Pacific B usiness R eview (International)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management Indexed With Web of Science(ESCI)
ISSN: 0974-438X(P)
Impact factor (SJIF):8.603
RNI No.:RAJENG/2016/70346
Postal Reg. No.: RJ/UD/29-136/2017-2019
Editorial Board

Prof. B. P. Sharma
(Principal Editor in Chief)

Prof. Dipin Mathur
(Consultative Editor)

Dr. Khushbu Agarwal
(Editor in Chief)

A Refereed Monthly International Journal of Management



Deepika Sharma

Research Scholar

Chandigarh University

Dr. Rupali Arora

Associate Professor

Chandigarh University


Educational institutions always attempt their best to hire top quality faculty, but the issues arises when it is all about retaining the faculties. Now days it has become a toughest challenge for the owner of the organization to make a happy place to work for the employees. Again the question arises the faculties institutions have retained are they satisfied with the present working conditions? The present study investigates the impact of empowerment on retention among teachers of secondary schools. The study will be carried out in public schools in Mohali region of Punjab. It will explore the various proportions of Employee empowerment on employees. The sample size for the present study is 50 respondents. Moreover various research papers have been reviewed in order to get more useful information related to the concept empowerment and retention. Further the reviewed papers helps to know the major factors that are useful for retaining the employees and building a strong and long bond with them. The extent of the study will be restricted to public school teachers in Punjab. Various tests like R- Square, multiple regression analysis, T-test, will be employed to obtain useful summary of responses. Moreover it is expected that the present study will help to supplement to the higher education institutions and further research.

KEYWORDS: - Employee Empowerment, Retention, Performance, Secondary Schools.


Education sector has always played and will play a very important role in the advancement of the whole nation. The country cannot gain proper growth if it lacks a qualitative and different education system. Education sector plays a very vital role in improving the social and economic conditions of the country (Oketch, McCowan, & Schendel, 2014) this helps in reducing the poverty rates, literacy rates, moreover brings peace and stability in the economy. But the new challenges like leadership, administrative, inadequate infrastructure and dynamic environment is bringing many tough situations for academicians to face. which is making it difficult for the teachers to remain in the same organization for longer time period. Retaining the human resources in the organization for the longer time period is one of the biggest challenges for the employer. In academia satisfied and motivated teacher is the foremost demand of every school, college, university so that each and every task is completed efficiently, effectively and for achieving the school goals and increasing their productivity (Noordin and Jusoff, 2009). The major areas which are given the top most priority in the organization are the employee retention, absenteeism, job satisfaction, employee relations, employee efficiency etc (Spector, 1997). Akila (2012) defines employee retention as a way of keeping the employees for longer period of time in the same organization. When a faculty leaves the university or any educational institution the major loss is suffered at individual, and department level. Moreover it put a bad impression of an institution in society (Zhou and Volkwein 2004).When employees in any organization are satisfied with different tasks, they never leave that place and this helps the organization to save many expenses like cost on labor turnover, training and development, cost on selecting the best employees, loss of production (Smith 1992). In today’s time period the main goal of secondary education institutions is to grant qualitative knowledge, and to built a strong base for higher education in order to make skilled, students who can help in developing the whole nation. Faculty job retention, commitment, and satisfaction of the employees are considered very vital for achieving high-quality academic performance and to maintain successful school administration (Smith, 2007). Empowering faculty members giving power, care, respect, encouraging them, helps to improve the quality and also enhances the interest of employees. Spice and Gilbert (1991) Recommended higher authorities of the organization to give full freedom to the employees in making several decisions so as to make full utilization of human resources. Empowerment boost up the performance of employee’s addition to this it also helps to make a better environment in the organization Dobbs (1993). Lawler & Mohram (1989) states that employee empowerment is a way of developing the potential of the workers for increasing the commitment level of employees and leads to the growth and development of the whole organization including each and every employee. If employees in the organization get proper admiration for the work they perform then it can positively helps to increase the job performance, reduces employees turnover rates, increases attachment and devotion towards work (Lucas et al, 2000). Empowerment is a qualitative portion which makes it more complicated for managers as well as employees to make organizations environment familiar. In order to overcome this complexity many organization promote top-down administration approach and distinctive strengthening exercises (Argyris & Chris, 1998). The role of teachers is not limited to transfer knowledge to others but to build confidence, boost self esteem of students, motivate them and maintain a good learning atmosphere (Paxton, 2006)


