Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management


The Impact of Classical Conditioning on Consumer Behavior- The Case of Kinder Joy


  • Author- Ritika Gauba
  • Designation- Assistant Professor
  • Institution- Asia Pacific Institute of Management,

3 & 4 Institutional Area, Jasola. New Delhi













Kinder Joy was launched in India in 2008 and within a decade it became one of the highest selling chocolate of India. This success was at a time when all the other chocolate bars, existing since decades, were still battling for their share in the market.

 This triumph of Kinder becomes even more intriguing to explore, considering the target market of Kinder Joy is only children within the age group of 4 to 12 years, while all the other bars were mostly mass products. Was this success because of the taste of the semi solid chocolate or was it because of their impeccable understanding of consumer’s behavior.

Ferrero the parent brand of Kinder, so effectively used the learning theory of consumer behavior in India that even the toddlers recognized and recalled their product by name. So effective was their strategy that for the children, in India, Kinder Joy was not any chocolate, rather it was, class apart.

The objective of this research paper is to present a description of consumer learning theory – namely Classical Conditioning and its practical application as done by Kinder Joy in India. For the purpose of the study more than fifteen advertisements and videos of Kinder Joy, from 2008 to 2017, were studied and analyzed. To further reaffirm the above analysis a class discussion, on the Kinder Joy advertisements, were held with fifty postgraduate students. Further to get a practical view point a survey of fifty mothers (whose children consumed Kinder Joy) was done.


This result shows how the marketer successfully applied the theory in their advertisement- using both Cosmetic and Substantive variations- and immaculately associated Kinder Joy (conditioned stimulus) with toys (unconditioned stimulus), which after a series of repetition, elicited the same response as the toys.


Key Words- Consumer Behavior, Learning, Classical Conditioning, Kinder Joy, Surprise, Toys






1.1 The Introduction of the Joy for Kinder

Kinder, a German word for children, was launched in the late 60s by the Italian confectionery company Ferrero.The second largest chocolate brand in the world, offers wide range of chocolate products from bars to surprise filled eggs, and is currently sold in 170 countries including India.

The brand Kinder entered India with Kinder Joy- the milky coca cream, with 2 crispy wafer balls and a great toy in each egg.As per the 2014 Euro monitor data, the chocolate with toys recorded the fastest value growth of 28% in 2014, mainly due to the category’s small base and rising popularity among children.. The instant success of Kinder Joy says Debashish Mukherjhee Asia Foods Head at A.T. Kearney can be attributed to the fact that through this chocolate, Ferrero catered to a large gap that existed in the Indian confectionary market –a product specially designed for kids.

Differentiation has always been a major key to success in all Ferrero products (Malviya, S. 2015) From the round golden shaped Ferrero Laddos to the Chocolate Hazelnut spread Nutella, each Ferrero product is brilliantly differentiated either on the basis of ingredients or packaging or both.

Kinder Joy too is a very well segmented and differentiated product of the Ferro family. In terms of packaging, Kinder Joy is simply a marvel. It is a complete package for a kid to purchase repeatedly. The orange and white egg stands out profoundly among all the rectangular bars. If you closely look at the size of the Kinder Joy egg, it is impossible to fathom the little cosmos you find inside. One-half of the egg serves as a small bowl to scoop the semi-solid milky chocolate with two-wafer balls. The other half is filled with creative toys along with an instruction manual.

The twining of chocolate and toy has brought great joy to Kinder making it one of the fastest growing confectionery products in India.  This joy is also evident from the fact that the only factory of Ferrero in Baramati Maharastra is said to be making around 900 million toy’s a year of which 270-million are used for domestic consumption and the rest is exported as kinder joy packs or as toys to other countries.

Existing data proofs that kinder joy is one of the fastest growing confectionery product in India. However, the question arises, that is the chocolate the compelling reason for the children to buy Kinder Joy or is the strong association with toys which has led to increased sales. If, so what learning strategy has the company adopted to build such strong association in the mind of the kids.



1.2 Objectives

  1. To analyze the reasons behind, Kinder Joy becoming the children’s most preferred chocolate brand.
  2. To study, if any, Consumer Behaviour learning strategies have been adopted by the brand to influence the minds of their consumers (read children).


