December 2018 |
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Name | : | Human Resource Practices and Job Satisfaction in Selected New Generation Private Banks: An Empirical Study of their Relationship & their Impact among Executive Employees |
Author | : | Sanjeev, Dr. N S Bhalla, Dr. T. S. Sidhu, Shruti |
Abstract | : |
The Banking Industry in India has undergone an incredible change since Government
of India has adopted the Economic, Financial and Banking Sector Reforms. The healthy
Competition posed by the private sector banks has not only improved the quality
of service by the Public sector banks but also through a basket of innovative diversified
products. Here the role of the human resources has become the crucial most. The
stay of the employees in banks largely depends upon the prevailing human resource
practices and the levels of job satisfaction assumed by them. Through this paper
the researcher has attempted to identify the relationship between Human Resource
Practices and the job satisfaction levels of the executive employees in three new
generation private sector banks in Punjab. In addition to this the impact of selected
Human Resource Practices has also been studied. A sample of 115 executive employees
from Kotak Mahindra, Yes Bank and Indusind Bank have been surveyed through administered
questionnaire comprising 43 statements with respect to Human resource Practices
and standardized questionnaire comprising 20 statements measurable at 5point likert
scale, w r t Job Satisfaction. Factor Analysis, Descriptive analysis, Correlations
and Multiple Regression Analysis have been used. A positive relationship has been
observed between Human resource Practices and Job satisfaction and Employee benefits
and performance appraisal were found to carry highest impact on the job satisfaction
levels among executive employees in selected new generation private banks.
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Name | : | The Effect of External Motivation and Work Overload on Career Anchor Development |
Author | : | Dr. H. Tezcan Uysal ,Sibel Aydemir |
Abstract | : |
Purpose of this study is to test relationship between career anchor developed by
employees and sense of work spillover, determine effect level of external motivation
and sense of work spillover if there is a statistically significant relation and
offer suggestions that will decrease career anchors of the employees by increasing
their performances in the career occupations. Depending upon this purpose, data
has been obtained from 67 doctors working in university hospital of X Higher Education
Institution by means of survey method. This data has been evaluated by SPSS program
and analyzed using correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, Kruskal-Wallis
H Test and Mann-Whitney U test. In conclusion of the analyses conducted, there is
a significant relation between external motivation factors and career anchor and
there is no statistically significant relation between work spillover and career
anchor. When integrated effect is examined, however, it has been determined that
work spillover has an effect on career anchors in presence of external motivation
factors. It has been determined that 1 unit increase in sense of work spillover
causes 0.398 increase in development of career anchor and 1 unit increase in external
motivation factors causes 0.566 decrease in development of career anchor.
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Name | : | Relativism and Ethical Judgement in the Accounting Profession: A Study with reference to Practicing Chartered Accountants in Karnataka State |
Author | : | VEDAVA P. |
Abstract | : |
The current study has made an earnest attempt to gain an insight into how the ethical
perception, in terms of the ethical judgement, is formed by the (Practising Chartered
Accountants) PCAs of Karnataka from the perspective of one of the normative factors,
viz, relativism. Relativism has its root in utilitarian ethical theory and utilitarian
ethical theories are reductive, since they eliminate what is morally relevant (character)
and they legislate the form of moral reflection (consequences)” .Thus, ethical judgement
can be improved through going beyond merely focussing on ethical principles that
are derived from ethical theories and modifying of current law governing the profession
of accountancy as the current institutional arrangements may be expected to foster
relativism, not idealism. Such an improvement and modification calls for understanding
of ethical perception of a situation.Discharge of professional responsibility with
the intention of satisfying a broader obligation to third parties rather than clients
calls for fairness in the profession of accountancy. What constitutes fairness in
the field of accounting profession? When individual investors and members of society
are not harmed by the behaviour of professional accountants, the profession of accountancy
is said to have fairness. Of course, this calls for the prevention of fraud and
manipulation. While it might be argued that creative accounting is within the law,
it violates ‘the spirit of law’, which is taken to be the ethical demands placed
on any corporation by a society. Thus, fundamental changes in the ethical orientation
and the system of the accountancy profession are the need of the hour.
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Name | : | Measuring Technical Efficiency in Healthcare Service: A Case Study |
Author | : | Vinaytosh Mishra |
Abstract | : |
The triangle of equity, efficiency, and thecost has been the predominant topic of
the discussion among health economists and health policy analysts for decades. The
cost of healthcare is the principle of health equity and obstructs the healthcare
inclusion in developing countries like India, where seventy-five percent of the
population is not covered by any state sponsored health insurance. There have been
efforts for healthcare inclusion in recent years, but it is too little too late.
In case of achronic disease like diabetes, the life time cost of the care is too
high to adhere to the medication regimen. The efficient use of resources can help
making healthcare available at reduced cost. This paper represents efficiency analysis
of a diabetic clinic over the measurement period of three months. We have used Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models as the efficiency measurement tool. The model
uses the average number of physicians and allied health professional as input while
an average number of patient served (with same service level) as output. Theresult
indicates that the efficiency of diabetes clinic is 0.937 and it still has thescope
of improvement. The paper further discusses the reason for thegap and recommends
managerial implication of the analysis.
