July 2016 |
Name | : | ICT Diffusion and Digital Divide in India: Implications for Economic Policies |
Author | : | Dr. Kawaljeet Kaur ,Jaswinder Singh |
Abstract | : |
ICT revolution, worldwide has changed the way people live, learn, work and interact.
But ICT has also created a new type of divide in the society that is those who have
and those who do not have access and ability to use ICT. This paper investigates
the extent of ICT diffusion in India and evaluates inter-state and rural-urban technology
divide. The rural-urban technology gap has increased twelve times during 2000 to
2012. Rural internet usage was estimated for the first time in 2008 and there is
huge gap between rural and urban internet users' proportions of population. The
paper investigates extent of ICT diffusion and digital divide across the selected
Indian states. Various determinants of digital divide and ICT diffusion including
poverty, education, knowledge divide and electricity consumption have been discussed.
The paper also suggests the policy implications to bridge the gap of digital divide
in India. Keywords: ICT Diffusion, Digital divide, Rural-urban technology
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Name | : | Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A Case Study of FMCG Sector in India |
Author | : | Prof. S.M.Imamul Haque , Mohd Atif Afzal |
Abstract | : |
Working capital management is considered to play a vital role in financial management
decision as it affects both liquidity and profitability of the firm. The aim of
this paper is to analyse the different components of cash conversion cycle (CCC)
and its impact on the profitability of the firm in terms of return on assets (ROA).
The three variables of cash conversion cycle (CCC) considered in the study are inventory
conversion period (ICP), receivables collection period (RCP) and creditors payment
period (CPP). The data has been analyzed with the help of panel data regression,
fixed effect LSDV model and Hausman test. The result revealed that there has been
a significant impact of inventory conversion period on the profitability of the
firms for the period under study which demonstrates that the firms efficiency is
directly related to the proper management of working capital. Keywords: Working
capital management, Cash conversion cycle, FMCG companies.
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Name | : | Impact of Risk Perception on Investors towards their Investment in Mutual Fund |
Authorhor | : | Sujit Deb, Dr. Ranjit Singh |
Abstract | : |
Risk is an inherent feature of all types of financial investments. The concept 'risk
perception' means the way in which investors view the risk of financial assets,
based on their concerns and experience. The risk perception of investors is an important
factor that influences the investment behaviour. In the present paper, impact of
risk perception of the bank employees in Tripura on their investment behaviour in
mutual funds is analyzed. It is found that overall level of risk perception of bank
employees in Tripura towards mutual fund is of moderate level. It is also found
that risk perception and volume of investment in mutual fund is inversely related.
Keywords: Bank employees, Risk Perception, Investment behaviour.
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Name | : | Demographic Characteristics of Consumer's on Selected Brands of Toothpaste |
Author | : | Dr. Saumendra Das ,Prof. P. K Padhy |
Abstract | : |
Consumer decision-making process varies with the type of buying decision. There
are great differences between buying toothpaste, a tennis racket, a personal computer
and a new car. Complex and expensive purchases are likely to involve more buyer
deliberation and more participants. Usually evaluating consumer behavior goes far
from advertising and marketing concepts to connect consumers and understanding their
behaviors, motivations and sincere needs. Further consumer behavior is individually
influenced by physical and social environment where one has to assume his or her
perception on product, brand, service, or company. They may purchase as a result
of their moods and their ambiance. Often consumers feel secure when they feel that
products that are satisfying their needs surround to society and environment where
one lives and communicates easily with its demographic factors. The purpose of this
study is to understand the demographic behavior of consumers on selected brands
of toothpaste. In this study the researchers selected 485 respondents from Berhampur,
Odisha and adopted descriptive research design. The primary data collected through
structured questionnaire and secondary data collected through website, journal,
magazine etc. Analysis of variance test was applied to find the association between
toothpaste buying behavior and demographic factors. The results will prove that
age, gender, educational qualification, marital status, number of years married,
age group of children, family type, and family size influencing the consumer for
buying selected brands of toothpaste. Keywords: Consumer behavior, consumer buying
behavior, Toothpaste buying, Perceptions, Decision Making
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Name | : | A Study on the Attitude of Indian Entrepreneurs towards Global Franchise Business in India |
Author | : | Narayana Maharana |
Abstract | : |
Franchising has the capability to thrive wherever an open business market exists;
no matter it is India or any other country across the globe. With a growing population
of more than one billion and a rapidly growing middle class and upper middle class
with a muchheralded entrepreneurial streak, India has attained the potential of
probusiness attitude. At the same time Indian government is clearly working towards
creating & fostering an open and profitable business environment for the citizens
and corporate houses. If we consider all the above three favourable factors together
we can say that India is an ultimate destination for the success and growth of franchise.
