Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management
April 2022

Name : Index
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Name : Assessment of Macroeconomic Performances and Human Development Levels of BRICS and MINT Countries Using CRITIC and COPRAS Methods
Author : Talip Arsu
Abstract :
Generally utilizing the macroeconomic data of the countries, their economic superiority is assessed compared to others. However, the status of the economics of the country or how superior the related country from the others do not provide, by itself, sufficient information regarding the human development of the people in the country. Thus, besides the macroeconomic performance data of the countries, also the Human development level data are used in this study and so the assessment of the countries is aimed. In the evaluation conducted, CRITIC, among the objective weighting methods, is used and the criteria are weighted, then these weight are utilized and the countries are assessed according to the COPRAS method. In the assessment held according to three different scenarios, the countries assessed both by using the macroeconomic performance and human development level data together and also by using the macroeconomic performance and human development level data separately (scenario 1- all criteria, scenario 2 – human development level criteria, scenario 3 – macroeconomic performance criteria). The BRICS and MINT which are at a trend of economic development are selected as sample to assess whether this development trend brings also the Human Development Index (HDI). In the first scenario where all the criteria are used and third scenario where just the macroeconomic performance indicators are used as criteria, according to the results of the CRITIC method, the most important criteria are defined in order as economic growth, unemployment rates and inflation rate. In the second scenario, based on the weights of the criteria, the most important criteria are found in order as mean years of schooling, the life expectancy at birth and GNI per capita. These weights determined are used within the COPRAS method and the most successful countries are found in order, according to the scenario 1 and scenario 3, as China, Russia and Indonesia. According to the scenario 2, the most successful countries are found in order as Russia, Turkey and Mexico.
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Name : Impact of Employee Engagement Practices of Private Universities on Work-Life Conflict of Female Academicians
Author : Shaan Gulhar,Dr Anshu Singh,Dr Priyanka Agarwal
Abstract :
Academicians have always been kept on a high pedestal in society with their work being considered very noble and one that shapes the future. In reality, most of the academicians' grapple with the inconsistent and often flawed work policies promulgated by their respective institutions that lead to much heartburn and feeling of under-valued and underappreciated contribution. In the case of the female academicians, this problem is more acute as they have to grapple with the home and childrearing responsibilities as well, along with the official responsibilities. Many motivational and research literature have put the responsibility of work-life and career planning on the individual, while the role of organizational policies in this regard has often been ignored or kept out of the public scrutiny. In this empirical paper, the author makes an effort to understand the impact of the employee engagement practices on the life of female academicians, and how those policies affect the work-life conflict of this workforce. The scope of the paper has been defined to contain only the work-life conflict aspects of the female employees of private universities in northern and western India, since, the increased 'Work from Home' (WFH) pattern due to the Covid 19 pandemic has put immense pressure on the maintaining of this boundary between the personal and professional life.
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Name : Emerging Blockchain Technology in Commercial Enterprise to Ensure Electronic Revolution: Challenges and Improvement
Author : Dhyanendra Jain,Dr. Prashant Singh,Anjani Gupta,Dr. Richa Arora,Dr. Anupam Sharma,Dr. Dimpy Sachar
Abstract :
Nowadays, digitization and virtualization lead to significant changes in human and business world and this transformation introduces Electronic revolution. This revolution has great impact in enhancing business processes and also transforms our economy. It makes use of crypto currency such as Bit coin to transform this commercial enterprise into digital business. Blockchain Technology not only advances electronic currency but also revolutionize our business supply chain system with trusted data. It grew in popularity as a backbone for a variety of applications in banking, media, security, and other fields. One of the key problems with this technology is the security of the data that users spread across the network. This study examines and emphasises some of the most pressing challenges, as well as the remedies suggested by researchers in their prior work and theoretical interviewers from various organisations. Blockchain is shared and distributed ledger technology where trusted data is transacted among entities which improves business efficiency. Therefore, Blockchain known as disruptive technology is essential to expand and develop commercial enterprise. In this study, a few selections had been made concerning the adoption of blockchain generation and standing evaluation at the same time as making virtual revolution among enterprises. For this purpose, a semi-established interviews with professional's within the Blockchain discipline is conducted to find various challenges and improvements.
