concern for the general population in a number of nations.

In terms of Jaipur, Rajasthan, this issue is still in its infancy, especially among new consumers; nonetheless, the desire for environmentally friendly items is on the rise. The main focus of the study is to determine consumer purchasing intentions for green products. The sample was chosen for this purpose from Poornima University located in Jaipur, Rajasthan. A total of 200 university students were included in the study. The hypotheses were put to the test with the help of the study showed SmartPLS 3 and the results for the  both inner and outer models.

The findings revealed ten significant hypotheses, but they were restricted to a sample of university students because it is assumed that young students are so concerned about their health and the environment. Furthermore, this research is conceptually restricted to the theory of planned conduct. The research aids policymakers in developing methods to raise consumer awareness of health and environmental issues, particularly among students. The recommendations are also discussed in the paper.

Keywords- Green product, Environmentally friendly, consumer purchasing intentions, Environmental concern; Health consciousness.


Food quality is a top priority for customers all over the world because it is a basic need for survival. This goal stems from their concerns about a food item that is very able to adapt to environmental concerns, perceived consumer effectiveness,  social standards, and health consciousness as time goes on (Haytko and Matulich, 2008). This worry has prompted a slew of organizations to work on developing green products. However, customers must be aware of such products and their benefits to their health and the environment in order to live a healthier lifestyle with better nutrition. Furthermore, a customer has the right to buy and consume high-quality food. It is critical to be concerned about food safety and to be aware of one's own health.

Jaipur is classified as a developing city with a variety of obstacles in building its economy and infrastructure. It also includes manufacturing concern businesses, wastewater treatment plants, and other farms. Consumer behavior is changing in response to rising environmental concerns (Eneizan and Obaid, 2016; Eneizan et al., 2016 Grinstein and Riefler, 2015).

The dynamic world that exists now has instilled in the consumer the desire to experiment with different decision-making processes when it comes to products and services. Green products are obviously highly regarded and necessary because they are healthful and bring about change in people's lives and livelihoods.

As a result, green products can be characterized as commodities that are of higher quality, provide nutrition, and are created in accordance with the principles of (Tischner and Charter, 2017)sustainable growth. According to Lau and Chan (2002), the green concept is recyclable, environmentally friendly, and environmentally conscious. The environment is being greatly impacted by consumer behavior, and this has to change (Kalafatis et al., 1999). It is obvious that people want to understand and learn more about eco-friendly products (Eneizan et al. 2016). However, if consumer views of green products develop, it is feasible that customers' purchasing intents and preferences will shift in the future in favor of green products (Biswas and Roy, 2015).

As Jaipur progresses toward becoming a prosperous city, its population has grown over time. Jaipuri citizens are becoming more educated, and they will be worried about environmental issues and food safety. The decision to go healthier with green was made in tandem with changes in consumer tastes, living standards, agricultural quality, and marketing in order to persuade society to raise demand for green products. Green goods, according to Giesbrecht (2016), include wheatgrass and cereal grasses like barley and oats, as well as spinach, celery, and parsley. Green products are of high quality, particularly in the food sector, and have a thriving international market (Eneizan et al., 2015c). Green products have a food specialist with good quality since they contain nutrients, are naturally nourished, and are environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, over a hundred countries throughout the world still lack legislation that would allow them to embrace international food safety standards. The WHO campaign aims to boost people's health awareness and increase their awareness of green products so that they may eat a healthier diet (Balanced) that is produced or grown while also considering hygiene. The phenomenon of food safety and the green concept have an impact on Jaipuri buyers. They are now on the lookout for foods that are wholesome, delicious, healthier, and safer for their lifestyle. As a result of their concern for their health, many Jaipuris are beginning to consume green goods (Kanchanapibul et al., 2014; Eneizan et al., 2015b; ).