However, foreign franchises that choose India to operate have to be very flexible
in order to overcome various cultural differences and diversity in lifestyle of
people which varies from state to state. The study addresses the attitude of Indian
entrepreneurs towards issues associated with the global franchise business and its
format of operation in Indian context keeping the risk associated, market condition
and the rate of success in mind. Key words: Foreign Franchises, Entrepreneurship,
Pro-Business, Cultural Differences
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Name | : | A Study of the Effect of Barriers in the Implementation of IT Based Services in the Management of Professional Educational Institutions |
Author | : | Dr. (Mrs.) Sona Kanungo |
Abstract | : |
Educational institutions need to use IT based solutions for improving academic performance
and satisfy the growing expectations of students. However, there a number of problems
in the implementation of IT based services in the educational institutions. In this
paper we have identified various barriers or obstacles and studied their effect
of in the implementation various IT based services in the professional education
institutes of Indore. Keywords: IT based Services, e-Learning, Student Support,
Placement Teaching- Learning, Class Management
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Name | : | Green Consumerism: A Review of Extant Literature |
Author | : | Mohd Danish Kirmani,Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan |
Abstract | : |
The main aim of the study was to explore the characteristics of the research on
green consumerism and to prepare future research agenda. A total of two hundred
research papers relevant to the study were accessed using appropriate keywords from
various sources. Only seventy papers were found relevant to objectives of this study.
Among the research papers, most of the studies were based on USA consumers with
students as respondents. The findings of the present study showed that the most
used statistical techniques were Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling.
Based on the findings of the present study, several environmental and non-environmental
predictors of green consumerism have been identified. The present study has also
provided directions for future research on green consumerism.
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Name | : | Measurements of Children Buying Roles in Family Decision-making Process for Consumer Durables |
Author | : | Akhter Ali, Ahmed Tauqeer Zahid |
Abstract | : |
This article examines children's participation and their involvement in five different
buying roles (as defined by Philip Kotler, viz, initiator, influencer, decider,
buyer and user) in the family decision making process while purchasing 6 different
consumer durable products. A survey was carried out on 727 families on all the children
between the age group of 6-14 years. Based on the survey, findings indicate that
children exercise all the roles, particularly for the products relevant to them
(like mobile phone, DVD players and computer/laptop for personal use). Children
also participate in purchase of other products meant for other family use especially
during initiation, influence and decision making stages. Hence the study outcomes
have implications on managerial decision-making as it helps marketers to take in
to account children's high preference for the purchase of different consumer durable
products when devising an appropriate targeted marketing strategy in order to increase
their involvement.
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Name | : | Dereservation of Items affects MSME in India |
Author | : | Priti Goswami , Prof Yashwant Singh Thakur |
Abstract | : |
After MSME Act 2006 India has improved itself in employment, production and export.
This Act provide the concept of enterprise micro, small and medium enterprises in
manufacturing and service sector which are the strong pillar of India's economic
development. It helps in economic development of the country by generating employment,
contributing domestic production and increase in foreign earning. In India as compared
to overall industrial sector MSME sector has consistently registered higher growth
rate. In India MSMEs constitute more than 90% of the total industrial enterprises.