1.3 Consumer Behavior and Learning- A Theoretical Background

Since time immemorial businesses have thrived without any proper understanding of the consumer psychology. They have sold products and services based on their interpretation of consumer’s behavior.

However, the market situation has changed dramatically over time. The consumers today can order products within the comforts of their home, from markets, across the globe. Therefore, to stand out, in today’s cluttered market, a marketer has to understand what their consumer’s want, why they want it, from where will they buy it. Further, they also should know how are they going to evaluate, use and dispose the product? (Shiffman and Knauk, 2006).

Why and how consumers make their decisions to behave in certain manner, what motivates them to buy, what attracts their attention, how do they learn and memorize various products (Mobach ,2007).  Do their personality, culture and attitude influence their buying decisions? Such a profound understanding of customers requires a thorough study of Consumer Behavior. (Batkoska and Koseska,2012)

Consumer Learning, a branch of consumer behavior, has been of great interest to marketers. Its knowledge represents an important opportunity to teach individuals their role as consumers. By teaching them, marketers can ensure that their products will be chosen over their competitors. According to (Shiffman et al., 2013), consumer learning is the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to future related behavior. (Schiffman et al.,2013).


Psychologists have advocated several basic theories to explain the process of consumer learning.

These theories of learning are quite complex and range from consumer’s simple association between a stimulus and response (Behavioral Theory) to a complex series of mental activities (Cognitive Theory) (Asikainen and Martinez 2010).


Behavioral learning theories assume that learning takes place as the result of responses to external events. Psychologists who pledge to this belief do not give importance to the internal thought processes. This view is represented by two major approaches to learning namely: a) Classical Conditioning and b) Instrumental Conditioning.



1.3.1 Classical Conditioning – A Learning Theory


The Classical conditioning theorists regard both animal and humans as relatively passive entities that can be taught certain behaviors through repetition or conditioning (Schiffman et al., 2013).

The theory of ‘Classical Conditioning’ is the legacy of Ivan Pavlov (189-1936). The Russian psychologist, during one of his experiments noticed that the dog salivated not only at the sight of food but also at the sound of bell which was rung just before the food was served. Thus realizing the association between the food (unconditioned stimulus) and the sound of bell (conditioned stimulus) made the dog salivate (conditioned response). (Hunt, 1989) Thus, Classical Conditioning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit any response on its own. In the course of time, the second stimulus produces an equal response because it is associated with the first stimulus (Solomon et al., 2006).

However, it is the application of these learning theories that the marketer are most interested in. As they believe, that consumers through the implementation of these theories can be taught to recognize the firms brand, as well as to prefer it over the competitors offerings. (Schiffman et al, 2013)


1.3.2 Marketing Applications of Classical Conditioning

Our world of marketing is full of examples of mental associations that are the result of consumer conditioning. For example the little girl dressed in a polka dotted red and white frock, with a half pony, audaciously winking at the usual tongue in the check tagline of its brand, is immediately related to the brand ‘Amul’ in India. In certain cases the conditioning is so strong that the brands don’t have to even include their name in their ads. Since, the consumers have learned so well to ‘associate’ certain elements to the brand (Soloman, et al., 2006).

In conditioning theory there is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and a conditioned stimulus (CS). The CS is usually the product or brand that marketers teach consumers to recognize and prefer over others. The UCS is the positive stimulus; usually something that makes consumers feel good, and this must be presented along with the CS. (Asikainen and Martinez, 2010)

However, in order to create a strong association between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus it is necessary to repeat the association a number of times usually through different forms of marketing communications. According to (Rik et al., 2016)minimum of thirty exposure to the stimulus is imperative in order to create a strong conditioning.

Although it is important that enough exposure to the advertisements must take place for the conditioning to occur.  However, on the flip side, too much exposure to the same advertisement also often leads to marketing wear out (a condition where consumers stop paying attention to the advertisements).(Solomon et al 2006). This wear however, can be overcome by either cosmetic or substantive variations in the advertisements. Cosmetic variants are often done by making minor variations in the advertisements like, changing the background or different spokesperson or colors. Substantive variation is done when the marketer gives different kinds of advertisements for the same product during the same time period or brings in new advertisements quite frequently. However the variations have to be carefully made so that the conditioning association does is not altered. (Weegar and Dina, 2012).

