October 2018 |
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Name | : | Impact of Talent Management Practices on Employee Effectiveness |
Author | : | Dr. Kavita Rani, Dr. Sanjiv Kumar |
Abstract | : |
Unprecedented changes in global workforce market are putting pressure in front of
Indian IT Companies to equip themselves with a pool of people having talent. Regardless
of all profound developments, talented employee always has additional career options.
In point of the fact, it becomes imperative for an organization to manage the talent.
By drawing insights from literature review, it is found that management of talent
is a critical element in organizations as it further leads to improvement in the
performance of employees. Present study sought to find out the impact of talent
management practices on employee effectiveness. 600 respondents from six IT MNCs
from NCR were participated in survey. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple
Regression technique were used for analysis. From richer results, present study
revealed that there is positive and significant relationship between talent management
practices and employee effectiveness. Talent management practices accounted a major
percent of change in employee effectiveness.
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Name | : | The Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Communication for High Involvement Product Purchase Decision: In Case of University of Gondar Employees |
Abstract | : |
This research aimed to assess the effectiveness of integrated marketing communication
for high involvement product purchase decision the case of Gondar university employees
with the intention adding some knowledge to the area of study since this thematic
area is still novice in Ethiopian context. To be at this end, the researcher employed
quantitative approach of descriptive research design to provide numerical results
which enables to measure variables in the study and also to test the research hypothesis
for better prediction of the result as well. At the same time stratified random
sampling techniques was used to determine the sample population for the study accordingly,
the primary data was gathered from the 362 sample population through structured
survey type closed ended Likert format questionnaire whereas, the secondary data
for this study was collected through critical review of published and unpublished
documents related with the research problem. Thus, the collected data using both
sources were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics along with
structural equation model to test the research hypothesis. The result showed that
word of mouth, personal selling and advertisement are significantly effective for
high involvement product purchase decision of the consumer. As a result, the researcher
recommends the consumer to focus on this significant communication tools as integrated
while they decide to purchase high involvement product.
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Name | : | Emotional Intelligence and its Relationship with Conflict Management and Occupational Stress: A Meta-Analysis |
Author | : | Ravi Vashisht, Kesari Singh, Sakshi Sharma |
Abstract | : |
The current study used meta-analysis to examine the relationship between Emotional
Intelligence (EI) and Conflict Management (CM) and emotional intelligence and Occupational
Stress (OS). A total of 14 studies examining the relationship between on EI and
CM and 39 studies on EI and OS were considered. For Emotional Intelligence and Conflict
Management, total sample size consisted of 5,371 participants, yielding 58 effect
sizes and for EI and OS, total sample size consisted of 9,930 participants, yielding
53 effect sizes. The studies that had been published from 2002 to 2017 were selected.
To identify relevant studies for meta-analysis, a computerized bibliographic keyword
search using Elsevier, Science Direct, Emerald Insight, Sage Publications, Tailor
& Francis, PubMed, Springer, EBSCOhost and Social Science Citation Index was conducted.
Internet search was done using Google Scholar. The results of the present study
supported the hypotheses that there is significant and positive relationship between
EI and conflict management and significant and negative relationship between EI
and occupational stress.
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Name | : | Analysis of Financial Assistance of KSFC for Development of Entrepreneurship in Karnataka State |
Author | : | Mr. Abhaykumar Gasti, Dr. (Smt.) Chandramma M |
Abstract | : |
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship play very important role in the economic development
of any nation. The success and development of the entrepreneurship depend on the
coordination and assistance of the state and central Governments. In the view of
this, the Government of India initiated the State Financial Corporation (SFCs) in
1951 to promote small and medium enterprises of the States. These institutions facilitate
covenant and effective channels of savings and investments, in a developing country
like India. The role of these institutions becomes more pronounced in achieving
rapid economic growth. The present study is based on secondary data collected from
the Karnataka State Financial Corporation (KSFC) annual reports to examine the loan
sanction and disbursement by KSFC under different year and schemes in the Karnataka
State (India).