Reservation and dereservation of items has been done from time to time. The Ministry
of MSME provide scheme and programme to MSME.Objective of this study was to study
the affect of dereservation of reserved items on MSMEs in India. This paper also
analyzes the investment limit criteria of MSME of manufacturing sector. From the
study it was found that MSME contributes maximum to India's growth but government
of India has dereserved 20 items which will affect the manufacturing sector the
most.Dereservation have positive and negative affect on MSME and on economic growth
of the country.Dereservation will benefit the large business houses and will harm
the micro enterprises in India. This study concludes that government of India should
not have dereserved the last 20 items which are reserved for manufacturing of MSEs.
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Name | : | A Demographic Study of HRD Climate in IT Companies |
Author | : | Dr. Harish Shukla , Ravi Parmar |
Abstract | : |
Effective employee is a combination of personality, natural capabilities, developed
skills, experience and learning. The process of enhancing an employee's present
and future effectiveness is development. IT industry is one of the most challenging
industries for employees to work and survive due to fast coming changes and challenges.
Employees have danger of being obsolete. They have to continually involve in learning
and developing their competencies, skills, knowledge, ability etc. This is equally
challenging for the companies too as they face challenges of competition from abroad
(from China, Philippines), high attrition rate, shortage of quality and employable
talent, rising cost, management, customer service, security, inflation, introducing
better software, services in the market. Here comes the role of an organisation
to provide healthy HRD climate so that employees can produce the best output. The
purpose of this research paper is to study the present HRD climate prevailing in
IT companies. This study is done on the basis of certain demographic details of
the employees. The demographic details used in the study are gender, education,
designation, experience, age, income. The results indicate that the most of the
employees perceive the HRD climate of their companies satisfactorily.
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Name | : | Inter-Linkage of Indian Stock Market with Foreign Economies: An Illusion or not? |
Author | : | Dr. Nisha Jindal, Prof. Ravinder Vinayek, Dr. Ravi Kumar Gupta |
Abstract | : |
Stock market is the nerve of any country which explains the economic health of that
country. Now a days, the interdependence of stock markets has so extreme that the
happenings of any event in any country has its immediate effect on another. Emerging
economies have a greater impact of external events as compared to developed economies,
due to certain factors like psychology of investors, risk patterns, portfolio management
etc. But the question arises whether the impact of developed economies is enhancing
with the passage of time or it is on lower side. So, the present paper is an attempt
to see the how the emerging economies and devloped economies are itegrated with
each other. The emerging economies selected for this purpose were Brazil, South
Korea, India and China. The developed economies selected for this purpose were Australia,
Germany, USA, UK, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore. The indices under study were SENSEX,
return was used for the sample period from January 2003 to July 2014. EVIEWS 5 software
was used to analyze the data. The statistical tools used for the study were Correlation
Test, and Granger Causality Test. Emerging economies Brazil, South Korea and most
of developed economies have an impact on Indian stock market but it has less impact
on these markets. After sub-prime mortgage crisis, this linkage between foreign
economies has improved and enhanced. It was found that the stock markets of Hong
Kong, Indonesia and Malaysia have a long term significant relationship with USA
and Philippines is linked to both markets USA and Japan. There are different reasons
which are contributing towards low involvement of stock markets of foreign economies
with Indian stock market. After liberalization, foreign capital was invited into
different sectors resulted into market integration. But, even after this, lots of
hurdles during investment in the stock market. Individual investors can not invest
in the foreign markets. Some domestic corporate can raise funds through ADRs/GDRs
in the foreign market. In the nutshell, with the growth of technical facilities
in the capital market and removal of investment barriers, the integration of Indian
stock market along with international stock markets will increase in future.