At the student level, students should have sufficient understanding about sanitary diet and food so that the problem has the least possible impact on society. Fast food attracts students since it is easy to obtain, and available to eat (Hawkes et al., 2015). This will improve the statistical analysis of fast food consumption. Students pick and eat fast food due to a lack of exposure to green products. The desire to buy green items has become commonplace in Jaipur, particularly among students.

After that, kids frequently choose fast food as a dinner option. To plan and enforce the use of green products, as well as to put an emphasis on healthy food alternatives to fast food, government regulation is necessary. The researcher wants to inspire pupils to have nutritious meals in the future. In order to study hard and well, students need to eat a diet that is well-balanced and nutrient-rich.

 Hypotheses and Framework

The theoretical framework is depicted in Figure 1 (Jabori Shanawi, 2019). In this theoretical framework's six domains, which include independent variables including environmental concern, health consciousness, and attitude towards buying green products, social norms, and perceived behavior control, eleven hypotheses are retrieved. Everyone will be talking about their motivations for purchasing green goods.



  • Purchase Intention of Green Products

In terms of consumer consciousness, One argument makes the case that the consumer's desire to use or consume any good or service made available through the market. Furthermore, raising consumer awareness is the first step toward establishing their rights and responsibilities in relation to the products they consume. It involved information, safety, choice and the right to be heard.(Han and Kim, 2010). Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about challenges in societal development and environmental safety  (Eneizan et al., 2018: Eneizan and Abd Wahab, 2016) . Since the consumption of green products is becoming more sustainable, it is vital to raise public awareness among Jaipuri citizens. The most important factor affecting environmental concerns is public knowledge (Biswas Eneizan et al., 2015a; Eneizan and Abd Wahab, 2016). 1205 Roy, 2015; Eneizan et al., 2015; Eneizan and Abd Wahab, 2016). It is critical to increase the level of seriousness about attitudes and the activities that influence them.

The Jaipuri people's comprehension of green products is still in its early stages, with many people lacking information  and knowledge about them. On the contrary, there are a number of campaigns underway to market and educate people about green products and their benefits. The information on the buying intention of green products in Jaipur is limited. The important question is if Jaipuri consumers are aware of the green idea and are concerned about environmental, health, and safety (VigarEllis and Scott, 2014). During the last decade, the consumption of green products has steadily expanded around the world. As previously said, the demand for green products is growing as people become more environmentally and health conscious. People in Jaipur are expected to gain awareness of green products in the near future. As far as India is concerned, customers are becoming increasingly concerned about green products. According to Li (2016), the majority of households are aware of green items and green labels. They exhibit a high level of health and food safety awareness. According to them, 60% of customers believe that green products are healthier in comparision, and at the same time, they are efficient and knowledgeable about the green product concept. As a result, the feature of building a better understanding of green products among Jaipuris is the most pressing problem for the study.

It is clear that knowledge and attitude are the most important factors in influencing customer behavior intentions regarding the use and consumption of green products. Consumption of green products as well as the overall food business in Jaipur is being studied to better understand why people choose to consume these items. Green product consumption is one alternative that does not harm and contributes to a more sustainable future. Consumers now assume that consuming green products will provide them with improved quality and performance in their lives. Green products, as previously stated, are safe to eat, of good quality, and give nutritional value. Green products have a lot of promise in Jaipur, and they will help Jaipur become a successful country (Kanchanapibul et al., 2014).

  • TPB Model (Extended)

TPB is regarded as one of the most effective models for predicting customer intent. According to the TPB paradigm, consumers must be encouraged to engage in observable behavior. In order to undertake a research of customer behavior, this factor is quite challenging (Taylor and Todd, 1995). As a result, the expanded Theory of Planned Behavior is the most appropriate grand theory for this investigation. It is known as a product of these theories because it identified behavioral intention as the most important predictor. Furthermore, it is an extension of TPB, which was built and developed this theory by ensuring the detailed components. The TPB has been expanded to describe the multidimensional by Chan and Lau (2002) and Ling-Yee (1997). This theory's significance stems from the fact that it provides information on particular aspects that influence behavioral intention. Furthermore, it provides additional managerial information to the decision maker. The extended TPB was divided into three sections. In the first block of the model, the model's attitudinal belief structure is explored. While the other block is linked to the normative belief system, the remaining block is related to the presentation of behavior regulation.