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Name | : | Consumer’s Attitude towards Mobile Marketing: an empirical investigation |
Author | : | Rekha, Dr. Pooja Jain |
Abstract | : |
Today marketers have realized the potential of one of the most prominent digital
communication tool of modern times - the ‘Mobile Phone’ which is also known as ‘third
screen of communication’ after television and internet that enables them to communicate
with their target customers in customized, relevant, specialized, measurable and
interactive manner. Indian mobile marketing landscape is witnessing a significant
augmentation with each passing year. Mobile phone is writing new rules in Indian
digital arena with more than a 1.18 billion in February, 2018(TRAI). India has emerged
as a leading contributor along with China towards smartphone usage. The present
study dealt with understanding the consumers’ attitude towards mobile marketing
along with understanding consumers’ response towards mobile ads. Data was collected
from Delhi area from 205 respondents. Non-probability sampling was used to collect
the data. Structured questionnaire based on 5 point Likert scale was used to collect
the data. Data was analyzed with the help of non-parametric tests like one sample
bi-nomial test and one sample wilcoxon signed rank test. It was concluded from the
study that consumers had positive attitude towards mobile marketing.
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Name | : | Studying the Preference of Mutual Fund among Young & Middle Adults |
Author | : | Prof. Deepa Vyas, Urvi Ganatra |
Abstract | : |
There are multiple investment avenues in which an investor can invest into. Out
of them, the one which amalgamates both risk and return is Mutual Fund. An investment
vehicle where the fund manager invests on behalf of investor and the return generated
out of it is passed backed to the investor is Mutual Fund. It is one of the most
prominent investment avenue preferred by most of the investors. In India, Mutual
fund was first introduced by Unit Trust of India in 1963. This paper attempts to
analyze the investor preference of mutual fund among young and middle adults and
also to study discriminating factor which distinguishes young and middle adult while
making investment decision. For empirical investigation the data was collected from
100 respondents through self-administrated questionnaire. In order to cluster the
respondents on basis of post investment satisfaction level discriminant function
analysis was employed and other test like factorial analysis were performed to check
out which factor influence the investor most while making investment decision in
Mutual fund. The result of DFA (Discriminant Function Analysis) concludes that hedge
against inflation is the most important post investment satisfaction objective which
discriminate young and middle adults. The factorial analysis indicates that financial
position and fund capability is the two most important factors which an investor
considers while making investment decision in Mutual Fund.
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Name | : | Innovative Practices in Family Owned and Managed Businesses: Empirical Evidence from Select Milk Producing Family Based Business Entities |
Author | : | Sabita Dutta , Sandeep Kumar Singh, Sujit Sikidar |
Abstract | : |
Family businesses contribute 60-70 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
most developed and developing countries. India is no exception, with the presence
of such entities in almost every corner of the country. In India, family businesses
range from the small mom-and-pop store to large conglomerates with equally varied
business interests. Research in the area of family based enterprises started much
later in India in the 1980s, with the prime focus on addressing questions that try
to understand the success strategies of such family based entities or the conflict
issues that abound such enterprises. Since then, the study of family business management
has developed as a distinct and important category of commerce education, with even
business schools introducing specialized courses in this area. Most of the studies
in the area however are fragmented in nature and focus primarily on conflict resolution
and the management-ownership divorce. There has been very little work on the need
for innovation in family based entities and the factors affecting it. Furthermore,
no comprehensive study has been reported to be carried out with respect to family
based businesses in Meghalaya. The study tries to fulfil this gap, initially through
a generic overview of the innovative practices that are currently being practised
by family based businesses firms and later on by exploring what factors affect the
business unit’s willingness to innovate more. The findings reveal introduction of
moderate levels of innovative practices in the study area. Additional findings also
reveal that firm’s resource base, rising cost of technology and perceived vulnerability
are the three principal factors that affect the family owned businesses’ readiness
to innovate.
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Name | : | Use of Adjusting and Instructing Information in Product Harm Crisis Communication |
Author | : | Seema Bihari, Ashwini Awasthi |
Abstract | : |
Communication with the stakeholders during a crisis situation is important for companies
since it reflects the company’s response strategy. The stakeholders need to be informed
about the reason of the crisis situation, and what can be done to remain safe during
the crisis situation. This research paper studies the product recall messages issued
by companies of the Indian Automobile industry and the type of information imparted
by the companies through these messages. Content analysis of the messages issued
by the automobile company has been done to identify the use of instructing and adjusting
information. It is found that the e-paper/ e-magazine is the most used media vehicle
in crisis situation. Companies are not following the guidelines provided by Society
for Indian Automobile Manufacture (SIAM) which is not a regulatory body. The results
indicate the need of robust regulatory guidelines for communication in crisis situations.