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Name | : | An Analysis of Bilateral Trade between India and UAE |
Author | : | Dr. K.A. Goyal , Mr. Abdul Vajid |
Abstract | : |
One of the distinctive features of the modern world is the rapid expansion of economic,
scientific, technological and cultural ties among nations. Trade is an important
and integral part of relations between different nations. Trade ties between India
and UAE are deep rooted. In recent years India-UAE bilateral trade has grown enormously.
The relationship between these two countries has evolved into a strong partnership
in the economic sphere, with UAE emerging as the second largest market worldwide
for Indian Goods. Indians have also emerged as important investors in the UAE, and
India as an important export destination for the UAE manufactured goods. The trade
between India and United Arab Emirates has now reached close to 60 billion in 2014-15.
This paper is an attempt to analyze the trends of India's Trade with UAE. It focuses
mainly on the volume and composition of trade between these two countries. The Last
five years (2010-11 to 2014-15) data on Indo-UAE Trade has been examined in this
paper. The work is basically of analytical nature and hence the study is primarily
based on secondary data. JEL Classification: F10, F13
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Name | : | Urbanization Challenges in East Asia |
Author | : | Ratana Palasak ,John Walsh |
Abstract | : |
This paper addresses the issues surrounding urbanization in the East Asian region.
The paper begins by considering the reasons for urbanization and, therefore, the
nature and shape of that urbanization. It then goes on to consider the various impacts
of the phenomenon as they have affected social and workplace relations, as a result
of changes in lifestyles and environment. This leads to the consideration of the
agglomeration effects of urbanization and the possibilities and prospects for networked
cities in the region. It is concluded that numerous structural and systemic changes
must be made by nearly every state in the region before the benefits of networked
and smart cities can be harvested.
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Name | : | Rising Horizons of Rural Marketing in India. |
Author | : | Prof. (Dr.) Priyanka Gite , Nidhi Taneja |
Abstract | : |
Indian economy is basically a rural economy. Here almost 68% of the population resides
in rural areas. As such it provides immense opportunities for the organizations
to increase their customer base. Though rural people have relatively low disposable
income as well as consumption rate compared to their urban counterparts, yet they
have aspirations and wants for most of the urban products. The factors that have
contributed to the rising aspirations and demands among rural buyers are increase
in literacy levels, urban migration, developed media and telecommunication network,
availability of credit and micro financing schemes, rising globalization, cheaper
technology products (such as television, mobile, camera, etc.), government sponsored
employment generating schemes such as MGNREGA, tax concessions and loan waivers
etc. Rural population has become more informed and conscious about the quality,
price and availability of the products. Rural Marketing involves assessing, stimulating
and converting the purchasing power of rural consumers into effective demand for
specific products and services to create satisfaction and a better standard of living
for achieving organizational goals. Various companies have started following the
strategies to enter rural market. This paper explores the Indian rural market scenario;
opportunities available to marketers who are willing to enter these markets and
also the challenges ahead. The paper also discusses various strategies to enter
rural markets and cites some examples of corporates who have taken good initiatives
to tap potential market and have succeeded.
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Name | : | Hotel Amardeep Palace: Standing on the Runway |
Author | : | Dr. Manisha Singhai,Prof. Raksha Thakur, Prof. Arun Saxena, Dr. Manjari Gupta |
Abstract | : |
This case was about a hotel which was offering various services to the customers
like room bookings, restaurant, swimming pool and bar. It was also offering other
services such as booking for parties and packed lunch for the customers. The hotel
was started in the year 2013 by Shakti Sharma who was earlier managing his family
business of construction successfully. The hotel was having some unique features
like roof-top swimming pool and separate smoking zone in the restaurant. Prior to
this hotel he also started a restaurant in outer skirts of the city having posh
localities nearby. The case is focusing on challenges faced by the hotel regarding
marketing and promotion of the hotel, business expansion, resource management and
operational difficulties after the inception. The name of the hotel and their officials
has been disguised so as to avoid any conflic
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Name | : | Corporate Snapshot: INDIA |
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Name | : | Editorial |
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Name | : | STATS WINDOW |
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