  • Attitude Towards Buying Green Products

Green products cause a shift in customer attitudes, causing them to believe in the decrease of pollution in the environment and that they are a part of it. In environmental research, the attitude is examined as part of the personality factors. The function of a person's intention and attitude is dependent on his or her action. As a result, the concept is referred to as a way of thinking about buying environmentally friendly items that aims to take into account how their use would affect society (Han and Kim, 2010, Ghosal et al., 2021).

Green products, according to Lee and Holden, are crucial in anticipating ecological consumer behavior, which includes product recycling and energy conservation (1999). Consumers' trust and faith in environmental safety and resource conservation are ensured by the high rate of green product use (Chan and Lau, 2002; Kalafatis et al., 1999, Ghosal et al., 2022). They are in favor of people wanting to engage in particular behaviors, such as buying green items. People with a good attitude and awareness about the purchase of green products, on the other hand, may have a higher tendency to support nature than people who try to fix an environmental problem, according to Lee et al. (2014).

Green goods purchases reflect an individual's attitude toward environmental conduct. According to (Lee, 2008), this perception may be accurate, and it is one of the elements influencing green consumption among Hong Kong's youth. According to the study, teens' perceptions can influence whether or not they consume green products. The consumer's attitude toward purchasing a green product is linked to their perceived behavioral traits, which aids in the analysis of green customers. Based on their awareness, conduct, and perception of societal pressure, the idea described customers' intention to use green products (Armitage and Conner, 2011).

One of the changing occurrences is people's attitudes toward buying green items. In other words, it can be seen in a variety of settings. If consumers believe that an issue with the environment can be rectified quickly, they will switch to green products. As a result, it can convert their pleasant feelings into actual purchases. The consumer attitude of acquiring and consuming green items demonstrates people's concern for water and environmental pollution solutions. This implies that customer attitudes are positively related to environmental awareness.

H1: The intention to buy green items is strongly correlated with one's attitude towards doing so.

  • Subjective Norm

If one person does something different, societal norms influence the other, causing the individual to do the same. Other members of society are compelled by social standards to consume the same things. This could be due to our increased social contact, which has the ability to persuade consumers to buy green items. As a result, there is a favorable link that has been demonstrated in earlier research (Phuah et al., 2011). Furthermore, social norms contribute to a cheerful mindset (Tarkiainen and Sundqvist, 2005). Previous research has indicated that social norms have either an enabling or a discouraging effect on eating behavior when it comes to green products (Han and Yoon, 2015). In addition, It is also said that food selection might be influenced by social pressure and specific need (Herman, 2015).

According to Tarkiainen and Sundqvist (2005), social norms may be a significant factor in influencing individuals to use green goods in their daily life. People are greatly influenced by the environment in starting and changing their lifestyles by consuming green products. Charter (2017) asserts that there are positive correlations between how societal standards might influence people's purchasing decisions. According to Dovidio et al. (2017), these norms are a shift in a person's attitude and conduct that is impacted by others. Social norms are a motivator that can encourage society members to affect the attitudes of others to attract them to green products (Rashotte, 2007).

It is clear from the statement that social norms are important factors that influence customer behavior when it comes to purchasing green items. Social norms, it was said, have a profound association with nature-friendly items, which can drive consumers to consume green products. The study also found that social norms had a direct and considerable impact on consumers' intentions to buy green items. Individuals in the corporate world are influenced by organizational culture and peer association to adopt green products to consume. Family, friends, coworkers, and other members of society all have an impact on an individual's conduct (Han and Kim, 2010). People of a Z generation are frequently encouraged by their peers to purchase things that they already use (Webb et al., 2017). The z generation is constantly influenced by their peers to buy certain things. They do, in fact, incline to buy green products when their peers do.