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Name : Remuneration Committee, Remuneration of Executives and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study from Pakistan
Author : Dr. Muhamamd Imran Khan,Dr. Maria Shams Khakwani,Dr. Rehana Kouser
Abstract :
Pakistan is in the process to update the role of the remuneration committee, however, little is known about the role of the remuneration committee in Pakistan's non-financial listed firms. This study investigated the impact of the remuneration & HR committee on the remuneration of the CEO, directors, executives, all (CEO, directors, executives), and auditor. Further, this study also explores the influence of the remuneration & HR committee on firm performance. This study used data between 2009 and 2017. For analysis, this study used OLS regression with cross-section fixed effects. Our findings suggest remuneration in presence of remuneration & HR committee, minimizes the conflict of interest between management and shareholders, further remuneration payments impact positively on firm performance. This study reveals the role of the remuneration & HR committee, which suggest incorporation improves the corporate governance and firm performance in Pakistan.
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Name : Entrepreneurial and Firm-Level Factors influencıng Bank Credit Access of SMES
Author : Mehmet Civelek
Abstract :
Since SMEs lack audited financial statements, they might need to signal some of their characteristics and entrepreneurial behaviors to receive credits from banks. This is because these entrepreneurial characteristics enable them to perform financially better especially for firms having more tangible and intangible assets. In this regard, this paper examines whether Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) of larger, older and manufacturing SMEs makes positive contributions on their bank credit access or not. The researcher has collected data by an online questionnaire from the randomly selected 479 SMEs in Turkey. To find the impacts of EO and firm characteristics on bank credit access, Binary Logistic Regression test is run. According to the results, larger and manufacturing firms that behave risk averse, are more likely to access to bank finance than younger and non-manufacturing SMEs.
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Name : Delineating the HR Practices for Enhancing Resilience amongst Employees in the Post-Pandemic Era
Author : Dr. Taruna,Jyoti Singh Bharti,Shiwani Singh
Abstract :
The sudden breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic has a devastating impact on the lives of the people throughout the globe. The disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every sphere of life viz health, society, and economy. The repercussions caused by this pandemic have a long-lasting impact on businesses and their employees. It is a widely accepted fact that human resources are the backbone of every organization, and the pandemic has hit this backbone resulting in reduced productivity and well-being of the employees. Resilience has been identified as a key factor that helps the employees to perform well even in times of adversities and uncertainties. This paper has reviewed the past literature to find out the best resilience-enhancing HR practices that would result in amplified resilience among employees in the postpandemic world. Also, this pandemic has given the opportunities to all the business leaders to be better prepared for such adversities in future by effectively implementing resilience enhancing HR practices, and making them future centric. The findings of this paper have a huge industrial and managerial implication in times of uncertainties and such life-threatening pandemics.
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Name : Crypto Currency and Its Assemblage during the Period of Covid-19: A State of the Art Review
Author : Dr. Saumendra Das
Abstract :
The spread of coronavirus has severely affected the behaviour of investors. It made the world commerce panic during the period of Covid19. The investors could not find the substitutability of conventional methods of investment rather they believe on digital method of currency transaction i.e., crypto currency. The volatility of investment market is triggered into a substantial help to push economic stability through this digital currency transaction. Cryptocurrency markets characterised as a multifarious system in economics and finance discipline. This interdisciplinary study of foreign exchange markets and digital transaction like cryptocurrency is new orientation towards pros and cons of exchange market, portfolio management and investor behaviour. According to the studies generally investor behaviour is shaped by financial analysts, fund managers or other financial backers who have adequate knowledge in exchange market. It observed that investors change their behaviour while they trade and such behaviour is termed as Herding. In this article a detail review has been conducted on various aspects of herding which resulted in the economic, psychographic, social and religious activities of investors. Further, the review has cited more than 50 research articles and done deep understanding on herding and also studied different behaviour of bull and bear markets.
