Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management
January 2020

Name : Index
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Author : Dr Nidhi walia,Jaspreet Kaur
Abstract :
Financial untouchability creates the problem of social discrimination. Most of the Indian-population is living in rural areas that is why they have less access to formal banking sector. Financial inclusion means providing financial products and services to that section of society, which do not have basic banking facilities so the new scheme Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana launched by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 28th August, 2014. This scheme was announced on 15th August, 2014. The scheme has been started with a target to provide universal access to banking facilities starting with basic banking accounts with overdraft facility and rupay debit card with inbuilt accident insurance. It is taken up as a challenge to provide financial inclusion to all the citizens of the country. In the present study an attempt has been made to analyse the problem faced by beneficiaries in accessing the banking facility. The data and information has been collected through structured questionnaire by using interview method. Period of study is September 2018 to Feb 2019. The data for the present study have been collected from 450 Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana account holders of Punjab state. There are number of chances that the scheme beneficiaries may face some problem in availing the benefits of this section .The researcher used some variables to identify problem faced by beneficiaries. The Factor analysis test results has reduced these variables to four problem factors namely the employee’s non supportive attitude, disinclination towards work, the delay in processing, lack of support from employee regarding awareness about PMJDY is another source of problems encountered by scheme beneficiaries. Study further suggested that bank employees need to be trained on a regular basis which will help them in assisting the people more effectively.
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Name : Demonetisation in India: An Empirical Study on the Opinion of the General Public
Author : Vijay Singh,Prof. K. A. Goyal
Abstract :
The word demonetisation captured the imagination of the people and emerged as the biggest catchword at least in year 2016 in India. The sheer scope and scale of the decision made the experts, economists and policy makers across the globe to take a note of the move. The demonetisation, which impounded around 86% of the currency amounting to more than Rs 15 lakh crore, was indeed an unprecedented decision on the part of the ruling dispensation. The event has got cemented in the collective memory of our nation and will certainly go down in the history as a bold and overwhelming surprising decision.
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Name : Understanding the Financial Efficiency of Military and Civilian integration Enterprises: The case of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai Provinces of China
Author : OswinAganda Anaba ,Ma Zhiqiang,Li Mingxing,Benjamin Azembila Asunka
Abstract :
In analyzing an enterprise’s potential for investment and growth, it is significant to study its financial performance from a different angle.Efficiency measuring and analyzing has become a vital problem in modern enterprise managementsince financing is said to be the main way for listed companies to acquire funds in China, and it is a panacea which can guarantee enterprises to function continuously. This paper evaluates the financing efficiency of listed military and civilian integratedenterprises in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. Taking 30 listed military and civilian integrated enterprises, the paper uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method to evaluate the financial efficiencies by considering technical efficiency, return to scale and improvement policy for the period of 2012–2016. The results suggest that the financing efficiency of the listed enterprises were generally low, showing a trend of decreasing returns to scale in the first instance and then started to show an increasing return to scale. The findings also revealed that the scale efficiency value of most sample enterprises was far higher than its pure technical efficiency value, making the pure technical efficiency the main cause for the low technical efficiency. The relationship between the financing efficiency level of each sample enterprise and the overall level of the enterprise has two cases of synchronous change and deviation from development.
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Name : Price Determinants of Residential Properties by using Hedonic Price Model
Author : Shafique Ahmed ,Farhan Ahmed,Muhammad Kashif,Muzafar Ali Shah
Abstract :
This study attempted to understand the key price determinants of residential properties in Karachi by using the hedonic approach. Structural attributes, Locational attributes, and environmental attributes are the key determinants for valuation of residential properties and that is why investors considered the role of these factors as significant in developing any residential project. The residents have also shown a great deal of concern for these factors and they will be willing to pay if these factors are being considered while developing any residential project. Mostly hedonic models are estimated using regression techniques and in order to estimate the significance level of the Structural attributes, Locational attributes, and environmental attributes, this paper has used regression techniques through which coefficients of various dimensions of above-mentioned attributes are measured. For that sample of 500 residential properties that are available for sale forthe last three months, in2019 were obtained.This study found that among structural attributes, new houses, covered area, and the number of bedrooms has a significant impact on housing prices. The coefficient value of these structural attributesis -.107, .722 & .094 with the p-value less than 0.05 respectively. However, among the locational attributes, the number of school and proximity were negatively significant. In addition to environmental attributes that included proximity to industrial area and number of parks were also significant. This is the first systematic study of residential properties in Karachi by using hedonic model and study suggested various alternatives to the builders, investors, and buyers of the residential properties in Karachi.
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Name : India’s Ocean Diplomacy in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Indo-Pacific: Modelling the Enablers using Fuzzy AHP
Author : Faisal Ahmed,Vinaytosh Mishra
Abstract :
Indo-Pacific geopolitics is now redefining the ocean diplomacy of India and other countries in the region including China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. Therefore, the Small Island Developing Countries (SIDS) have now acquired immense diplomatic interests in the renewed regional architecture. This paper examines the dynamics of India’s ocean diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and outlines 12 enablers which can strengthen India’s engagements with the SIDS countries of both the Indian Ocean as well as the South Pacific Ocean. These enablers have been grouped into three broad sets namely geo-economic enablers, geo-strategic enablers, and, environmental and healthcare enablers. The weightage of individual enablers and sub-category of the enablers have been calculated by employing Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a mathematical modelling technique. The results reveal that among all geo-economic enablers, ‘sub-regional cooperation’ is the most significant variable. While, among the geo-strategic enablers and environmental and healthcare enablers, factors like ‘support for democratic governance’ and ‘abating vector and water-borne diseases’ are the most important ones respectively. Also, in terms of the global weights of the 12 enablers, it is found that the top five enablers that can potentially drive India’s ocean diplomacy with SIDS include the following: sub-regional cooperation, aid-for-trade, trade capacity building, abating vector and water-borne diseases, and, management of water-related ecosystem. This study has implication for policy-making in India especially in context of determining the areas in which the resources can be allocated to strengthen India’s engagements with the SIDS countries. Also, it contributes to the discourse on India’s emerging role in the Indo-Pacific geopolitical architecture.
