Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management
August 2021

Name : Index
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Name : The Effect of Product Photograph and Information on Digital Apparel Marketing
Author : Ahmet Özbek, Cansu Tor-Kadıoğlu, Ahasanul Haque
Abstract :
The aim of this study is to reveal whether consumers are affected by product information and product photographs while purchasing pants from digital channels. The study consists of two stages. In the first stage, an online survey that evaluated the effect of the purchase behavior of pants pants photographs and information, was performed on 651 young consumers in Turkey. According to SPSS analysis, important results were obtained for the difference in the demographic factors of the consumers and the criteria that affect the purchasing of the consumer are determined. In addition, it was concluded that information about the size of the trousers, fabric content, coloring, waist size, slackness, suitability for the use of wide-calfed consumers are also the criteria related to apparel information that affect the purchasing decision of the consumer. In the second stage of the research, three websites were scanned.
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Name : Factors Affecting the Usage of Social Media of the University Students in Bangladesh
Author : Chanchal Molla
Abstract :
This research paper aims at identifying different factors that influence university students to use social media in Bangladesh. It also identifies the degree of associations among these factors leading to the usage pattern of social media of the university students. Social media has reached to all people who are using internet and has become the most remarkable communication tool. To know the factors affecting the usage of social media by the students and different aspect of usage pattern, a survey has been conducted among the 500 students of the different universities of Bangladesh. Both qualitative and quantitative research method have been applied to analyze the surveyed data. Based on the conceptual framework developed having 3 constructs (educational purpose, social needs fulfillment and availability of resources) the study revealed a significant relationship between the construct variables and actual usage of social media.
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Name : Paradigm Shift in Tourists’ Discernment ofSanitary Standards in Trip Planning: Pre-COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Perception
Author : Dr. Jasveen Kaur, Jobanjeet Kaur,
Abstract :
Purpose: This empirical study aims to study paradigm shift in tourists’ discernment of the sanitary standards in trip planning pre and post-COVID-19 in India.
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Name : Data Analytics Sales Prediction Model
Author : Avinash Dangwani, Dr. Chandansingh Rawat,
Abstract :
In every New financial year Company propose Advertisement Budget to improve their sales. Estimation of Advertisement Budget is not easy task as it involves financial parameters. Managers are always interested to know prediction model for sales which is function of Advertisement expenses.
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Name : Understanding the Psyche of Retail Investors in India and Their Reactions towards Market Highs and Lows While Making Investment Decisions during the Times of Covid-19
Author : Prof. Anil Kothari, Palak Baxi
Abstract :
Purpose: Behavioral finance explains the market anomalies and how the psychology of investors affects their investment decisions. Amidst the Coronavirus crisis, it becomes very important to understand the psyche of retail investors in India, how would they react to the market ups and downs, assessing their risk profile, and what sources of information they consider reliable while making investment decisions.
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Name : Impact of Corporate Governance Disclosure Practices on Corporate Profitability: A Case Study of Pharmacy Sector Companies
Author : Dr.Meenu Maheshwari, Sapna Meena
Abstract :
Corporate Governance takes place at top level in any company.Although Corporate Governance is seen as protecting the interest of the stakeholders of the company but does Corporate Governance impact on profitability of any company? This study tries to find the answer for the same. With this objective, the study has been taken three Pharmacy Sector companies which are included in BSE Top 100 viz., Dr.Reddy’s Lab.Ltd., Lupin Ltd.and SPIL. The study covers three financial years from 2014-15 to 2016-17 for the measurement of the level of Corporate Governance Performance and Corporate Profitability of the SampledCompanies.
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Name : Study on Investment Strategies Stipulated on Technical Analysis: Reference to Indian Pharmaceutical Stocks
Author : Dr.Kshitiz Maharshi, Pooja Chaudhary, Swati Vashisth, Neelam Shekhawat
Abstract :
Predicting in stocks is very difficult task. Especially when the stocks are highly volatile. Volatility stops people from investing as possibility of failure is very large. So here question arises, is buying and selling of stock fruitless attempt. For such question the answer is very much “no” because we have an alternative to it that is “reaction”. Reaction is buying and selling of stock which takes place in 3 steps 1. Setup (Stock identification) 2. Trigger and 3. Action. Reaction is based on stock prices and company data. Stock prices and company data can be analysed with two techniques, namely fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis is for investor to understand weather the stocks are undervalued or overvalued in comparison to stock price in stock market.