Another vital point to consider in Classical Conditioning is the sequence in which the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus is presented.

  1. In simultaneous as the name suggest the two stimuli are presented at the same time.
  2. In delayed the unconditional stimulus is presented before the conditioned stimulus (brand).
  3. Anticipated conditioning- the conditioned stimulus (brand is presented before the unconditioned one. Also known as traditional or forward conditioning.




Figure 1

Pavlovian Anticipated/ Forward/Traditional conditioning

  1. US (food) -----------------------------------                                     UR (salivation)
  2. CS(attendant)/US (food)(pairing of CS and US) ----------------------- UR (salivation)
  3. CS(attendant) -------------------------------                                    CR (salivation

.    Source: Adapted from Macklin 1986





The methods of anticipated and simultaneous conditioning give the best especially when the used media is television. (Carmen, 2015 )


Marketers have successfully applied the theories of learning in their advertisement with the purpose of positioning their brand and products in the market vis-à-vis their competitors. (Asikainen and Martinez,2010).Kinder Joy is also one such brand, in India, who has brilliantly implemented the classical theory of learning.





1.4 Classical conditioning -Which made the ‘Toy’ the ‘Joy’ of Kinder in India


The Amul, Cadbury and Nestle trilogy had been reigning the Indian chocolate market for decades. These brands were not only flourishing but were rather adored by the people of the country. Still, Kinder found a niche for itself. The segment that is most associated with confectionaries, did not, till then, have a chocolate specially designed for them, in the country. This gap encouraged Ferrero (the parent company of Kinder) to launch Kinder Joy in the year 2010.


Kinder Joy was launched as a chocolate specifically for children and thus received (initially) a response akin to any chocolate. However, within a few years of its launch, Kinder Joy (K.J) through its brilliant marketing strategy proved it is no way similar to the other chocolates; rather it is a genre on its own.


Launching a good quality product is surely a challenge but what is more challenging is positioning the quality product, correctly, in the minds of the target market. For positioning a new product brand several strategies are available to a marketer. Firstly marketer can choose to position its brand within the overall market as a ‘differentiated’ product. In this, the brand is seen sharing some important characteristic with the other similar brands, but still being superior in some of the other attribute (Dickson and Ginter, 1987).Another strategy to differentiate the brand from other similar product brands is by creating a submarket or niche for the new brand. Through this strategy, an attempt is made to differentiate the product apart from the general category (Sujan, 1989).For this strong differentiating attributes are used to create a perception of difference in the minds of the consumer - that the brand is a category or class in itself. This is known as Subtyping Strategy(Srivastava and Shocker, 1984).The biggest advantage of this strategy is that the product is not seen as just another prototype example of the bigger market rather a specialized product appealing to a focused consumer segment (Dess and Davis, 1984).


Based on the above, we can infer that Kinder Joy has used the Subtyping Strategy to penetrate into the Indian chocolate market. When all the other leading chocolate players in the country were busy differentiating themselves on the basis of ingredients or quality, Kinder came with a special focus only on children.


It used strong differentiating attributes to create the perception of being a chocolate, especially for kids. The biggest differentiating attribute was the name itself. While most of the other chocolate name spoke about their ingredients – Milky Bar, Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut and so on. The name Kinder Joy itself signified a chocolate for the “happiness (Joy) of kids (Kinder). The second most significant differentiator is the ‘egg-shaped packing’ rather than the usual rectangular bars. The orange and white egg on an egg rack intelligently placed near the billing counter, easily accessible by children, was a masterstroke differentiator for K.J.


The game changer for Kinder Joy, which helped it build an image of truly being a children’s chocolate- was, the inclusion of toy (the unconditioned stimulus) in Kinder Joy. The egg-shaped packaging is neatly divided into two parts. One part has the chocolate the milky cocoa cream, with two crispy wafer balls and the second has a toy along with an instruction manual. The toy was not a limited period offer, or just a reward for buying Kinder Joy, as most competitors must have thought it to be. Rather the inclusion of toy was a very well studied and implemented consumer behavior learning strategy.


