Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management

A Study on Factors Influencing Buying Behavior of Kids for Toys with special reference to Indian Kids


Dr.Manish Kumar

Associate Professor IMCE

Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,Lucknow

Ms.Swati Yadav

Research Scholar,Department of Applied Economics

University of Lucknow,Lucknow

 Abstract: Migration  of youth from rural to urban is an indicator of growing market . Today India is undergoing the urbanization process at a rapid speed. There is no doubt at all in increasing levels of urbanization and purchasing power among the middle income group. Growth and development  digital knowledge is increasing among the Indian  kids. It is leading to attracting the digital intensified toys at the smaller age(6-10). On the other hand parent’s thought patterns are conflicting with kids. In this scenario, this paper is trying to assess the attributes of toys and factors influencing to buy  the toys in the Lucknow city area. The primary objective is to find out the attributes of toys attracting kids , in shopping malls of Lucknow. Five big  shopping malls in Lucknow is considered. Weekend days were selected for the collection of data as huge number of customers visit malls generally in these days. The sample respondents are selected by using a convenient sample method. For the purpose of study, the researcher selected 50 targeted sample customers and a pre tested questionnaire (Reliability Cornbach alpha is = 0.7524) is distributed to the parents to get it filled by their kids accompanying them. The data collection is pursued from the leading shopping malls from lucknow city. The study results shows that style and colour, design and appeal, ICT and digital features are the attractive factors of toys.

Key words: ICT, Feature. safety Toys Etc.



As per Census of India, 2011 children under 10 years(6-10) of age comprises 27% of our nation’s population. During child’s initial years of life toys occupies an essential place. Toys  holds a vital role in child’s overall development. Toys not only provide entertainment but also fulfill some educational role. They enhances observational capacity and stimulates creativity among little minds. They play a key role in growth of physical as well as mental skills which are required in later life.

India is also a huge market for non-branded toys which are mainly imported from other countries especially China, where the regulation and norms for toys manufacturing are not adhered strictly and bear the risk of  potential threat to the children. Effective steps should be taken by the government  to regulate the manufacturing and marketing of toys as per the formulated norms.

With the growth of technology which leads to immediate increase in the growth and development of ICT and digital knowledge is increasing among the kids which is becoming the reason behind the huge demand of digitally intensified toys even among   the kids of a very small age. On the other hand parent’s spending patterns are conflicting with kids. In this context, the present paper is focused on assessing the attracting attributes of toys, the factors influencing to buy toys and parental expectations while buying toys to handle the pester behavior of kids in the sample area.

Review of Literature:                                                  

 Priya Srinivasan with Rahul Sachitanand and Archana Skukla (2006) explained that children, particularly tweens, holds the largest consumers base  of media and entertainment products. Kids are glued to the tube for over four hours a day or more whereas adults spend just around two hours a day watching television as per this research.

 Damyanti Datta (2008) explained that time has gone when Indian parents controlled children with an iron rod. Obedience was expected and no was a household word. But in a world where families spend “Quality Time” at the mall, those norms are going the way of the dodo. By every measure, parents are bending over backwards to please their children, over 50 percent want their children to move ahead in life.

Garima Sharma (2008) explained that with the passage of time kids are becoming as fashion conscious as their parents. There is nothing to be surprised that their preferences too are being addressed by top international brands like Reebok, Adidas, United Colors of Benetton (UCB), Kappa etc. which are offering kids wear based on animated characters, that children really admire and consider them as their superhero.


Singh and Khatri (2008) for their scientific investigation adopts a cross-cultural perspective in studying the relationship between parental over-indulgence and perception of parents regarding the persuasion  of children in bringing in awareness, creating interest desire and influencing actual purchase decisions (AIDA) of food products.


“Teenagers are tempted to have the products other consumers are possessing and also remain under peer's compulsion to buy the electronic goods like computer, games, gadgets etc.” [Mohanram (2012), Kumar (2013)].They gather information in respect of product features, services, quality, durability, price of competitive products and so on. Factors affecting children's purchase requests to their parents and their parent's subsequent purchases for their children were freedom of a child's movements/behavior, product's visibility, child's gender, child's developmental stage, suitability of the good for consumption, strategy used in child's request, parent's income/family level and price of the good determine the number of purchases following a child's request [Ebster (2009)]. The impact of demographic variables like gender and age of children and parental profession creates a major participation of children in their families buying decisions [Kaur (2006), Ishaque (2014)].


Nicholls and Cullen (2004) expressed a childparent spending matrix, in which pester power occupies the fourth quadrant; it represents, according to them, the child’s necessity for self-realization through spending, overcoming parents’ control. In the first quadrant “Parental Power”, children try to exert power but parents control their desires, also trying to convince them to other purchases; in the second quadrant “unresolved conflict” both the parts attempt to control the purchases: children try to plead but also to threat, in a persistent way.

Objective of the study:

The objective of the study are as follows:

-To study the attributes of the toys that attracts the kids.

-To study factor influencing to buy the toys.