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Name | : | An Analytical Study of the Awareness and Usage Level of Micro Packs among Indian Consumers |
Author | : | Dr. Preeti Mehra, Dr. Raghbir Singh |
Abstract | : |
This study offers and validates a comprehensive approach to explain thelevel of
awareness and usage of micro packs have been studied and with an objective to identify
the most popular brands, a profile of the most recollected brands has been prepared.
In order to attain these objectives a sample of 500 respondents belonging to three
cities of Punjab; Jalandhar, Amritsar and Ludhiana and Union territory of Chandigarh
was drawn. Judgment sampling was adopted for selecting the respondents. It was however;
found that a majority of respondents were aware of the availability of most brands
of micro packs in different product categories. However, there is a relatively lesser
awareness regarding the availability of micro packs of health care category as compared
to the other product categories. Most of the consumers who are aware of the existence
of micro packs of products were actually using them as well. The analysis has shown
that micro packs of all the products were used more by the respondents of lower
income categories in comparison to the higher income categories.
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Name | : | Effects of External Social Capital on Hospitality Firm’s Performance: The Mediating Role of Competitive Strategies |
Author | : | Seher Konak, Cihan Secilmis |
Abstract | : |
This study investigates the mediating role of competitive strategies on the relationship
between external social capital and firm performance. The data of the study were
obtained through surveys responded by the managers of five-star hotels. 300 valid
questionnaires were considered in the analysis. Firstly, validity and reliability
analyses of the questionnaire were made. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis
was used to test the research hypotheses. The findings indicate that external social
capital has a positive effect on the firm performance. External social capital has
a positive effect on competitive strategies. Furthermore, it was found that competitive
strategies are partially mediated between external social capital and firm performance.
In brief, hotels should not only learn but also implement these strategies to achieve
competitive advantage.
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Name | : | Impact of Demonetization Announcement on Indian Stock Market: An Event Study |
Author | : | Dr. Shilpa Lodha, Ekta Kumawat, Chirag Bapna |
Abstract | : |
Economics is a broad study of the pecuniary conditions of a country and of the effects
of various policy decisions of the government and the central bank. Every trivial
change creates a domino effect, triggering several pros and cons to be discussed
in the subsequent phase. The following event study dwells into the minutiae, interpretation
and conclusions of the recent financial exercise of ‘Demonetization’ on stock market.
This study deals with one of the most important questions that whether or not Indian
stock market overreacted during the stock specific news. The impact of it on sectoral
indices and sectoral growth is moreover an important issue of concern. The study
deals with it by undertaking sample studies of few of the sectors and impact on
them. With a sample period of 81 trading days, 9th November 2016 as the event day
and an event window of 10 prior days from the event day, this study provides a qualified
swot of the situations in a comprehensive manner. The methodology consisted of sample
selection (i.e. Stock market), defining a sample period, defining an event window,
estimation period, expected return hypothesis, AR & CAR and significance testing.
Results concluded that Banks (Public/Private), Financial Services and PSUs yielded
positive returns while a stark difference was seen on sectors like Realty along
with Auto, IT and media. A detailed analysis of the above drawn conclusions will
help us in understanding the effect of this decision in a more actualized and expounding
way. The report duly acknowledges the support of individuals and backup from various
sources (duly mentioned) in felicitating this study.
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Name | : | WTO Compliant Protectionism with Special Reference to China |
Author | : | Ashwani Mahajan, Phool Chand, Harsha Vardhan |
Abstract | : |
There is general narrative that Free Trade is beneficial for one and all. We find
that since 2001 when the tariff liberalization started, trade deficit has been increasing
for most of the countries including India. In India, the said benefits of Free Trade
are not accruing even as number of industries continue to shut down. As a result
of lowering down of tariffs, imports have been increasing. It has been perceived
that protective tariffs cannot be imposed because of our commitments in World Trade
Organisation (WTO). However, we find that other countries have made use of flexibilities
in WTO and have not only made use of non tariff barriers but also of the protective
tariffs to safeguard their respective economies. The present paper seeks to make
an enquiry into the possibility of imposing protective tariffs for guarding the
interests of our economy in general and industry in particular. Given the structure
of our trade with different categories of commodities, we have analysed the effect
of protective tariffs on the imports. Our results show that the increased tariff
in the budget proposals (Union Budget 2018-19) have reduced the imports to the tune
of $4.97 billion, in seven months, which is 7.5% decline, compared to the same period
for previous year. Also, imports from China have decreased by $2.97 billion which
is a 20% decrease compared to the previous year.
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Name | : | Digital Literacy of Faculty & Its Relationship with Teaching Learning: A Study on Student’s Perspective |
Author | : | Sandhya Tewari, Dr. Mahima Birla |
Abstract | : |
The paper explores the influence of faculty’s digital skills on the learning experience
of students. Student’s background and their specialization’s influence the way they
perceive digital literacy of the faculties. Digital literacy of a faculty makes
them more accessible and transparent when it comes to student interactions. The
real-time feedback and ability to respond instantly adds more value to the interactions.