Saleem, Nissar et al (2017) ) carried a study to express empowerment as a way to organization citizenship behavior (OCB). The study was conducted in both the private and public universities of Pakistan. The sample for the study was 180. The main aim of the paper is to find out the relation between empowerment and OCB. The researcher used regression analysis, ANOVA, and t-test to investigate the impact of demographic factors on empowerment. The Findings of the study stated that both empowerment and OCB are strongly associated with each other and have a positive relation with each other.

Aryan, Singh et al (2016) examined various aspects of employee empowerment and observed various empowerment tools that affect the performance of workers working in private sector of Punjab. Primary study was conducted by the researcher and data was collected from 80 respondents. Various statistical tools like descriptive statistics, correlation, regression analysis; factor analysis was used to analyze the data. The result of the study states that autonomous decision making and proper communication channels followed in the organization positively affects the performance of employees.

Bakar et al (2015) conducted a research to examine the various factors that influence job satisfaction level among female lecturer. The study was carried out in private higher education institutions in Perak, Malaysia. The result of the study shows that appreciation, workplace diversity, rewards and good work life balance are the main factors which positively effects job satisfaction. Among every one of the variables work environment decent variety has significant cause on feminine professor retention level.

Dave and Raval (2015) examined the broad area of job happiness of educators of privileged teaching institutes. The researcher carried secondary research by reviewing books, journals, and theses available on internet. From the review of literature it is reviewed that satisfying the faculty members is one the critical job of top management and it directly affects the retention and performance level of the faculty members moreover it has a positive impact on the quality of the education.

Dave and Raval (2015) examined the broad area of job happiness of educators of privileged teaching institutes. The researcher carried secondary research by reviewing books, journals, and theses available on internet. From the review of literature it is reviewed that satisfying the faculty members is one the critical job of top management and it directly affects the retention and performance level of the faculty members moreover it has a positive impact on the quality of the education.

Bhatt and kavidayal (2014) comparative study was conducted to find out the retention and reasons for high rate of attrition of faculty in both private and public universities of Uttarakhand. The sample of 200 and 100 respondents was selected covering professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers from both private and government universities respectively. Researcher used simple random sampling. The results of the study revealed that publib segment is more chosen by the trainers of Uttarakhand. The researcher recognized various reasons behind this that are higher remunerations, secured job, less work pressures, flexible working hour etc. All these facilities empower and motivate the faculties to choose government jobs instead of private.

Kaymakc and Babacan (2014) conducted a research to discover the relation among perceptions of employees about worker empowerment and their demographic variables. The study was carried out on employees of public sector of Denizli. The sample for the study was 128 and data was filled with the help of questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to interpret the results of the study. The findings of the study sates that there is no significant difference between perceptions of employees according to the demographic factors which consists of gender, qualification, tenure of service.

Korkmaz (2014) discussed some of the employee empowerment concepts on the basis of some demographic variables; moreover differences in the opinions of employee empowerment are also examined. The study was conducted on the white collar employees of Turkish coal institution. The sample of the study was 174 employees. The data for the study was collected with the help of questionnaire which was prepared by using 5 point likert scale. The researcher used KMO, Barlett Sphericity, and Factor analysis. The result of the study states that income and position of the employees creates a major difference in the perception of employees for empowerment.

Mehta et al (2014) conducted a secondary research by reviewing the existing research papers. The researcher recognized various factors that impact employee retention and commitment for an organization. These factors are career improvement opportunities, leadership, communication channels, work regarding policies, empowerment, and work life balance, culture of the organization, flexi timings, appraisals, training and development, Gallup audits. The researcher states that application of these practices is dependent upon the nature of the organization. There is no fixed practice that can be used to retain the employees.

Saeed et al (2013) attempted to calculate the dimension of representative strengthening, a dimension of occupation fulfillment, and tried the connection between worker strengthening and employment fulfillment. The research was carried out on 52 managers of JVC Descon, Lahore, Pakistan. The results of the study states that employees feel more pleased and are more loyal with their jobs if they are more empowered.