Playing has been considered as the hallmark of childhood. (Dauch et al, 2018). An activity which is highly encouraged by parents, as it is said to have a number of beneficial effects on a child’s development (Smith and Pellegrini, 2013). Toys are a tool of play. The character of toy can encourage development in several domains, such as fine and gross motor skills, cognition and social skills (Saracho and Spodek 1998). Amongst all types of play materials, toys are the most essential and are also cherished by children the most (Trawick et al., 2015).  Thus ‘Toys’ are unconditioned stimulus (that always elicits a positive response) by children. This unconditioned stimulus was being associated with K.J so as to elicit the same unconditioned response for both the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus.


Close analyses of all the K.J television commercials till date (Exhibit I) reveal the classical conditioning strategy implemented by Kinder. The very first commercial which launched  was titled as “ The 3 in One Joy” in which a clear and loud message is sent to the children that if they buy Kinder Joy they will not only get a ‘chocolate’ to eat but will also get a ‘surprise’ to ‘play’ with. In fact it is the surprise and the toy which is spoken about first and the chocolate comes in the end.


After introducing the product of Kinder Joy, the later television commercials described only the assortment of toys that can be found as a surprise inside the egg. Further, in its advertisements, Kinder uses anthropomorphism – the attribution of human-specific characteristics to non-human animals. (Geerdts, 2016). K.J. gives a human personality to the egg and names it as KindeRino (Figure 2. Kinde Rino  introducing New Beach Toys). Research proves that anthropomorphic animals hold a special place in children's hearts, and are always more alluring to them (Elizabeth, 2011).








Figure 2

Kinde Rino introducing New Beach Toys



Source- Google Images



Mostly the theme of the advertisements would be related to surprises in the form of toys- like “Imagination ko Kholo, Jodo and khelo” (use your imagination to build and play). 68 new surprises; 80 new surprises; Toys se karlo yari (friendship), Kinder Joy khaoo (eat) surprises kholo(open). According to a research food companies purposely choose to communicate about surprises. As this, motivates the children to buy the products specifically for toys. The research further adds that the food companies purposefully creates different categories of collectable toys that are specifically linked to famous characters (K.J. links its toys to Barbie, Marvel Avengers, Super Man, Disney princesses and many more) . Usually, a series of such character is introduced so children in order to complete their collection are further encouraged to buy the product. (Franchin et al., 2012)

Initially, all the toys introduced by K.J. were unisex toys – from plains, colors, boats, to Tom and Jerry characters- all which can be assembled and played with friends of any gender. As the popularity of Kinder Joy increased, it segmented its market further on the basis of gender. It is worth noting that this segmentation bought no change in the chocolate part of Kinder Joy product9also apparent from all the T.V commercials ).  However, the packaging and the range of toys underwent a drastic change. Now advertisements described the different types of toys for the two genders- from the most popular Barbie for girls and Hot Wheels for boys, to Disney Princess, Marvel Avengers, Sweetopia and Speed Turner and many more. The packing underwent a change to blue and pink denoting boys and girls respectively (Figure 3. Kinder Joy Segmentation on the Basis of Gender).


Figure 3

Kinder Joy Segmentation on the Basis of Gender



Source: Google Images


New ranges of toys are introduced almost every quarter and are strongly promoted. Mostly the advertisements focus on the toys and how the kids can enjoy with them. Toys that are included often have multiple parts are lightweight with contrasting colors and textures. Such toys state (Ashton, et al., 2015) elicit the most successful play and responses from children. It is only at the end of the commercial that the children are shown as eating the chocolate too.

Besides the television commercials, K.J also has a number of videos on Youtube. Each video[1] is about 10 minutes long (Exhibit I) has no dialogues or actor. It just shows two hands opening more than 50 Kinder Joys. The focus of the videos is the surprise toys. The video clearly teaches the viewers (read kids) which side of Kinder-Joy contains the surprise toy and how can the toy be assembled and played with.

From the above, it can be inferred that toys are the most cherished tool of play by the children who naturally elicit a positive response. Taking into consideration the learning theories and, in particular, the Classical Conditioning theory of learning by Ivan Pavlov, it is plausible to assume that toys are an unconditioned stimulus.  In Classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus is paired with another stimulus that does not initially elicit this response. Over the time, the second stimulus the conditioned stimulus, in this case, Kinder Joy comes to elicit the same response.