The existing millennial generation of students is more comfortable with digitalization
of teaching and learning and therefore it is critical to update the academic approach
towards higher education. Digitalization has made learning and education globally
accessible anytime anywhere.
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Name | : | Achieving Superior Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations: Pervasive Role of Innovation and Marketing Capabilities |
Author | : | Mohammad Faryabi, Kiomars Nezhadi, Sima Faraji |
Abstract | : |
Organizational improvement methods for success in the market have always been desirable
for researchers and managers of the organizations; in this regard, attitudes to
the capabilities and their impact on the performance of organizations are more important.
Among the capabilities, innovation and marketing capabilities play a vital role
in creating competitive advantage and superior marketing performance. However, little
research has looked at these capabilities and their combined role on the organization's
performance. The preset study provides a more comprehensive look at the relative
contribution of innovation and marketing capabilities, their complementary role,
and marketing support capabilities in organizational performance. With a resource-based
approach on 100 small and medium-sized industrial organization located in the industrialized
cities of the Markazi Province, the research suggests that innovation and marketing
capabilities are positively and significantly related to the organization's performance;
moreover, These capabilities interact with each other to create synergy to achieve
superior organization performance.
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Name | : | Investigating the Relationship between Sales Promotions and Brand Equity Dimensions: A Case Study of an Active Company in the Classic Men's Clothing Field |
Author | : | Siamak Saba |
Abstract | : |
The brand's special value, with the nature of the features and credits that can
increase or decrease the added value created by product or service, is an important
indicator in obtaining feedback from marketing activities on the brand. In this
research, the relationship between precious sales promotion and brand equity dimensions
in the garment industry in the country has been investigated. The present research
is applied in terms of purpose and based on the data gathering method, the research
is descriptive and in terms of data analysis method, it is considered as correlation
and structural equations. The required information was collected using a questionnaire
from 107 samples of the statistical population including all customers of the brand
(male clothing manufacturer) in Tehran and then analyzed using the LISREL software.
The results of this research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship
between sales promotions and brand equity and its four dimensions (perception of
quality, brand image, brand awareness and brand loyalty). The results of this research
can help managers and marketers to make future plans for brand development through
precious tools as brand advertising.
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Name | : | Factors Influencing Consumer Preference for Purchase Intention of Organic Apparel Products – A Structured Review |
Author | : | Prachi Mishra, Dr. G. Devakumar |
Abstract | : |
The aim of this paper was to identify factors influencing green consumer purchase
behaviour for organic apparel products in India. Based on the scholarly journals
from national and international publications, the research gap was recognized. And
scholar has found factors such as Green Trust, Green Motive, Green Perceived Value
and Green Attitude having strong influential capabilities on purchasing preferences
for organic apparel products. It was also noticed that various generation cohorts
as Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z exhibit uniqueness in their consumption pattern for such
products. In addition, consumer’s transition towards organic clothing is on rise
in India recently due to increase in environmental, health and social hazards associated
with conventional apparel products. Conceptual framework for green consumer purchase
behaviour has been developed based on above identified factors by researcher. The
findings of such work will aid retailers, marketers and research community alike
in gaining better insight into green consumers mindset and leverage alignment of
promotional strategies towards organic clothing market growth in India.
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Name | : | Harnessing Social Media in Hospitality Industry |
Author | : | Dr. Pooja.S.Kushwaha, Dr. Romi Sainy |
Abstract | : |
In the era of digital media this is right time for hospitality companies to utilize
the power of social media not only for branding, marketing but also to increase
the customer engagement which improves customer satisfaction and lead generation
and retention. As per records we have more than 2 billion active
users on Facebook from all parts of the globe, with this huge user base of Facebook
there would be incredible benefits can be accrued by the companies that can effectively
use social media. Hospitality industries can utilise social media for conveying
information about their brand, active engagement of customers in the form of reviews
and proactively managing customer grievances by giving immediate response. This
is very much applicable for travel and hospitality companies, as per the inclination
of the people to use social media for researching their vacation destination, sharing
their vacation experience, and reviewing the places they have travelled or stayed.
This paper explains the use of social media by the hospitality industry.
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Name | : | An Effective Information Retrieval Using Video Search Engines |
Author | : | Deepika Sagar, Jwngfu Brahma, Shobha Tyagi |
Abstract | : |
Information retrieval is a field that relates to the way of collecting, managing
and retrieving data using different techniques. In this paper we have discussed
the background activities through which the information is provided to the user
in the form of multimedia content. Effective retrieval of information includes use
of detectors and trackers that tracks the information on the basis of the logs of
the previous searches. A video search engine working depends upon the operations
such as crawling, indexing and finally ranking. Various ranking based criteria are
involved to retrieve the best result to the user from the large quest of data. The
main purpose of the use of various techniques within a search engine is to support
and manage a large number of audio-visual contents. Search engine optimization is
a well practice technique to provide the ranking and assigning the appropriate position
to the sites over a search engine. This paper represents the various works done
by different researchers in the field of information retrieval and the future use
of the video search engines along with the current trends and technologies used
by different video search engines.
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Name | : | Economic Update |
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Name | : | Stats Window |
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