The mass media, which draws consumers' or people's attention to the purchase of green products, is another example of social norms (Ajzen, 1991). Consumers feel that the media can provide and gather information on green products from a range of sources. Consumers can learn about environmental issues from media outlets such as television, magazines, radio, and newspapers. Brown and Duguid (2017) found that the media can affect young people's purchasing decisions and that they use the media to obtain all information on green items. If society becomes more vigilant and conscious of an environmental concern, the concept of green products may become more popular in Jaipur. Marketers who introduce and produce information about the consumption of environment friendly products were involved in social norms.

Another example of social standards is the mass media, which draws consumers' or people's attention to the purchasing of green products (Ajzen, 1991). Consumers think that the media can distribute and compile details about green products from many sources. Environmental issues can be learned about through media such as television, periodicals, radio, and newspapers. Brown and Duguid (2017) discovered that the media has an impact on young people's purchasing decisions and that they rely on the media for all green information. Green products may become more popular in Jaipur if society grows more vigilant and cognizant of environmental concerns. Marketers who introduce and develop information on green product consumption play a role in social norms. Furthermore, according to Fukuyama (2017), social norms can be linked to individuals' direct vital roles in their lives, such as fathers, mothers, or teachers, who have a significant impact on learning knowledge, particularly among youth, about the use of green products. Influencers have the power to influence people's attitudes about expensive and luxurious goods. As a result, because the subjective norm is such a significant role in buying intention for green items, it is proposed that:

H2: Purchase intention for green items is substantially correlated with subjective norms.

  • Perceived Behavioral Control

The concept of inner locus of control is linked to perceived behavioral control (Paul et al., 2016). That denotes the human conduct in terms of how they intend to use the things. According to Yoon and Han (2015), consumers should buy green goods on a regular basis since they can help them retain excellent health by increasing their perceived behavioral control. The idea of perceived behavioral control is also applicable to a self-evaluation of a pollution-related environmental problem. According to Sudiyanti (2009), perceived controlled behavior is the main element influencing women's decision to purchase eco-friendly goods. Furthermore, it can be linked to external variables such as race, age, educational attainment, and income, all of which have a significant impact on consumer awareness of green products (Phuah et al., 2011). The affirmative statement implies that education and race have an impact on the perceived behavioral control over green product purchases.

H3: Perceived behavioral control is significantly related to purchase intention for green products.

  • Environmental Concern

The environment is the most significant element that drives customers to buy green products. According to a previous study, adopting green products helps reduce the damage caused by natural hazards. Nowadays, consumers are more concerned about environmental protection. They feel that eating green food can aid in the resolution of environmental issues (Aman et al., 2012; Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáez, 2012).

The majority of customers are concerned about the environment and are aware of it. They feel that by consuming green products, they will be able to help and overcome the issue of environmental awareness (Laroche, 2001). It is necessary for customers to have sufficient information and understanding of environmental issues, which may be related with the purchasing of green products. Previous research has revealed that customers are knowledgeable and aware of environmental issues, as well as having a favorable attitude toward the use of green products. Furthermore, consumers that have a positive attitude toward environmental issues are more likely to consume environmentally friendly products, such as green products. However, according to past studies, large price differences and difficulties may prevent consumers from purchasing environmentally friendly products. Not all customers are prepared to pay a premium for environmentally friendly products. It will be their decision rather than purchasing environmentally friendly products as long as the products are of good quality and satisfy their needs. Consumers who are pro-environment, on the other hand, are more likely to pay a premium for green items, and price is not the primary factor limiting them from doing so (Moser, 2015).

It has been proposed that consumers do not buy green items because of environmental concerns, but rather because of other factors such as cost, ease of access, and product quality (Johri and Sahasakmontri, 1998). Consumers value food quality and freshness, as well as the absence of any hazardous substances in any product (Bibi et al., 2017). Environmental consciousness, according to Roberts (1997), refers to how people think, feel, and act in relation to the environment. If attitude and conduct are measured at the same level, the New Environment Paradigm (NEP) uses the scale to compare environmentally conscious and ecologically responsible people. As a result, the following possibilities are suggested:

H7: Environmental concern is significantly related to perceived behavioral control.