Another efficiency factor of the classic conditioning is the order in which the conditioned (the product) and the unconditioned (toy) stimuli are presented. In the Kinder Joy advertisements, it is the product (U.C.S) which is presented before the toys (C.S). This is known as Anticipated Conditioning. According to the research by (Peighambari et al.,2015) the methods of Anticipated and Simultaneous Conditioning (the two stimuli are presented at the same time) give the best results in the case of promotional activities, especially when the used media is represented by radio and television.


All the marketing efforts of K.J. has let the children associate Kinder Joy with toys and therefore now they give Kinder Joy the same positive response as they give to toys. For the children toys and Kinder Joy have become synonymous so much so that, when they want a toy they often ask for Kinder Joy(Figure 4. Anticipated Conditioning in Kinder Joy).




Figure 4

Anticipated Conditioning in Kinder Joy

  1. US (Toy) -----------------------------------     UR (play & excitement)
  2. CS(Kinder Joy)/US (Toy)(pairing of CS and US) ---------UR (play & excitement)
  3. CS(Kinder Joy) -------------------------------                      CR (play & excitement)

Source- Developed by the Author


According to Solomon et al 2006, Classical Conditioning will be stronger, when the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli have been paired a number of times. This principle of Repetition does not only prevent the decay of the association from the memory but also strengths the stimulus response association.  In case of Kinder Joy we see that the advertisements are repeated quite frequently, not only on television but also online. Ensuring,  the association between the Toy and Kinder Joy remains strong and intact.

However, the flip side of repetition, also discussed in the theory above, is Marketing Wear Out- A condition where consumers stop paying attention to the advertisements. This wear out can however, be overcome by either cosmetic or substantive variations in the advertisements. Both these variations are adopted in the Kinder Joy commercials. Different lengths and parts of the same commercial are shown at various times (cosmetic Variation). It is also observed that advertisements along with the collection of toys are changed in every few months (Substantive Variation).


To reaffirm the above association a Class Discussion and a Survey was done. For the former all the advertisements of Kinder Joy (listed in Exhibit I) were shown to 50 students of Marketing .who had Consumer Behaviour as their subject, were shown. Out of all the students almost 80 percent believed that Kinder Joy was using Classical Conditioning to make their target market learn the association between Toy and their product.


In the latter, a survey (Exhibit II) of 50 mothers with children in the age group of 3 to 11 years was conducted. The mothers were asked if their children recognized and demanded Kinder Joy. Almost all mothers responded positively to the two questions. The mothers also stated that while all the other brands were recalled as just chocolates, two confectionery products namely Kinder Joy and Gems[2] were demanded even by toddler by name. Thus, proving Kinder Joy has created a category of its own.


The mothers were also asked if the kids demanded Kinder Joy for chocolate; for toy; or both. More than 97 percent mothers have said that it is either for both, toy or chocolate or only toy that the children want K.J. A few mothers had specially remarked that their children don’t even eat the chocolate, they just want the toy.


The above discussion is a premise on the brilliant use of all the principles of Classical Conditioning by Kinder Joy in India.  The brand has successfully positioned itself as a special confectionary product for the children, who have started associating the brand so strongly with toys, that the two have almost become tantamount for them.




1.5 Conclusion

A chocolate brand which has become so synonymous to ‘meetha[3]’ in India, that it has both replaced the mitahi boxes in the Indian households and also made its way to the counters of the traditional mitai shop. When a brand of such a stature, introduces a ‘me to’ product –Cadbury Likables , it is an acknowledgement to the successful brand and strategy of the competitor – Ferreros Kinder Joy.

Cadbury in 2017 launched Likable, a cup shape box, divided into two parts, one containing a toy and the other semi solid chocolate with a spoon. The resemblance with Kinder Joy is perceptible. (Figure 5. Dairy Milk Likables by Cadbury).





Figure 5

Dairy Milk Likables by Cadbury


Source: Google Images



However, while a lay man will call it a Kinder Joy of Cadbury, a marketing expert will differ in its opinion. Closely watching the television commercial of Likable it can be analyzed that the product is marketed solely as a semi solid version of Cadbury Dairy Milk- the flagship brand of Cadbury in India. The aliens (the advertisement characters of Cadbury) taste Likable and start dancing with joy. The tag line given to the product is - scoop it, lick it and enjoy it. Just as the commercial is ending the audience is told about the toys inside.