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Name : Understanding Sustainability Consciousness through Mindfulness: A study of University Students from Delhi
Author : Dr Deepti Prakash, Parul Manchanda
Abstract :
Introduction: Resource-strenuous existence of users has been recognised as the major reason for ecological dilapidation. Therefore, it expects for varied conscious attempts on the part of human beings to become more mindful and conscious of their actions. It is thus essential to involve people in making behavioural shifts that may enable them to lead a sustainable way of life.
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Name : A Comparative Study of Performance of ESG Indices with Parent Index in Indian Stock Market
Author : Nitika Jain, Dr. Vandana Mehrotra
Abstract :
The companies screened on the basis of their superior performance in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) parameters comprise the social responsible indices which are introduced at global and national stock exchanges.
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Name : Analysing the Impact of Eco Friendly Practices on Consumers in Selection of Star Category Hotels of Delhi-NCR
Author : Dr. Pallavi Mehta, Prasang Agarwal
Abstract :
Hospitality industry particularly hotel industry consumes natural resources and produces waste products. There are very limited resources of energy on earth because of which energy conservation has become a vital part of each and every industry and hospitality industry is not left behind. To conserve the energy, hotel industry have started using green practices such as linen reuse program, adjustable temperature control, occupancy sensors, recycling programmes and many more.
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Name : Weak Form Market Efficiency of Indian Stock Market: Evidence from Indian Metal & Mining Sector
Author : Rakesh Kumar, Ayushman, Rishika Agarwal
Abstract :
Indian Capital Market is one of the fastest growing markets among developing countries in terms of participation, technology, investment strategies and trade volume. It witnessedincreased individual investors in the last few years. Individual small investors invest their excess money (saving) into listed companies’ shares to earn profit and at the same time, it helps listed corporates to raise funds for longer period by selling their shares. For selecting right stock, investors use various techniques to reduce the risk and maximize profit.
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Name : Psychological Participation and Workplace Flexibility among Employees of Various Sectors
Author : Harsh Vardhan Prashant, Prof. Akbar Hussain
Abstract :
Many Organisations are encouraging Work from Home (WfH) which makes them global besides saving their cost. Environmental benefits through minimal commute help them contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility too. Studying employees’ perspectives on WfH shall be useful in implementation of this idea. The present study measured psychological participation of 124 employees working from home, office and mixed mode. The study conforms to no significant difference amongst working in aforesaid three modes.
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Name : Employability of Management Graduates: Through The Lens Of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities
Author : Swati Banasal, Monica Agarwal, Sharad Chaturvedi
Abstract :
Employability is a crucial variable for the nation's economic growth in general and individual growth. In today's changing business scenario, management students' employability is considered a big challenge by all management educational institutions. This research paper tries to throw glimpses on the importance of KSA in employment from management graduates, faculty members and employers. These are assumed to be the key stakeholders in this process. The study was conducted in the National capital region (NCR) of Delhi. By using ANOVA on the data of 680 respondents, 25 factors of KSA were analyzed. It was concluded that a significant gap exists between various parameters as perceived by faculty members, management graduates and employers.
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Name : Financial Awareness among Women in Delhi NCR: A Comparative Study
Author : Neetu Chhillar, Dr. Swaranjeet Arora
Abstract :
Gender Equality in recognized as one of the economic objective of all the nations around the world. In spite of various measures taken to ensure financial inclusion globally, it has been found that women are still unable to access the formal financial system (World Bank, 2015). Financial inclusion aims at making easy access of financial services to all sections of the society including the underprivileged. For financial inclusion to take place the pre requirement is that people should have basic understanding of the financial concepts like budgeting, interest rates, time value of money, inflation, debit-credit, money management, investment, banking products, risk-return, etc.
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Name : Editorial
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