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Name | : | Study of Financial Literacy among Residents of Gujarat |
Author | : | Dr. Avni Patel |
Abstract | : |
Financial Literacy is all about how well the people understand basic concepts related
to finance. Basic understanding of financial concepts is defined as financial literacy
of the person. To achieve objective of financial inclusion, people must be financially
literate first. So to observe the financial literacy of the respondents of Gujarat,
particular study is undertaken. Study is descriptive in nature and 600 samples from
four major cities of Gujarat has been selected for the same. Scope of the study
is confined to salaried employees of Govt., Public and Private sectors. To assess
the financial literacy respondents were asked eight questions which pertains to
basic and advanced financial literacy. Study reveals that respondents of Gujarat
possess fair financial literacy.
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Name | : | The Need of Rotational Duties in SMS Hospital, Jaipur (Rajasthan) |
Author | : | Dr. Sher Singh Morodiya |
Abstract | : |
Sawai Man Singh Hospital, Jaipur (Rajasthan) is one the largest hospital of country,
is staffed with 700 doctors and 1770 nurses with 2282 beds in 72 wards. It has many
specialty and super-specialty departments with many ICU, semi-ICU and OTs. It is
most populated hospital of the country with 575 average patients in IPD per day,
7780 average patients in OPD per day and 854 average patients in accident/ emergency
per day. During the round of hospital by author, it was found that there was no
certain policy of rotation of nursing staff in different places of the hospital.
The nursing staff posted in 1980 in a ward is working without any interruption in
same ward till date. It was felt that there is need of implementation of rotational
duties of nursing staff in different places in SMS Hospital; Jaipur (Rajasthan).The
aim of the study was to assess the need and describe the probable benefits of implementation
of rotational duties of nursing staff at different places in SMS Hospital, Jaipur
(Rajasthan). It was a descriptive survey research. The population of the study were
Administrative Officer/ Nursing Superintendent, Head of department/ Unit Head/ Other
faculty/ resident Doctors, Nursing In charge/ Nurse Grade I/ Nursing Grade II working
in S.M.S. Hospital, Jaipur (Rajasthan). Sample size was 1039, sampling technique
was purposive sampling. The research tool was the structured opinionnaire. The analysis
of the study proves that there is need of implementation of rotational duties of
nursing staff in hospitals. It also proved that there are many probable benefits
of implementation of rotational duties of nursing staff at different places in the
hospitals. The research report was submitted to the Medical Superintendent of the
Hospital. Based on the research study, some recommendations were also made for implementation.
The Medical Superintendent of the Hospital appreciated the research work and realized
the need of a certain rotational policies.
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Name | : | Agricultural Growth and Crop Diversification in Western Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh |
Author | : | Rozy Dhanta, YS Negi |
Abstract | : |
This paper explores the levels of crop diversification and growth of major agricultural
crops in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The district wise analysis
considers major crops viz. maize, paddy, wheat, barley, pulses, apple, ‘other fruits’,
potato and ‘other vegetable’ and oilseeds for the calculation of Herfindahl-Hirschman’s
Index (HHI) using past 44 years of data. The results show that Shimla district can
be categorized in moderately diversified district of the state and it is followed
by Kullu and Sirmour districts. Similarly, least diversified districtis Hamirpur
followed by Una and Bilaspur districts. Vegetables, spices, apple, and ‘other fruits’
turned out to be emerging crops in the state. The emphasis in the state is on diversification
with high value crops and as a result acreage under cereals like wheat, barley and
‘other cereals’ is not seen to be growing at the same rate as the high value crops.
The study suggests the need to look at the increasing crop diversification in a
way that would equally benefit the marginal and small farmers as well. Here, marketing
of the produce, particularly the highly perishable fruits and vegetables needs to
be considered in a more practical way.
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Name | : | Determinants of Banks’ Lending Growth in Vietnam |
Author | : | Ho Thi Ngoc Tuyen, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep |
Abstract | : |
Vietnam experienced a rapid credit growth in the period of privatization of banks
and the opening to the entry of foreign banks. This paper identifies and estimates
the determinants of lending growth in Vietnam, considering both demand and supply
side factors but putting more emphasis on bank diversification strategies. It is
found that banks’ geographical and income diversification strategies are beneficial
in terms of their ability to maintain growth rate in credit supply. As for demand
factors, economic growth has a positive impact on loan growth, while inflation poses
a negative influence on loan growth. Surprisingly the impact of 2008-2009 global
financial crises does not show any significant impact on the lending growth. As
expected, an increase in banks’ deposit leads to higher credit growth. The study
further confirms that strong banks’ balance sheets, in terms of low non-performing
loans and low solvency ratio has a positive effect on credit supply.