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Name : Executive Compensation from a Perspective of the Managerial Power Theory: The Case of Viet Nam Stock Exchange Listed Firms
Author : Quang Thong TRUONG,Linh TT NGUYEN,Minh Lam TRAN
Abstract :
The study was conducted to determine which factors represent managerial power according to managerial power theory, making compensation less sensitive than performance. The paper was conducted on 225 listed companies on the Vietnamese stock market with 1350 observations for 6 years from 2012-2017. By GMM method to deal with endogenous problems, research results show that executives can more easily use power, and make interaction between compensation and firm performance weaker with the manager has a share ownership ratio of more than 5% or a centralized ownership of less than 15% or in companies with a State ownership of more than 50%. In addition, firm performance has the opposite effect with stronger compensation for performance with the manager has a share ownership ratio under 5% or company with no more than 15% concentration ownership or the company does not have a centralized State or family-owned businesses.
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Name : Cross-Cultural Difference and Management, With a Focus on China and Pakistan
Author : Ahsan Nawaz,Umar Akhtar ,Ayesha Zahid,Prof. Robert Guang Tian
Abstract :
This paper goes for better understanding of the elements of universal projects bunches by a look on the procedures that are set up by project’s pioneers to adapt to social assorted environments in the business markets. The study is in the domain of China and Pakistan’s new project (CPEC), the highlight is on the issues comprising of cross-management. It studies the relevant texts on cultural management and cross-cultural difference from different practical features and unitesthe material out of them into a comprehensive outcome. Contrasts in social qualities is the material of attention because these distinctions show deviations in social dispositions toward equity. This examination ruins a trendsetter effort in Pakistan also for the overall organization who wants to establish cross cultural business.
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Name : Impact of Exploration of Oil and Gas on Education Scenario in Rajasthan by Neural Network Technique
Author : Dr. Asha Sharma
Abstract :
Natural gas and oil is one of the energy resources and past experience suggests that oil exploration and related ventures lead to a multidimensional growth and development of the region and nation as a whole. The natural resources are considered more efficient and appropriate for necessary survey and investigation for the assessment, subsequent planning and implementation of various developmental programmes. Rajasthan is emerging as the next energy hub of country. The State has emerged as a repository of wealth, of crude oil, natural gas and lignite. The extensive occurrences of petroliferous basins in Rajasthan have made it a large potential region for hydrocarbons.
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Name : An Opportunity Structure for Entrepreneurship Growth: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Business Incubators and Government Regulations
Author : Dr. Naveed Ahmed ,Professor Dr. Cai Li,Asadullah Khan,Dr. Sikandar Ali Qalati
Abstract :
Today, it is widely recognized that knowledge-based entrepreneurial companies are the main creators of economic growth, and such enterprises require special business development services.Therefore, this study aims to propose a theoretical framework as an opportunity structure to increase understanding of the functions and the role of business incubators and government regulations for entrepreneurship growth. This study also examines the significant contribution of network services, capital support and training programs to promoteentrepreneurship growth.
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Name : Customer Attitude towards Green Marketing Practices: An Empirical Study on Indian Companies’ Green practices
Author : Dr. P.L.Padmaja ,Dr. P.Renuka
Abstract :
The current generation is facing environmental issues like climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, resource depletion etc. The current state of global warming is creating great necessity for sustainable practices by the entire market participants. As a result, green marketing is on the rise, the companies should follow and implement 3-R’s to avoid further depletion of environment. The current study focuses on the preview of green marketing w.r.t. green producer, green product and green consumer, it also examined the sustainable practices as to water and power consumption by few major Indian MNCs and to find the attitude of customers towards green marketing practices by companies. To analyze the results an online survey of 500 customers was undertaken to know their attitude and opinion about green marketing practices by companies. Factor Analysis was employed to identify the most important green practices by companies, which included product design, resource usage, green packing and green promotion. The study observes that companies can play an influential role in promoting sustainability and protection of environment.
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Name : Retrospect and Prospects of Impact Investing in India
Author : Parth Sharma
Abstract :
Impact Investing if taken as an opportunity it can create wealth besides creating a social and envi-ronmental impact in developing countries. This research paper addresses the dearth of Impact In-vesting research catering to India and the way it can be capitalised as a method of reaching to heights of development in coming years. This study seeks to define what Impact Investing is, how has it evolved, seeking opportunities in India, existing Impact Investors and their diversification and answers to as how can it contribute to Indian Economy. Review of existing literature on Impact In-vesting worldwide and India is the backbone of this description. India’s population surpasses Eu-rope’s population with a massive chunk falling in Bottom of Pyramid, opening up new vistas which can be used as opportunities for Impact Investing in India. This article brings the need for research and efforts in Impact Investing in India to fill the gap.
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