The major difference in the marketing strategy of the two brands is in the role which the toys play in the two brands. While in Cadbury the focus is the chocolate whereas in Kinder Joy, since the past ten years, the focus has been the toys. The mantra of success for Kinder Joy, at least in India, is less the chocolate and more the novelty and variety of toys found inside Kinder Joy.

There are no two doubts that the strategy of Kinder Joy is a success, and that is why it has become one of the fastest growing confectionaries of India. However the question that arises is how sustainable, is this strategy.

In USA, the same toy which is currently is the joy of Kinder in India, led to the ban of the chocolate. According to the US authorities the toy is a choking hazard (Sen. et al 2015) It took Kinder more than a decade to re-lunch itself in 2018, only after it introduced much safer versions of its toys.

According to researchers, for classical conditioning to continue it is important that the unconditioned stimulus should be accompanied by conditioned stimulus on a continuous basis. As Says (Shunk 2012) repeated non-reinforced presentations of the CS (in this case Kinder Joy) without the UCS- (in this case toys)- causes the CR to diminish in intensity and ultimately disappear. This phenomenon is known as extinction. Though unlikely, however if at any point in time if a similar law is imposed on surprise toys in India , then, will K.J be able to sustain the same loyalty that it commands today, what if the law of extinction prevails.


Another principle which accompanies Classical Conditioning is Stimulus Generalization, whichrefers to the tendency of stimuli akin to a Conditioned Stimulus to evoke a similar, conditioned response. (Solomon 2006). Thus for future safekeeping, Kinder Joy should ride on its current popularity, use the principle of Stimulus Generalization, and launch some straightforward confectionary product in India. This will ensure that even if something like the USA is replicated in the country, still the brand Kinder Joy will still stay protected.

























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Advertisement name




Screen Shot


Kinder Joy - 3 in one.


Tag Line- The three in one Joy

A mother is going on shopping when her children demand her to get for them “Something surprising, something to play with and something sweet.

The mother is confused as how she will get all the three things just then she discovers Kinder Joy. After this the kids are shown first discovering the toy(surprise), playing with the toy (play) and finally eating the chocolate.

Feb 28, 2012



Kinder Joy New Beach Ad



Tag Line- Toys se karlo yari (friendship), kinder joy khaoo (eat) surprises kholo(open)

The egg of kinder joy is animated to give it a human look. The character is named as Kinder Rino.

 Kinder Rino in this ad interacts with children who are playing in the beach. Telling them about the different toys in Kider Joy. The ad further elaborates the group games they can play using these toys. The unisex toys include cars, planes, paints, boats etc. Mothers are shown as appreciating the children. The actual product the chocolate is shown for merely 5 seconds as being eaten and relished by the kids. Play time comes with surprises.

Jun 24, 2013



Kinder Joy



Tag Line-The happiness of three.

Mother explains her friend that I give only what is good for my children and something I trust. Kinder Joy rich in coca cream, milk is healthy. Secondly it has surprise toys that stimulate their minds third the joy of togetherness.

 Aug 19, 2013



Kinder Joy "Tom & Jerry - 1"


Tag Line- Open a world of surprises.

In this TVC the entire focus is on the tom and jerry toys in Kinder Joy. The Mother is shown as appreciating the children. The actual product the chocolate is shown for merely 5 seconds as being eaten and relished by the kids.

Apr 6, 2014



Kinder Joy Barbie & Hot Wheels 30sec Hindi.


Tag Line- Barbie for girls & hot wheels for boys.

From this advertisement Kinder Joy has segmented

 itself on the basis of gender. The focus even in this TVC was on toys. Barbie for girls and Hot wheels for boys. A group of girls are playing with Barbie and boys with hot wheel. . The actual product the chocolate is shown for merely 5 seconds as being eaten and relished by the kids.


Sep 9, 2014



Kinder Joy Disney Princesses & Marvel Avengers India

Tag Line- enjoy with Kinder Joys new surprises

The theme of the advertisement was gender base toys namely Super heroes and Disney princesses. The milky chocolate was shown for 5 seconds being eaten and relished by the kids.

Dec 28, 2015



Imagination Ko Jodo


Tag Line- 68 new surprises from Kinder Joy.