Research Methodology:

The present study is descriptive in nature and conducted at capital city of Uttar Pradesh in India,  The hyper markets, super markets and malls culture is extremely associated with the city and to its customers. In Lucknow the life style of customers is also modern and up-to-the-minute. The current study is focused on assessing the impact of kids buying behavior on the parents purchase decision towards toys among the selected customers from Lucknow city. The primary objective is to find out the characteristics of toys attracting children, factors influencing to buy, parental expectations , etc

For the purpose of study, Lucknow city is considered as a sample unit and to select the sample respondents, all big shopping malls in the lucknow city are taken into consideration. It is due to huge number of customers visits , the shopping malls during weekends and selection of the right blend of sample becomes easy. The sample respondents are chosen by using a convenient sample method. The co-operation from the sample is significant in the data collection, convenient sample helps the investigator to choose the co-operated customers and to collect the deep insight feelings.

The researcher preferred 50 targeted sample customers and a pre- tested questionnaire (Reliability Cornbach alpha is = 0.7524) is disseminated to the parents and collected back. The top shopping malls in Lucknow were considered for the purpose of data collection.


For the purpose of the study, the significant difference of the mean values of the perceptions relating to various dimensions of the study.


H0: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the attributes of toys attracting kids considered while buying toys in the sample.  

H1: There is  significant difference between the mean scores of the attributes of toys attracting kids considered while buying toys in the sample.

Table 1: Mean value of the attribute of the toys(Friedman Test)

Toys Attribute

Mean Rank

Chi square


Feature of Toy




Size of Toy




Color of Toy




Low maintenance








Significant at 1% level.

Since p value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis, There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the attributes of toys attracting kids considered while buying toys in the sample is rejected at 1% level of significance. Based on the same, it is concluded that, there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the attributes of toys attracting kids considered while buying toys in the sample. Based on the mean scores, it is noted that, the primary attributes attracting kids in toys are appearance and color with the mean score of 2.86, Observed Size of the toy with the mean score of 2.85, Low maintenance of the Toys with the mean score of 2.40, Feature of toys with the mean score of 1.89 respectively. Hence, the ICT usage, digital effects and flexibility and connectivity features of the toy are most attractive features of the toys in the recent times.

Hence, parents should have an eye on the buying and usage of toys along with ICT facilities and the limits of the usage should be rational and controlled.

H0: There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the Factors influencing to buy toys in the sample.

H1: There is significant difference between the mean scores of the factors influencing to buy toys in the sample.










Table 2: Friedman test result showing the mean score values of the Factors influencing to

buy toys along with the test result





Factor Influence to buy Toys

Mean Rank

Chi Square


Comfort Handling




Technical Advancement




Unique Design








Recommendation from friend




Advertising Influence




Toxic free  material





The p value for the hypothesis test is observed at less than 0.01, hence, the null hypothesis; there is no significant difference between the mean scores of the Factors influencing to buy toys in the sample is rejected at 1% level of significance. Hence, it is inferred that, there exist a highly significant difference between the mean scores of the Factors influencing to buy toys in the sample. Based on the mean scores, it is noted that, Promotional and advertisement influence is with the mean score of 5.15 . Toxic freeness of the material used with the mean score of 4.48, Durability with the mean score of 4.39, Unique design of the Toys with mean score of 3.77. Recommendation from friend with the mean score of 3.64. , respectively. Hence, it is noted that, Advertising and promotional influence, Toxic free material, and durability are the prime factors of influence while buying the toys in the shopping malls. Hence, the companies need to consider the customer expectations while designing the toys that can help them  in acquiring more market share.




1. The prominent characteristic in toys attracting kids are appearance and color having  the mean score of 2.86, Observed size of the toys with the mean score of 2.85, Low maintenance of the toys with the mean score of 2.40, Features  of the toys with the mean score of 1.89, respectively. Thus the ICT usage, digital effects color, flexibility and connectivity features are the  most attractive features of the toys in the recent times.


2. The two observations that can be observed from the above analysis are :

(a) Increased level of digital and technology knowledge through the promotional activity among the kids along with   time is appreciable.

(b) Another observation is that kids attention towards awareness is increasing which is leading to lower levels of personal and interpersonal interactions that may have behavioral issues in the long run.


3. Advertising, Features, Toxic free material , Durability are the key factors of influence while buying the toys in the shopping malls. Hence, the companies need to consider customer expectations while designing the toys that  can help in capturing the market.


It is concluded that there are no specific strategies ,only some factors should be considered  while launching the toys in the market because Indian kids are much aware about the new arrivals of toys and the parents are also satisfied when the marketer give value product to the kids.

Summary and Conclusion

Attractive design ,color and style, digital attributes attracting more number of kids to buy toys. The economy price and lower usage cost and eco-friendly materials usage can attract the parents to buy the toys for the kids and help the marketers to improve the sales and revenue along with improved customer loyalty. Based on the results, it is concluded that, there is no specific strategy to handle the Consumer behavior and the value for money could be the best option for point of sale and the developing rational and ecofriendly and need based purchase culture among the family and kids can be the long run solution to attract  the kids in the sample.



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