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Name | : | Impact of Corporate Governance on the Likelihood of Financial Distress: Evidence from Non-Financial Firms of Pakistan |
Author | : | Muhammad Kashif Khurshid, Hazoor Muhammad Sabir, Safdar Hussain Tahir, Muhammad Abrar |
Abstract | : |
Prediction of financial distress plays very vibrant role for survival and long-term
growth of firms in the competitive global environment. Recovery from financial distress
can protect the firm bankruptcy. In recent year Pakistan has also witnessed numerous
cases of bankruptcy caused by financial distress. This can also be evidenced from
numerous cases of acquisitions, mergers, financial restructuring and delisting for
firms from Pakistan Stock Exchange. This study is an effort to examines the role
of “corporate governance” in the detection of financial distress. Board composition,
ownership structure, and audit quality are the key measures of corporate governance.
In this study board size, CEO’s duality, board independence, insider’s directorship,
no. of board meetings, audit quality, managerial ownership, financial institutions
ownership, ownership by investment companies are used as proxies of corporate governance.
Secondary data were collected from the balance sheet analysis (BSA) published by
the statistical department of State Bank of Pakistan from2009 to 2016 for the said
purpose. The financial distress is measured using well-known measure i.e. Emerging
Markets Score (EMS) which is the updated version of Altman’s Z Score for the measurement
of financial distress. A sample of 164 firms is collected for 8 years (2009-2016)
with a total of 1312 firm observations. The results concluded as board size, insider
director’s ownership, audit quality, managerial ownership, financial institutions
ownership, investment companies’ ownership and profitability of firms play significant
negative impact on likelihood of financial distress, while CEO’s duality, board
independence, frequency of board meetings, financial constraints, and financial
leverage proved positive and significant impact on the probability of financial
distress. It is also found that by controlling the financial constraints of firms
the impact of corporate governance variables is enhanced, this finding opens new
insights into the nexus of corporate governance, financial constraints, and financial
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Name | : | An Analytical Study of Gender Empowerment and Its Impact on Human Resource Development (A Case of Delhi, Kerala, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh) |
Author | : | Dr. Mohsina Hayat |
Abstract | : |
Empowerment of Gender empowerment is show men’s and women’s ability to participate
in economic and political life. It refers different gender command over economic
resources. Women have played an important role in determining the humanity development.
Women constitute approximately half of the world’s population so as half potential.
Present scenario needs women-led development or incomplete without the empowerment
of women. Paper discusses and examine the conceptual and methodological issue related
to Gender empowerment, the relationship between women’s economic, educational and
empowerment status in four states (DKRU). The policy of Government towards Gender
empowerment are exposed here.
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Name | : | Quality of Work Life in Academics with reference to Motivational Theories |
Author | : | Ms. Pooja Verma, Dr. Dipanker Sharma |
Abstract | : |
Academics have always been perceived as a work area where there is less stress when
it is compared to other work domains, but this paradox can no longer be supported;
importantly due to increased competition, growing awareness of skill-based education,
rising unemployment etc. The education industry contemporarily is competitive and
not an easy job. It requires regular and continuous updates, rigorous hard work,
incessant development and a never-ending commitment. Therefore, balancing one’s
personal life along with professional life in academics becomes a challenge. Maintaining
a good QWL (Quality of Work Life) i.e. providing satisfactory work environment along
with psychological contentment is what a challenge becomes when an employee’s job
is demanding. Factors like job satisfaction, commitment, job involvement, dedication
and hard work reflect that employees are enjoying a good QWL. Many researches have
been conducted to study and analyze the QWL in various academic institutes i.e.
schools, colleges and universities. It has been observed that major areas of concern
in maintaining a good QWL are financial factors, promotion and appraisals, developmental
issues, balanced personal life, work environment, creativity, decision making autonomy,
job security, recognition and appreciation etc. These areas affect the overall QWL
of the employees and it becomes very important to maintain all these factors for
a good QWL. Since, a strong education industry will definitely form a base for strong
and developed nation and a strong education system can be formed only when it has
fully dedicated workforce which is possible only when their QWL is maintained and
given due consideration. This paper is based on the reviews of various research
papers in the area of academics over the years and an effort has been made to analyze
and highlight the areas of apprehension in academics, especially the issues which
may be of high concern and are needed to be handled to balance the personal and
professional lives of the employees in the academics so that they have a good QWL.
Further the originated factors are categorized based on the two classical theories
of motivation i.e. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory.
This classification would serve as a guide for formulating policies which keeps
the employees motivated and satisfied, which makes them perceive that their Quality
of Work Life is good.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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Name | : | Editorial |
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