The TVC starts with the line, open the box of Joy. Advising the kids to use their Imagination to build play and learn. Major focus was on the different toys for boys and girl, and how innovatively they can be used to play with friends. Chocolate shown for a few seconds.

Published on Jul 16, 2015



My trust their joy


Tag Line-children’s happiness and mothers trust.

The central theme of the TVC was health and hygiene. It imposes the idea of giving kinder joy(K.J) as a reward to the children. As KJ is made of high quality milk coca and cream, no preservatives, is hygienically packed which keeps its freshness intact.  is 

Sep 9, 2015



Kinder Joy brings Justice League & Hello Kitty


Tag Line- Play eat, eat, play and grow.

The theme is assembling your imagination. Shows two variety of new toys Hello Kitty (for Girls) & Justice League (for Boys).  The actual product the chocolate is shown for a few seconds as being eaten and relished by the kids..

Jan 25, 2016



Kinder Joy New Imagination TVC


Tag Line- 80 new surprises.


Assemble your Imagination is again the theme of the advertisement. The ad showed the new variety of toys being introduced and packed in Kinder Joy. The chocolate is again showed for a few seconds. A happy mother is shown who is glad to see her children learn and play with the Kinder toys.


Aug 4, 2016



Kinder Joy Land of Sweetopia & Speed Tuner




Same theme of ‘use your imagination” is also used in this TVC too. New toys are introduced namely Sweetopia and Speed tuner.  Rest everything is identical to the previous use your imagination ads, like a enthusiastic mother and few seconds of the kinder chocolate.


 May 12, 2016



Minnie Mouse And Disney Pixar Cars

Tag Line- New surprises  Minnie Mouse And Disney Pixar Cars.


New toys Mini mouse for girls and Disney Pixar Car for boys are introduced in this add. The TVC encourages the children to use their imagination to build toys. Playing with these toys is not only pleasurable but will also help in their development.


Nov 8, 2016



Barbie & Transformers


Tag Line- New Family surprises Barbie and Transformer.

A father distressed from the household work seeks help from his children. Just then Kinder Rine enters and introduces Transformer (for boys) and Barbie (for girls). The kids with the help of kinder toys save their father, while the mother enjoys their victory.  The ad ends with the kids having the choloate.

May 4, 2017



Kinder Joy Happos 30sec


Tag Line- Kinder Joys Happos Family Surprises.

Like the previous ad , this TVC is also shot in a family setting. The kids along with their with father are looking for Happos.(hippopotamus). Just then the mother enters with Kinder Joy and that u will find Happos only in  K.J. Thus the ad introduces the new toy Happos 7 its Family. The ad ends with the kids having the chocolate..

Aug 24, 2018



Kinder Joy | Maa Ka Pyaar Bhaara Keep It Up


Tag Line-children’s happiness and mothers trust.


A mother rewards their children with Kinder Joy. The mother explain that K.J is made with pure cow milk, with rich coca cream and crispy wafer balls, all healthy things for children. She mother adds that the egg also has a surprise (toy) in it.

May 2019




Name of Video




Developed by


 Kinder Joy Surprise Eggs 5 Disney Cars 3 Toys KINDER SURPRISE KINDERINO Disney Pixar


This 10 minutes video available on you tube.

The video has no dialogues or a human face. It just shows two hands who are opening more than 50 Kinder Joys. The focus of the video are the surprise toys.

The video very clearly teaches the viewers (read kids) how and which side should Kinder Joy  be opened to obtain the surprise toy.

The videos shows the variety of toys the kids can get in Kinder Joy, the instruction manual, assembling and usage of each toy.

Published Dec 7, 2015

Disney Fun Surprises




All Disney Fun Surprises video are made similarly. No human face or dialogues.  Just background music with a hand opening the Kinder Joy eggs, showing the variety of toys and their usage. Each video is usually of around 10 minutes and mostly displays new variety of toys .

Published on Oct 12, 2015

Disney Fun Surprises




[1]The video is developed by Disney fun surprises whether Ferreo has a role in developing it, is not know.

[2] Cadbury Gems is chocolate flavored, rich and chocolate buttons. What makes Gems different is the way the chocolate has been designed as colorful candy.

[3] The word meetha means sweet. In India it is a tradition to eat sweet (mithai) in all auspicious and happy occasion. Also a meal is not considered complete till some sweet is eaten in the end.