Health Consciousness

The quality of green products is far superior than other products on the market. These goods contain natural Ingredients and are free of chemical additives to preserve them. Consumers who are concerned about green products, according to Rahim (2009), have a favorable attitude toward consuming. They are more likely to adopt a new manner of consuming green products in their daily lives. Green products, according to Lockie (2002), have a healthier composition and are healthful. It is the main reason people need to buy this healthier food instead of regular foods. Natural content can also have a positive effect on consumer buying decisions (Katz et al., 2017).

As previously stated, green products contain pure vitamins in higher concentrations than regular items created unnaturally, such as Vitamin C, which is an essential element for human health and is found in green products. It helps the human body's immunity, so that it can fight diseases like cancer. Green products have been shown in previous studies by Armin et al. (2013) to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. By incorporating natural techniques, milk became valuable, containing a higher ratio of the nutrients needed by the human body (Aman et al., 2012). Green products also have a lower fat content and a higher carbohydrate content than traditional foods (Armin et al., 2003).

Green goods could be substituted for a diet and a balanced supper on a daily basis. Consumers are very concerned about their health, which drives them to look for green products to maintain their health. It is also obvious that although customers are free to select any product for usage, other factors also impact their decisions. One of them has a connection to a health problem. On the other hand, consumers choose green products for their flavor as well as their health advantages. Furthermore, Phuah et al. (2011) discovered that customers with a high degree of education and a high income are more likely to buy green products due to health concerns. However, they require consumer confidence, particularly from loyal customers, in order to buy green products produced in their country (Chakrabarti, 2010). Based on that, we propose the following hypothesis:

H8:The intention to buy green products is substantially correlated with health consciousness.

The effectiveness of green products encourages consumers to live a healthy lifestyle, which inspires them to seek out and use green products appropriately. With the passage of time, people's attitudes on consuming items will alter and evolve. According to a survey of Jaipur customers, green products are tastier, healthier, and of good quality in terms of no adverse effects in comparison to traditional food (Dipeolu et al., 2009), Which leads debate, this research hypotheses that:

H9: The attitude towards purchasing green items is substantially correlated with health consciousness.

Some authors disagree about the health benefits of consuming green products. It is not considered very important by Tarkiainen and Sundqvist (2005) and Michaelidou and Hassan (2008) . According to their reasoning, the health benefits of green goods are the least crucial component of their consumption. According to McCarthy's research, the promotion of green products is intended to excite Chinese citizens as well as to protect animal welfare. The Chinese people's idea of promoting a healthy environment, as well as consumption, should be environmentally friendly. As a result, it is proposed that:

H11: The perception of behavioral control is highly correlated with health consciousness.



This research is quantitative in nature, it used a structured questionnaire to collect data. A pilot study with a relatively limited no. of data set of 51 respondents was done to ensure the questionnaire's validity, and EFA was performed. The EFA results were determined to be satisfactory, with all components loading at or above 0.7. Following that, 300 questionnaires were circulated, with 170 being returned. Nine of them, however, were deleted because they were not correctly filled. As a result, the sample size was reduced to 161 for further investigation. In total, there are six constructs in the framework, with a total of 19 components. It was examined how attitudes towards green products, societal norms, perceived behavioral control, and desire to buy green items were affected by environmental concern and health consciousness. In addition, the influence of social norms, perceived behavioral control, and attitudes towards green products on the desire to buy green products was examined. Using multi-item surveys with responses graded on a five-point Likert scale, all latent variables were evaluated. The table below lists the components used in each build as well as the construct reliability alpha value.


To calculate the measurement model and put it to the test hypotheses this was accomplished using SmartPLS version 3 and structural equation modeling.

Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the relationships revealed in the study framework. SmartPLS 3 was used for this. However, a screening process of data was carried out using SPSS and Excel before the main data analysis on SPLS. The data screening procedure was included. Detecting missing values and outliers, as well as the data's normality and screening for unengaged replies. Following that, a measurement model was estimated, and Composite reliability (CR) was assessed based on the outcome of convergent validity, which included average variance extracted (AVE) and factor loading. Furthermore, the discriminant validity was investigated using Hair et al criterion .'s (2011).



Table 1 above displays the respondents' demographic characteristics. Males make up 88 percent of the population while females only make up 12%, according to gender statistics. The majority of the responders (53 percent) were between the ages of 31 and 40, while those between the ages of 18 and 30 were between the ages of 18 and 30. (36 percent ). The responders who were over the age of 40 were (11 percent ). The majority of family members were two to three people (40 percent), three to six people (34 percent), and more than six people (14 percent) (26 percent ). Around (49 percent) of the respondents had a Bachelor's degree, (35 percent) a Master's degree, and the remaining (16 percent) had a Ph.D.


The estimation of the measurement model was the initial stage of the PLS-SEM. The overall good indicator loadings surpassed the suggested value of 0.7, according to the findings (Hair et al., 2009). In contrast to the benchmark value of 0.5, the AVE values varied from 0.526 to 0.734, and the CR values ranged from 0.71 to 0.88, both of which were higher than the benchmark value of 0.7 (Hair et al., 2009). Fornell and Larcker's (1981) criteria were used to evaluate the measuring items' discriminant validity (see table 2). The table shows that all diagonal AVE values are bigger than off-diagonal values of inter-construct squared correlations, illustrating the discriminant validity of the model's construct.





The structural model was estimated using the second stage of PLS-SEM (Path analysis). The R2 and significance values of the path model were assessed for this purpose (Hair et al., 2011). The R2 for purchasing attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm and purchase intention for green products was 0.549, 0.663, 0.330 and 0.421, respectively (see figure 2).

The study's premises demonstrate how environmental concern, health consciousness, purchasing behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control affect purchase intention. Additionally, it was evidently explored how environmental control and health consciousness affected purchasing patterns, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. All of the hypotheses were found to be supported by the data, with the exception of the connection between environmental concern and subjective norm, which was found to be unsupported. The coefficients and p-values for each relationship are shown in Table 3. The results are also depicted in Figure 2.








  1. Discussions

Environmental concern, purchasing attitude, subjective norm, health consciousness and perceived behavioral control are all hypothesized to Impact purchase intention. Furthermore, the influence of health consciousness and environmental control on purchase attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control was investigated directly. Except for the association between subjective norm and environmental concern, which was not found to be supported, all of the hypotheses were found to be validated. Table 3 below displays the coefficients and p-values for each association. Figure 2 displays the results as well.

The study's first independent variable was the participants' attitude toward purchasing a green product. In the questionnaire, three questions were asked. The findings revealed that attitudes toward acquiring green products have an impact on green product purchase intentions in Jaipur. It's possible that the responders comprehend the question about green items. The attitude towards buying green products has a path coefficient of 0.576 and a Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) of 0.549, showing that the variables are generally connected. Additionally, the results of the hypothesis testing are supported by the large variance in attitudes towards buying green items, with p=0.000.

In this study, the subjective norm was the second independent variable. The importance of purchasing intentions for green products was determined by all three items in this category. The subjective norm has the highest significance of the variables, with a path coefficient of 0.487 and a Pearson's correlation value (r) of 0.330. Behavior control, the third variable in this study, has a score of 0.347 and a Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) of 0.663, both of which are significant levels. The link might be characterized as high and strong because the value is higher than 0.50.