The principle point of this investigation is to discover the association between worker strengthening and retention among elementary teachers. The exploration will dissect the connection between the Employee strengthening and its impacts on representative's maintenance level at non-public schools in Punjab. A definitive target is to decide the effect of Employee strengthening on maintenance of representative. The examination will uncover the connection between worker maintenance and representative strengthening. It investigates impact of various components of Employee strengthening on workers.


The fundamental point of this examination is to quantify the connection between worker strengthening and representative maintenance. In this manner, the following accompanying hypothesis is created:

H01:- There is an insignificant relation linking employee empowerment and employee retention.


The extent of the investigation will be restricted to state-funded teachers in Punjab. This examination will cover all the angles identified with strengthening and maintenance intuition based schools. The information was gathered from teachers of chose schools of Punjab. This examination took a time of a quarter of a year amid which information was gathered from the field, composed, broke down and displayed in expository structure. The examination utilized the self-organized survey to gather the required essential information. Different tests like R-Square, numerous relapse investigations, T-test, were utilized to acquire helpful rundown of reactions. Straightforward irregular examining is utilized and absolute example populace of hundred workers. Basic arbitrary inspecting was utilized since no complexities were included. Basic arbitrary examining is utilized and absolute example populace is a hundred respondents. Essential information was gathered using self-organized surveys.


In the present examination, various relapse investigations are performed with the assistance of exceeding expectations. So as to quantify the exactness of the relapse coefficients connection examination is likewise connected. This examination is required in light of the way that backslide results rely upon tests and it is basic to choose how exact the outcomes are of the people. The relationship examination of R-Square, F-Statistics (F-Test), t-estimation (or t-test), P-regard and Confidence Intervals are used.


The estimation of R-square ranges from 0 to 1. The closer the r-square is to one, the better the relapse condition. From table no 1, the entirety squared blunders is 634.5981 and the complete aggregate squared mistakes is 1265.78. In this manner r-square is:

R-square = 634.5981/ 1265.78 = 0.501349445


At the end of the day, we are trying whether at any rate one of the illustrative factors contributes data for the forecast of Y. The more noteworthy the F-esteem the better the general attack of the relapse line. In table no 2, the estimation of f is 48.25979. So we dismiss the invalid speculation and inferred that the freedom factors are valuable in clarifying the strengthening with 8.87E-09 % certainty.


In fig 2 the t- value for variable empowerment is 6.946927 i.e. (greater than 2 in absolute value). Hence we can conclude that empowerment has a significant impact on retention of faculty members

3. P-value

P-esteem is related to a test measurement, for example, to test the speculation of connection among reliant and autonomous factors. The littler the P esteem, the more firmly the test rejects the invalid theory, and accordingly, to acknowledge the elective speculation. Ap-estimation of .05 or 5% certainty dimension infers that 95% of the watched factors are emphatically related. In table no 3, the p-esteem for the evaluated coefficient of strengthening is 8.87E-09.


The f value is 48.25979. So we dismiss the invalid theory and presume that the autonomy factors are valuable in clarifying the effect of strengthening (1-0.015) = 98.5 % certainty.

The t-value for variable empowerment is 6.946927 (i.e. superior than 2 in total assessment). Henceforth, we can infer that the empowerment has a positive impact in retaining the faculty.

From the table, the p-esteem for the evaluated coefficient of strengthening is 8.87e-09 consequently it is inferred that the relapse model is an essentially solid match (1-0.04104 = 0.9589) or 96%. In this manner, the assessed coefficient is exceedingly huge.

Confidence intervals

Hence from the above table number 2, it is demonstrated that the upper and lower bound of the 95% certainty interims level, these coefficients are huge. The results from the above data states that there is positive relation between both retention and empowerment.


Now a days it is very important for the organizations of any field to take care of their employees and to provide them better facilities, freedom, so that they can work without any fear and work efficiently. The present study implies certain executive suggestions in order to empower the teachers so as to retain the staff members in the same organization for the longer time period. Moreover top management must introduce new strategies, policies and try to create an open environment in order to retain valuable employees in the organization.


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