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Name : Gender Stereotyping and Work Life Balance: A Study of Dual Career Couples
Author : Arunima,Dr. Richa Nangia
Abstract :
The most common family type in today's era is a family in which both the partners are working professionally. This sort of couple is known as dual career couples. This study focuses on the presence of Gender Stereotyping among DCC which affects their Work Life Balance & Marital relationships, one of the major causes of work life imbalance and marital dissatisfaction is due to the presence of gender stereotyping among DCC However, when DCC share the roles and responsibilities of home with gender neutral perspective they experience benefits of being a DCC along with the experience ofwork life balance and marital satisfaction. Purpose ofthe paper is to study and understand the link between the presence of Gender Stereotyping and work life imbalance. In this paper researchers have tried to study about social role strain, gender role strain and its interdependence on work life balance and marital satisfaction among dual career couples in today's era. The degendered roles and responsibilities among DCC will remove marital dissatisfaction and work life imbalance.
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Name : Emergence of Cause Related Marketing as a Management Strategy in the New Normal Era
Author : Charu Sarin,Prof. (Dr.) A. K. Srivastava
Abstract :
Covid 19 pandemic ongoing in the world affected all the aspects of life. The marketers faced a lot of challenges in reaching out to the customers. In the current scenario, cause related marketing is emerging as an effective tool for marketers for reaching their target audiences quickly, along with building brand recognition, trust and loyalty. Customers have also managed to cope up with the new situation and new way of shopping as well. There was increased use of digital platforms, more use of social media platforms. Consumers have become more aware and sensitive about the social issues prevalent around them. There is increased empathy, compassion, and feelings of supporting each other. The research paper examines the customer's aspects to understand their psychology and changes in behavior due to the pandemic. Research explores are the customer's expectations from marketers and in which ways they can be influenced now in new normal. It studied the changes in consumer behavior of the respondents due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. It explored the views of the respondents towards the companies doing cause related marketing and also provided recommendations for Marketers for adopting cause related marketing as their management strategy.
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Name : Employee Turnover: A Bibliometrics Analysis from 2000 to 2021
Author : Nidhi,Dr. Aarti
Abstract :
This research paper aims to review the existing literature on employee turnover and shows the present scenario of research in this area. The Bibliometric approach was used to analyze 2360 documentson employee turnover from 2000 to 2021 from the Scopus database. This paper picks out the most productive journals and major research themes on employee turnover.This quantitative method of analysis of data was based upon citations and keywords. Therefore, the researchers can gain useful insight into the current situation in this area. This research paper provides an updated review on the rapidly growing area with the help of bibliometric analysis which may be helpful to the management to know the latest trends to form strategies to resolve the growing issue of employee turnover. Objective: One of the quantitative analytical method i.e. bibliometric approach is applied to explore the development of research on the topic of employee turnover. This paper also evaluates the current status of research work done on employee turnover with a visualization analysis of journal articles.
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Name : The Changing Landscape of Advertising: Appeals and Endorsements
Author : Dr. Seema Singh,Deepa Ahuja
Abstract :
Advertising has been always considered as an effective mechanism to publicize message to prospective consumer. The dynamics of advertising has always undergone a change with changing dimensions of environment. This research aims to explore appeals of advertising and endorsements in this new normal era that can influence the consumer behavior .Advertising need to be transformed in the new normal. The methodology involves a detailed analysis of literature and gathering insights from different real time examples, with a highlight on changing landscape of advertising. The results affirm that dynamics of Celebrity endorsements and creative appeals do positively affects the behavioral intention of respondents toward advertisement and message comprehension. So, advertising needs to be resilient to capture the heart of consumer in new normal. Keywords: Advertising, Advertising Appeals, Celebrity Endorsement, Covid-19 pandemic
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Name : Editorial
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