This study lends credence to earlier research that suggests health consciousness may be the primary driver of green product consumption. Furthermore, Grewal et al. (2017) discovered that customers, particularly in Jaipur, will be influenced by health consciousness to purchase green products because they are devoid of toxic and dangerous ingredients. According to Pomsanam and Kim (2014), the selection of green products was made since they have no negative effects and are produced in a safe and environmentally beneficial manner. This data and its implications could be the driving force for customers purchasing and consuming more green products in order to live a healthier life in the future. Dewulf et al. (2015) found that consciousness for health is the essential factor in consuming green products because they are healthy and safe.

With a route coefficient of 0.167, societal norms and environmental concern were not significant. As a consequence, hypothesis six, that an environmental concern is highly related to the subjective norm, is rejected. The findings are consistent with a prior study by Irawan and Darmayanti (2012), which found no significant coefficient and no positive link between social norms and environmental concerns. As a result, the study's findings are still insufficient. This variable may and may not evolve further in the future research in order to obtain a conclusive outcome. Additionally, earlier studies (Kalafatis et al., 1999) demonstrate that the study has a significant and direct influence on the environment. By consuming green goods, the community, neighbors, and families should all work to support the health of our children. This effort should start at home. By employing green technologies, they will benefit much, and we will all become more ecologically aware as a consequence. To date, several initiatives have been done to promote a healthy diet and active lifestyle among Jaipuri inhabitants. The activities occur in locations like, for instance, schools, hospitals, and road shows.

Limitations and Future Improvements

Limitations to the research. This research was restricted to a small number of students at Salahaddin University in Jaipur. As a result, the study was unable to generalize to a large population and was unevenly distributed. The study solely looked at university students, with a total population of 19,876. As a result, the sample size for this study is 161. (Krejcie and Morgan, 1970). 170 sets of questionnaires were collected to assure the study's accuracy and effectiveness. The analysis, however, only employed 161 sets of questions. As a result, the research's dependability may be harmed as a result of the limited sample size; it did not accurately reflect the whole population that buys green products. So, in order to collect more data and deliver an informative conclusion, the next study should encompass the population and samples that are evenly scattered, including all workers at Poornima University in Jaipur. Second, the study has a restriction because there have only been five independent variables examined in this research report. However, there are a number of variables or other relevant factors that can influence customer purchasing intentions for green products. Animal welfare, band loyalty, price consciousness and quality consciousness are just a few examples. However, it is dependent on the type of the study and how more data may be gathered for the following study. To improve the accuracy of the results, researchers should broaden the independent variables. Finally, the study's weakness is the difficulty in collecting respondents' cooperation. As previously said, the respondents are students, and some of them have expressed a reluctance to complete the questionnaire. When respondents don't understand the question, they may pick the simplest approach to fill out the form. As a result, they may choose the response at random. As a result, they may choose the response at random, which will have an impact on the correctness and reliability of the final result.

Finally, one of the study's shortcomings is the lack of time. This investigation was completed in a very short amount of time. Only five variables and a limited sample size were employed due to time constraints. The data results would be better if there was more time.


Recommendations are made to help overcome some of the constraints. This will aid in improving the quality of the study and will be valuable for future investigations. As a result, below are some recommendations for the study. Succeeding research should expand the demographic and sample because an increase in  number of respondents can enhance the research's reliability. More trustworthy statistics will be derived from the responses of respondents with various perspectives.

In addition, for future study, the survey should include a method other than questionnaires. For instance, the researcher could conduct an interview about green product buying intentions. This will let them learn more about their perceptions, prior experience and knowledge with green products. As previously stated, the small number of independent variables employed in this investigation are insufficient to record the entire study. As a result, certain indicators or factors have been examined, such as healthy food, knowledge factor (Lim et al., 2016) and  product quality (O'Mahony, 2017), price attributes. Remaining variables will be included to aid acquire a higher scope and a good knowledge of environment friendly products. Furthermore, by increasing environmental education, the young generation should be exposed to environmental functions and be able to govern their conduct. Because the environmental crisis is worsening, the school should integrate proper education of   the environment in its curriculum. It will encourage and develop children's environmental understanding and care, enabling them to become green customers.



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